Trudeau just announced a ban on military-style assault rifles in Canada

and a buyback program for military-grade weapons that were legally purchased

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Don't follow it. Simple as.

But black face is still legal right?

good. you dont need them

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What military grade assault rifles can Canadians currently purchase?

you mean cultural appropriation makeup


good, Confiscate guns and then unleash maple-wing death squads upon hwytes and establishe state-enforced true diversity (elimination of white breads).

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When will we liberate Quebec from the canadien government?

AR-15 banned and confiscated just like NZ. Granting municipalities the ability to ban handguns.

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Leafs need to "lose" their guns in boating accidents or have them "stolen". It's as simple as that.

It's so funny these people think the solution to blacks importing illegal guns from the USA and killing each other in the streets of Toronto is to seize guns from law abiding citizens.

Don't even do that. Just collectively refuse to hand them in. Simply refuse to follow unjust laws.

There will be good money in running guns up to Canada again

The Canadian people are being oppressed and having their God given freedoms taken from them. This is a valid casual belli for an American annexation of the Canadian territories

He wants to allow cities to ban guns.
That's like people doing a hundred in a fifty zone and trying to solve that by changing the sign to forty. It only affects law abiding citizens.

The issue with this approach might be that the government might decided to go ahead and pick off those folks refusing to hand in their guns one by one. While pulling a last stand kind of action on a police tactical team would be quite an honourable thing to do, it'd probably also result in the person being killed. Not that dying whilst resisting ZOG would be a bad thing, but removing oneself from the struggle against the international Jewry might not be the best outcome, from a pragmatic point of view.

Something you want to tell us user?

Then it's death by erosion.

this is only if liberals win the next election, which is in october.

Not that Sheer (the conservative) is good but at least I get to keep my guns

The correct thing to do would be to hold the city police station hostage, effectively imprisoning the police. It's happened to court houses in America as well with good results.

Today might turn out differently, but they should take the police station hostage. That's the first step. Flood the outside with armed citizens, and make sure no one comes in or out.

and the "assault weapons" part is retarded, this basically means Ar15s and anything that looks scary, which are never used in crimes over here

It is also absolutely certain that the police will not have the resources to deal with 20 angry armed citizens, let alone 1500.

based photo of british army guards regiment
just came to say that

The Canadian government in the last hundred years has:
>stolen the children from natives and put them into residential schools and destroyed their culture and will
>Arrested political dissidents at their whim
>rounded up the Japanese and put them in concentration camps furring ww2, seizing their property without compensation
>the leading voice behind the de-legitimizing of the south african government on the world stage and supporting the communist black identitarians leading to a government that has party's openly calling for genocide of white citizens
This is just what i can think of off the top of my head, if these pieces of shit pushing for disarmament think they are in any position based off some sort of moral high ground they can go fuck themselves. With friends like these who needs enemies

>While pulling a last stand kind of action on a police tactical team
That's not how they proceed

t. someone with experience

>implying anyone wants to stop blacks from killing each other

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I don't know what "military-grade" is supposed to mean. Assault rifles have been prohibited forever. He's using scary words to make sure the boomers and sheep fall in line.

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Nobody uses ARs in crime here in US either. Less than 1%. Clinton ban on them had no appreciable effect on gun violence.

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Ignore it.

Dis nigga ain't playing

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But like, what does that mean? I'm not aware of any military that uses the ar-15, for example.

Repeat after me

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Well, being that Justin is clearly a racist, what he likely means by "military-grade" is any rifle which is black and scary looking.

Hello, LARPer.

Hes going to send cops door to door to collect? No way. People will be killed.

Lol what is the rcmp so afraid of

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>that were legally purchased
Illegally purchased guns are exempt? Great!

Daily reminder for everyone on the planet: buying traceable guns legally is literal cuckoldry. Support your local arms trafficker and buy illegally. Fuck the law, fuck the tyrants that create them, and fuck the boots on the ground that enforce them.

There are millions of gun owners, if they tried doing it one by one they'd be doing ops for hundreds of years. And eventually people get wise and start shooting at feds and their families. Well in Canada people will prob pussy out, but the burgers wont.

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only the governement could actually lose money from selling weed

American boomers will role right over when daddy ZOG tells them to hand in their guns.

Copy all and B-Z, bubba!
I prefer to roll my own, too.

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He's going for a coup during the election isn't he? Ban and confiscate all guns. Then stay in office and put the military outside.

I watched it
he said the "conservatives" were going to get rid of background checks and allow large capacity magazines.
we have no constitutional right to bear arms or military weapons.
the cons have lost it


how could anyone look at what has happened anywhere crazies are allowed have guns and say we should do that unless he was bought by a gun lobby?

Shut up goy anf buy my shiny

When is it time to beat leftists to death for being in public?

No guns needed, a stout metal bar or a club is fine.

what is the single biggest think you could do for a potential terrorist or crazy?

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Hello Canadian government, you are all going to die and we will hunt your kin to the ends of the earth for siding with the lizards.

Boomers are going to die in this war from lack of medical care.

I sure hope so.

The boomers I know are starting to realize they might actually be in that position at some point now. The best thing that has happened the last few years is the left have stopped pretending. IDK how many will stand up to the Feds, but I do know it's a lot more than they can handle.
The next ten years will be wild.

Make a nuclear reactor from some iron tubes, a microwave and a Tesla coil.

Nuclear reactions are actually electrical reactions, kikes lied in physics too.

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we elect one traitors bootlicking retard after another and people think if only their guy could win everything would be fixed

traitorous* bootlicking retard

why are girls called Kayla always blonde? Honestly never met or even seen a non-blonde Kayla.

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Why do so many Canadians own chinkshit raifus?

That's why a civil war in America would be total. Hundreds of thousands would die very early on if the trucks and trains stopped delivering food and medicine. Everybody would lose someone close to them. You don't come back from that easily.

If voting was ever going to help us they would run campaigns against it and try to ban it.

The only solution is to destroy the government and kill all the offspring and close relatives of any of the idiots who try to stop what must be done.

After the government is gone it will be time to finish killing the orcs.

My elders all have their heads in the sand, own many rental properties and waste money on luxuries while all the younger generations are wage slaving and paying rent, they are a worthless generation if there ever was one. Raca.

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A common mistake people make when discussing military matters (we're at war, so this is indeed of a military nature) is assuming that you need strategic superiority in numbers to defeat an enemy. This is not at all the case. You can defeat an enemy who vastly outnumbers you by projecting a tactical superiority in numbers and thus firepower in individual engagements. Don't underestimte the Feds. They're morally wrong as their laws and so forth are unjust and directed against white people, but they most certainly aren't stupid.
What they'll attempt to do is what I mentioned earlier in this thread already: Go after folks one by one. Sure, that'd take a while but it almost guarantees them success in the long run.

Frankly, I see only to solutions to this problem: Either, you Americans manage to form some sort of coherent resistance movement that negates what I just (briefly) explained or you somehow get the military or other Feds to play on your team.

I know one that’s asian

The forests, their bounty;
Is heaps of dead mounties
and bushes all dangling with feds
If you'll sleep safe at night
keep your guns out of sight
'til you see the outlines of their heads.

Truedick is gonna lose his dick one day.

>Go after folks one by one. Sure, that'd take a while but it almost guarantees them success in the long run.
It would take *far* too long, and they'd provoke a reaction from decent people that would have time to organize and build momentum. Furthermore, when they take such openly totalitarian actions, many of their own agents would turn against them, and those that didn't would be of low character and prone to corruption, plus their recruits would contain many infiltrators.

Canada doesn't have as strong a gun culture as the USA, but at this time, we're just not going to all turn our guns in, and our police just aren't going to slip on the jackboots and start dragging away good people for standing up for decency. It might fly in Toronto and Vancouver, but not many other places.

For some reason, the right is terrible at organizing in America. We won't even get off our ass to go to a gun rally. I've started hammering this into people I know with little progress.
I'd say will still have most of the local and state LEOs on our side, but we can't rely on them saving our rights.
The left dreams about the ATF busting down gun owners' doors and shooting them. I see it all the time on Fark and other websites. They are not going to wait. That's why the next ten years will be so interesting.


Unb& test

I know that gun rights activists like to talk big game, but actually being in a situation where you have to decide whether you're willing to kill a bunch of cops and potentially get killed by other agents as a result or get locked up for life will most likely very significantly alter their course of action.

this is a distraction from his black face bullshit

you leaves are fucked, no joke. this is your watershed moment. get ready to have a hard maple pole shoved straight up your ass. what remains of your free speech is going next.

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Hmm suddenly announces this as if he was
trying to distract attention away from something else.

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Trudeau was the real coonman all along

>I'd say will still have most of the local and state LEOs on our side, but we can't rely on them saving our rights.
The police is NOT on our side. If they were, they should have used their powers a long time ago to put an end to the madness that reigns in our homelands.
I served in the military for 17 years. I know the kind of people who work for the Feds. Bootlickers and opportunists who only care about two things: their next paycheck and their petty careers. Don't ever expect them to be on your side.

The problem libs have in Canada is that nearly all of the competent police, military, and infrastructure workers are conservative white men. If they ever push too hard with their indirect, official power, the men with real, hands-on strength are going to just say, "No." The likely outcome would be a bloodless coup and reversal of the entire progressive agenda, at least back to 1960.

The same people who want to open the borders and flood the country with 3rd worlders while calling everyone who disagrees a racist xenophobic bigot while also dressing up in blackface also want to disarm the population

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Yeah nobody here does this.

>But black face is still legal right?
>you mean cultural appropriation


It's consider cultural appropriation when a nationalist does it
cultural appreciation when a globalist does

yeah stupid people ruin it for everyone

>dressing up in blackface

Was dressing like Aladdin really considered racist back then?

I seen niggers with that name and not very many white women. I always thought of it as a niggers' name, because the few white women with the name also act like niggers.

Would munch that thicc leaf milf assss

People like Syrup Snake. Fuck this cocksucking government. The first nations had the right idea. The Great Spirit is the only nigga we need to follow. Fuck big government, fuck gibs and fuck taxes.

I too have been to vancouver before.

The one on the left for flogging minor offenders, the one on the right for executions.

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He didn't do blackface just once, Trudeau already said it was racist, and you goddamn niggers would have goddamn screamed about this 24/7 for the next decade if it was Trump

"Justin Trudeau’s racist photos are no game for people of color"

"Justin Trudeau admits 2001 brownface photo was 'racist'"

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Canada is really just a wannabe California desu. I don't consider Canadians a nationality. Just metric Americans that are forced to learn French and Ebonics.

I didn't know typing to be honest becomes desu.

All you have to do is kill one or more when they come for you. There are more of us than there are of them. They will never win a war of attrition, and they will never successfully route out and destroy and insurgency.

Trudeau is a total piece of shit. Just wow. My neighbors are under threat from mini-Castro cuckold that has no idea what race or religion to settle with.

Trudeau is Caligula.

I didn't expect that it would be rotated. Fuxking phoneposting


Christ almighty the estrogen.

I'm seeing gun running opportunities in the near future.

Scheer’s religious faith is especially significant. He is a traditional Roman Catholic, the son of a deacon. He is an opponent of abortion, equal marriage, trans rights and euthanasia. He voted against Bill C-16, which adds "gender expression or identity" as a protected ground to the Canadian Human Rights Act.
The influential anti-abortion and anti-euthanasia group Right Now wrote on its Facebook page on Sunday: “Still celebrating the victory of Andrew Scheer becoming the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada! Thank-you to all our volunteers who worked tirelessly selling memberships and getting out to vote! You made the difference!”

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