More states

The United States needs to add more states but not by adding Greenland or Puerto Rico but by partitioning the states so every region has a proper voice in Congress.

Attached: img.png (1997x1374, 486K)

Nope. Keep your grubby jew hands off of Texas. You can split up Cali as much as you want, but stay the fuck away from Texas.

>knowing fuckall about Wisconsin

What? What fucking retard made this map?

We need less and better organized states, not more.

Attached: imrs-700x541.jpg (700x541, 86K)

>Naming South Texas after Lincoln.
Are you actually retarded

Why the fuck does Joplin have its own state? You are a retard

Fuck you the Panhandle is rightful Nebraskan clay!

Attached: 1546842875756.jpg (622x640, 38K)

>Implying I made the map
Fucking retards.

>not splitting atlanta and its surrounding area into its own state
you fucked up big time

Then why post an obviously retarded map?

T. I live here.
Also superior would be the best state if everyone from UofMD died.

Guys can we talk about this for a second? What the fuck is going on in the Ozarks

Attached: achG1FrfdeS6S09kpMrw9eLGGeZAHzAVNXxvtx2EVDk.jpg (660x422, 38K)

Because it's an eye-catcher

Attached: fallout__map_of_pre_war_america_by_okiir-d8xco45.png (1600x900, 1.35M)

Attached: fallout__united_states_of_america_collection_by_okiir-d8xxywv.png (1200x1550, 1.61M)

Buy Greenland
Annex Canada

>Don't breakup the United States
>breakup your own states
Based and fedpostpilled

Unironically this.

Why not both?