Imagine being such a piece of shit that you act against a supreme court ruling, and also betray your students in the process
A job well done by people in this school board, I'm glad that great americans still exist
Imagine being such a piece of shit that you act against a supreme court ruling, and also betray your students in the process
A job well done by people in this school board, I'm glad that great americans still exist
Illegal immigrants should not be attending public schools. They are not entitled to services designed for US citizens. Those are paid for by American taxpayers.
You and your people should stay in your own God damned country. It's not our problem you can't take care of yourselves. Grow up.
Haha damn. In cali its like this, so many illegals that they let a Baptism be a record for the school rather than a birth certificate
Based white women.
Racists shouldn't even be teaching, to begin with, so this situatioun wouldn't have existed in. The first place
Also, see
>Yes. The Court reasoned that illegal aliens and their children, though not citizens of the United States or Texas, are people "in any ordinary sense of the term" and, therefore, are afforded Fourteenth Amendment protections. Since the state law severely disadvantaged the children of illegal aliens, by denying them the right to an education, and because Texas could not prove that the regulation was needed to serve a "compelling state interest," the Court struck down the law.
Another racist piece of shit (you) BTFO
Lol so butthurt about americans standing up against hate
>be law abiding citizen
>rightfully point out the law breakers
>get fired
The US can't die fast enough.
How the fuck did illegals get into a school?
based texan doing her patriotic duty to ensure only legal citizens access services paid for by tax payers whilst protecting native children from gang culture
Not the first time education board in TX has been questionable, pic related
This isnt racism no one would give a shit if the illegals were poles or chinks.
>I'm glad that great americans still exist
>Says the Mexican
boomer tried to redeem itself
and yes, boomers are "it"s
>((("supreme court"))) ((("ruling")))
anyways she's a patriot and texas is a shithole
How is it racist to deport illegal immigrants? Stop breaking the fucking law.
>no one would give a shit if the illegals were poles or chinks.
Yeah I'm sure of that, racists have never been seen complaining about chinks or poles, after all, it's all an illusion, including all those daily chink / pole hate threads on Jow Forums made by Canadians and americans /s
Also you forgot to remove your communist flag from the other thread where you were false flag shilling as a commie, shill
Pretty sure OP is larping, but I always wonder what the spic going to do once America crash and burn because of spic, jew, and niggers? Will it be Canada? Pretty sure once the west falls, China will have free reign to kill niggers and spic.
Based Teacher! Not racist just a nationalist wanting to see her national students succeed. To bad the leaches have suckled up the the tit of America.
>tried to contact Trump
3 years in to Trump's presidency imagine thinking that Trump gives a shit about deporting illegals, let alone remembers even half the promises of candidate Trump
Due process and 14th amendment jewry.
The only way to fix it is to repeal the 14th, which is very difficult in civnat era.
Doe she have a go fund me page.
I'll donate if she keeps reporting them
I'm going to go watch Rambo blow away nasty spics right atm Jose
How the fuck can an illigal attent school?
>how is she a racist hurrr durr I'm just a dumb white nationalist doing my duty to protect other racists hurrr durrrrr
>In November 2013, Clark was accused of calling a group of Hispanic students “Little Mexico.” She also reportedly called a Caucasian student “white bread,” and separated the class by race, according to the reports.
>“The Mexicans on one side and the white and black people on another side,” one student told the district’s Office of Professional Standards in 2013. “She had told the Mexicans that (they’re) Mexico and that the white and blacks are America.”
>Clark came under district scrutiny again last week when a Twitter account using her name circulated a series of tweets that asked Trump to crack down on immigration at Carter-Riverside High School.
This racist piece of shit had a long history of being racist in her classroom, but here we have a dozen of white supremacist niggers arguing that she isn't actually racist, lol
Because America is run by Jews.
haha your country is such a fucking shit hole that you would rather move to a country that doesnt want you than stay where your people are in control.
Then to add insult to injury, you call the people whos country you fled to racist for not welcoming you and actively try to make their country like the shit hole you just left.
Is OP jew, black or brown?
College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)
Just look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.
Wait how did they even find out she tried to call Trump?
the fuck does "due process" have to do with anything? they dont give a fuck about "due process" when it comes to the NDAA and red flag laws and the loteral assassinations they carry out on white american citizens on american soil
Who the fuck do you think you are wetback? You have zero right to our services.
Imagine being a 3rd world beaner
the future of western civilization is on the line
so wake the fuck up
>illegal immigrants shouldn't be consuming taxpayer resources (school, hospitals, jails, etc)
>mexiflag ignores and gets triggered about muh racism
Tell you what, how about you give random taxpyers in the US a bunch of free shit funded by your government and we'll call it even.
Fuck off. You’re the racist one you beaner. No other country would educate Americans on their dime. Why can’t you spics grow up and learn to do things for yourself?
What if we just started sterilizing illegal immigrants wherever and whenever we caught them?
>Oops, you got caught. Snip snip and back to Meheeko you go!
Why are people replying to this spic?
You obviously know nothing about the history of immigrants in this country. They should just be glad they’re not Irish.
This is why the US loses.
Her students are probably the biggest unruly pieces of shit
>question: Why are Mexican nationals entitled to US services?
>answer: racist racist racist racist
The absolute state of Mexipol
it's "racist" when a white person does what your dumbass spic asses already do yourselves, you're only loyal to mexico and your shitty subhuman subpeople, not america nor the american people, just like the zog itself!
keep celebrating while you can, the free ride ain't gonna last forever and the retribution will be total
>Wait how did they even find out she tried to call Trump?
White supremacists are so dumb they believe tweets are private communication
Over 10% of Mexico's population is in the USA. What other country has taken in 10% of another country and liked the cost ?
>What if we just started sterilizing illegal immigrants wherever and whenever we caught them?
only israel is allowed to do that, all white countries must be destroyed
Texas is the cuckservative homeland.
Genocidal rampage in Minecraft is the only option left.
>this much butthurt & denial
The law and the sequence of events that transpired say otherwise, racist pos.
Imagine being a brown nigger illegally invading a country.
Leftover rape babies bastards of spanish conquest deserve nothing but a mouth full of sand and a chainsaw to the neck for not paying protection money to the other leftover rape baby bastards
Remember (((they))) are shipping those skitskins in for a reason!
Thank God there's someone like her they aren't citizens there invaders and need to leave.
They should be deported. Along with their mom, dad, uncles, cousins, uncle's cousins etc.
>using weaponized indoctrination term, being a jew lackey reinforcing it through repetition
jews live rent free in your mind.
Impotent rage shitposting in its full glory
illegal invaders?
Mexicans are related to Asians meaning you have tiny penises.
Admins in public (and charter) school in Texas actively falsify records openly to protect illegals. Ask me both how I know that and why i am not a teacher anymore.
It's the same answer to both questions.
based teacher
i dont support it at all but she's stupid and super-ok with her hate
There were probably some young shitheads shitting up the classroom because they are going to be in the cartel until they die they don't need school esse, they're only in school because the popo gets on their case when they don't go
non-white boys shouldn't be forced to go to school
This should be done. They should just be shot. I’m so fucking sick of this shit. We don’t owe anyone anything. How long are people willing to be fleeced like this?
Problem is, you nigger, that literally everyone is racist.. some people are just in denial about it
One judge ruled that Mexicans born here are in our jurisdiction, making them citizens. The law was never applied that way before that ruling. That single ruling fucked the entire continent.
Why is it racist to want strong borders? We’re fine with immigrants if they actually follow the law, but we are rightfully pissed at illegal aliens jumping the line.
Uhhhh... you are going to be disappointed by the message of the movie I bet.
Spotted the afro-american.
Feed yourselves you fucking loser. Why are spics so incompetent that you have to parasitize white people??
(Stallone is a Jew)
>call somebody a "racist" followed immediately by a racist slur
How utterly ignorant and downright fucking stupid are you? Christ
pool's closed.
This, public schools are tax payer funded and should not waste resources on illegal immigrants.
World's largest dick is white
>denying absolute truth
I know you're inferior by every metric but come on juan, dios mio
kys raza,illegal inmigrants should be deported because they are ILLEGALLY living in the U.S.
Go fuck yourself. I give zero shits. I want illegal kids fucking gone. I want the resources for us. There’s nothing wrong with that. Go educate yourself.
This situation shouldnt exist in the first place because illegal immigrants shouldnt be attending tax payer funded institutions by any means. They SHOULD be deported.
I know buddy, they are a disgusting group of traitors always!
Why is this so hard to understand? These people know what they are doing. They are literally stealing from us.
Doesn’t matter, you are still a shitskin!
Texas is fucked. They’ll never pass Constitutional Carry here, illegals are protected like they’re an endangered species, and they’ve been sucking Jew cock with that loyalty to Israel oath you have to make to work for or do business with the state.
They show up!
The smugness of beaners, paired with the simultaneous demand to be taken care of like pets, is cringe.
You fucking spics throw rocks at Guatemalans for fun yet are calling people racist?
How are illegals protects under one amendment but not others such as the 2
>spic breaks multiple laws
>point it out to the authorities
>get fucked
Just stay on your side of the border, Paco.
I forgot Texas is a spic conquered area already no wonder this bullshit happened.
It is our problem actually, they are too dangerous for our future and it is up to us to force our government to declare total war and annihilate their sad excuse for a nation once and for all. Push them all down to Guatemala and turn the entirety of Mexico into a minefield.
based we need more people like this. I've already called ice on more than 20 occasions already kek
>some mexicans are also racist, therefore you can't complain about racists
Imagine being this much of a braindead shill
>y-you shut up! I can be as fucking stupid as I want!
Ok buddy nobody is stopping you. I'm just pointing out how fucking retarded you are, as is extremely evident by the way your write. You invalidated any argument you're trying to make, just want to let you know that. Boomer NPC confirmed. I bet you're the type of retard who calls refugees "illegals" too. Maybe kill yourself so your Gene's never get passed on and our race becomes more collectively stupid as a consequence? That'd be great.
What still baffles me about Mexicans living in the US is the complete and utter shamelessness with which they leech off of better nations and more successful people. The sheer smugness with which they willingly and gleefully rob this nation of its resources seems impossible, even for a race whose identify is predicated on thievery and laziness.
No white man could have such a complete lack of self respect to act the way Mexicans do.
This is what happens when traitors run your country and you can't help but stand by and watch. I feel deeply sorry for this lady. She did the right thing.