So true

So true...

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Other urls found in this thread:

So irrelevant...

>Immigration quotas should be based on how much the host country ruined other countries
So Israel becomes a singularity that takes 100% of immigrants forever?

By this logic we should exterminate and colonize 3rd world dumps again

Hence americans being wiped out. You are third worlders in denial. I stand proudly withy brown brethren.

So you admit immigration is a punishment?

So they openly admit that they are ruining the countries they invade, just like they claim was done to them.

Check out Alt Hype's - I mean The People's Veto - video on India. The country was literally dogshit from the time they kicked out the Aryans until the British arrived.

poo in the loo

If immigrants are so good for the economy, then countries who were mean to brown people should be punished by getting zero

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Kek watch the racist fucks on here have a brain short circuit. It's the same thing they try to achieve with their gay posters lmfao. Chinese guy here and I'm fucking disgusted at this site holy shit man.

By that logic Finland should take 0 immigrants.

>culturally uplift the entire world
>get told you ruined countries
K brown people, you can take care of yourselves from now on.

The west drew their borders as well as ours. all borders and nations are the result of the European system. Before borders they just had tribes and in many places that is still the case. Borders and Nations mean nothing to them tribe is the only thing that matters.

because might makes right, now give me a 2kg mallet, I have some craniums to destroy

But colonialism was a good thing. You should be paying us for dragging your shit hole out the stone age.

One day every Pajeet in Canada, Australia and the US will be sent home, it doens't amtter if they get citizenship and have kids here - ALL BACK.

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So that means Romania = 0%.

You mean lay with six feet under.

>So you admit immigration is a punishment?
The Koran says it is one honorable way to conquer an enemy that is too strong to kill with war. The Koran is pretty warlike and full of commands to kill infidels, apostates, and those who oppose Islam. It also has a lot of advice on how to do things so in another sense it is an "institutional memory" of old time techniques that worked way back in history. Apparently, those methods still work because nations are nations with borders to be overcome and people are still people with frailties and weaknesses which provide key advantages to use against them and their nations.

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You misspelled the United States.

in that case Africa should be open season

Pick which device you want to post from samepoo

Yes, all those countries invaded by Sweden...

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Suketu Mehta is another ungrateful immigrant along the lines of Omar.

>By that logic Finland should take 0
Suketu Mehta is a professor at New York University in new york, USA. He is highly outspoken about how "your land" belongs to everyone else due to the harm you have caused elsewhere. His statement of "Immigration quotas should be based on how much the host country has ruined other countries" is a non-sequitur since it is an infinite penalty as well as not allowing for negative cases. For example, a country can help another country while doing harm to it. Harm is putting companies out of business due to inability to compete which is what he includes in the book. That is quite unfair since that is capitalism, but if an Indian company partially owned by Brits puts another Indian company partially owned by Brits out of business, he counts it as harm for all the Indian investors in that company that failed. He counts both economic and land allocation harms. Sure, there are land allocation harms as he consider all the land taken away by muslim violence to be blamed upon the West instead of upon the muslims.

His most famous book has him stating that immigrants are Creditors seeking re-payment (Reparations) for the harm done to them by the Wst. So they are Entitled to immigrate to the West because you owe them.

You should be aware that if you try to debate against him, he is good at twisting words and you'll be declared a racist. He'll also beat you on the head that he was a 2005 Pulitzer Prize candidate. He's been caught before in contradictions and retreats with claims that he is just an uppity immigrant disturbed at how racist people are in the USA. He gets "Fail" marks from me for logical debate since he uses emotional logic as justification of facts.

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Correction, it's western politicians
I never voted to bomb middle east into oblivion

Isn't it reportable when a poo shits up the board with spam...?

Is it literally the only country so disgusting that we don’t even want their poo covered resources. Poo covered gold? No thanks we’ll get it from down south. Poo covered Iron? No thanks we’ll get it from the Aussies or Chinks. Poo covered food? No thanks we’d rather buy it from Africa and China. Poo covered oil? No thanks we’d rather get it from the Jews and Mussies. Poo covered diamonds? No thanks we’d rather get them from the Africans and Ruskies. Poo covered clothing? No thanks we’d rather get them from Europe and Bangladesh. Poo covered IT workers? Only if they stay in call centers over there, no additional H1 Visas.

You are literally the only country that we don’t violate the borders of.

>apologizing for winning
Sucks to suck, Chief Squats-And-Leaves-Them. Talk down to me sometime when you darkies can win a land grab without some faggy pretense

So spammed

Traitors get the rope first my sheep fucking cousin.

Suketa Mehta QUOTE::

"""I’ve been told to “go back” ever since 1977, when I enrolled in an extravagantly racist all-boys Catholic school in Queens, N.Y. — birthplace of President Trump, who recently became the biggest, loudest mouthpiece for this line of rhetoric when he tweeted that four congresswomen of color should “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” The idea is: White Americans get to decide who is allowed to come in and what rules we are to follow. If you come here, don’t complain. Be grateful we took you in. “Go back” is a line that’s intended to put immigrants in our place — or rather, to remind us that our place in this country is contingent, that we are beholden to those who came here earlier.

"""To this I say: No, we are not. I take my place in America — an imperfect place — and I make it my own; there’s a Constitution that protects my right to do so. I will not genuflect at the white American altar. I will not bow and scrape before my supposed benefactors. I understand the soul of this nation just as well, if not better, than they do: a country that stole the futures of the people who are now arriving at its borders, a cacophonous country, an exceptional country, but one that seems determined to continually sabotage its journey towards a more perfect union. Nobody powerful ever gave the powerless anything just because they asked politely, and immigrants don’t come hat-in-hand. I am an uppity immigrant. I am entitled to be here. Deal with it."""

His writings are hard to read because it's so incredibly hateful and militant in its ingratitude. He claims no gratitude is needed by immigrants because they are owed. The reasons he gives are fairly socialist in nature. Strangely enough, Mehta doesn't blame his native India or "socialist" China for causing any harm to others.

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Then I guess we should just go to war then. Sounds good to me

Just an extension of the insane ramblings of that Marxist nigger Frantz Fanon and those two Marxist Jews Baran and Wallerstein.
For my fellow Anons who are unfamiliar with these shitbags, allow me to help you:
>The prosperity of the West is built on ruthless exploitation of the Third World; therefore Westerners actually deserve to be impoverished and miserable. - from Baran-Wallerstein's "World System Thesis".
>For a virtuous person, violence and war are never justified. It is always better to be a victim than to fight, or even to defend oneself. But ‘oppressed’ people are allowed to use violence anyway; they are merely reflecting the evil of their oppressors.
>When confronted with terror, the only moral course for a Westerner is to apologize for past sins, understand the terrorist’s point of view, and make concessions. - Franz Fanon

So you see Anons - using the above as a template, the envious, spiteful, low-IQ Shitholers of the world are completely justified in invading our countries because of the things Evil White Man, Inc did before to them.
Of course, they would have to give up all pretenses at "Diversity is a strength" and other horse shit bumper-sticker platitudes.
Which is pretty much what the asshole who wrote that article did - yes, this is how they really think.
They are absolutely an existential threat to us.



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So you are admitting that immigration is the equivalent of military invasion? Fantastic.
>rev up the tank engines, we’re going to the border

Why should we not invade muslim countries and wreck them, they did the same to us?

What borders?

niggers in africa didn't even know what borders or a nation were


It's irrelevant what this man thinks. Every nation on earth has in some way, stepped on another nation to grow.

From Here:

> He decided to move to America. Not for its freedom or its way of life; he moved there to make more money.

He's just a sellout, and riding the social conflict tsunami for profit. Kids and naive adults say/do a lot of ridiculous things when we are young, and this guy basically internalized it all and is pressing it outwardly for vindication. It's the style now to be hypersensitive about trivialities that didn't matter then, and don't matter now.

Recommendations as an American: Be polite, show kindness and generosity as you would to any other citizen, but keep your guard up by doing having good business practice. We have laws here that are mostly blind, and that gives us the ability to see who is honorable, and who is not. Time will tell all.