Terror photos

Send some cool terrorwave or just terror photos

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Here ya go

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This is terrifying isn’t it?

I think this is more effective than the glow in the dark posting

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The ADL is a racket that needs hoaxes and shills like OP to stay alive via fear mongering and donations.

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that image shook me to my bone

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I need a gun like that.

I like this.

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OP is a faggot

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Murdoch :)

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An AR with a slick side upper?

Don't take action goyim. If you kill your enemies they win. Always remember.

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based and violence pilled

>praying to ywhw like a mentally ill cuck spiritual semite

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Here you go ADL glows

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ahaah thats really funny you fucking subhuman
what are you eating for dinner, the leftovers of your one pig?

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this IS glow in the dark posting. these violent fuckwads posting this grotesque imagery are trying to make Jow Forums look bad

I can freely eat pork.

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Azov is literally right wing death squad and is based as fuck, but it's ironic to see a russian post them. Their main objective is to execute russians.

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really weird how their country is completely controlled by jews but they re allowed to larp as werewolf nazis

I mean the more power to them but its still really weird
what does azov even do?

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>Their main objective is to execute russians.
Their main objective is to protect ukraine (from Russia) and Europe (from non-europeans)

*starts waiting for the announcement*

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yeah this is the sort of shti I m talking about
what gives can I have a quick breakdown?

is this the fedpol general?

That's what i said.

where does everybody get these images? they have a great aesthetic but i cant find them anywhere but random threads

from the looks of it they seem cannon fodder clowns who will be dealt with once the hostilities end.

You put it in a very aggressive way when it's more defensive.

Trigger finger! What a fucking loser

you stupid boomer fuck. they were using a tour guide app on their phones.

>being a triggercuck

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There, you filthy monstrosity! What good's your immortality now! Try stirring up trouble in this sorry state! All mangled and twisted, with every inside on the outside, for all the world to see! He heh hah hah Hah! He heh heh ha ha ha ha! Now Master can be canonized as a true martyr!

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The horror.

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Belive it or not, he claims to be one of the founders of Azov lmao

more like buzzkillfeed

>oy vey goyim, dont be a right winger cause you will be helping us
dumbest thing ever

you wish we had a right wing death squad battalion as based as them

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we are not telling you mr glowie, keep lurking for them

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well maybe he is, but still can someone givze me a quick breakdown on azov? who are they what do they do and why do the jews who control ukraine allow them to exist

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Whats with all these glownigger threads today?

Learn some basic gun safety nigger

still they are going to get rid of them once hostilities end just as that annon said

he is going to take the shot

none of these costume freaks ever hit where it hurts.
magistrates, politicians and generals freely walk outside.

this, you know to spot useful idiots since they dont do anything but perpetuate the same status quo while larping as some movement

>terror photos
This is Atomwaffen Division though.
They did not do any terror attack.

Why did they attack Russia?

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I bet you have children wheel on your bicicle too lol

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larpers will larp

to win? what kind of retarded question is that

Stalin is the most based man in history, fuck nazis . . .

>durr da founders were feds durrrrrrr

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real attack targets?

>real attack targets?
in english please?

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true motives for the attack

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OP is a spook glow in the dark

>Their main objective is to execute russians.
Not really, there are Russians serving in Azov as well. They are all about reconquista and fighting for the worldview.

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Oy vey

>true motives for the attack
you re barely speaking english, are you asking why they declared war on the soviet union? maybe that had something to do with soviet troops massing on the border for an imminent invasion of europe? idk?

maybe next time dont get a jewish revolution that controls your country and try to invade all of europe for them
like idk do like us, just capitulate, germans fought agaisnt tons of people, and they werte generally pretty civil and well mannered, maybe the problem is with you

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t. buttmad smelly vatnik

how can you ignore a crusty old boring painting to look at your phone??? I'm shocked

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