This confuses the christcuck

this confuses the christcuck

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I'm confused as to why you think anyone cares what moon god you worship.

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Why can I only save one?
*Saves both*
Fuck your artificial arbitrary hypothetical constructs.

The baby.

the 100 embryos because 100 lives are greater than 1

confuses and triggers

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Obviously the embryo, are you fucking stupid?

if the babies a nigger then a don't really care at all. As Usher once said, "I think that you should let it burn."

obviously if you have to make a one or the other decision your gonna save the kid but that doesnt mean that the embryos arent important too. luckily this stupid arbitrary situation has nothing to do with abortion and your having that kid you stupid thot.

A solid argument in my opinon is
> Will a women so inresponsible, that she, while unwilling to have a child, failed to use contraception and wants to surgically remove the child, be a good mother?

This. Why are you confused, OP?

embryo you moron. it said fertilized embryo, but doesn't say where. It could be in a womb, so therefore I'm saving 200 lives instead of one.

Fucking retard, there is no confusion.
saged for a gay ass slide

the only thing that makes any sense in Christian texts is that a women ruined everything for everybody.

I would save the baby than 200000 bedridden old people, does that mean that I'd find killing old people moral? Of course not!

so you'd let a baby die a painful death to save 100 fertilized eggs

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If there is even one brown embryo, then save the baby. Unless it is brown. Then let them all burn.

But I started the fire... in Minecraft

you are no good at this analogy "thing"

I'd save the one 9 month old baby because test tube babies are an abomination employed by actual globohomo and the fate suffered of those 100 fertilized embryos would involve being the children of hollywood dykes. Having them all burn would be a mercy killing.

You fancy yourself an intellectual but if you really were you would know that almost everyone that dies in a fire dies from smoke inhalation, thus dying painlessly.

The baby

Actual life is better than the promise of life. Always go for what is solid and real. Also pretty damn sure fertilized embryos would get fucked by the heat/co2 in the air before I would even get to them.

Attempt to save both

Based retard, spreading his reddit spacing far and wide
Shut the fuck up

how the fuck is someone supposed to carry 100 vials?

Not really, since the fertilized embryos are living humans they are the obvious choice.
100 babies > 1 baby.
Go ahead and call me a monster, idgaf


based shirou poster

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I am actually pro abortion for eugenics based reasons like this one.
Irresponsible people shouldn't reproduce.
I just like pissing off lefties who try to argue their stance on abortion is the moral one.
Fucking mental midgets obsessed with being seen as "the good guys"
Faggots the whole lot of em

Everything not about Jews supremacy is a distraction.

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Why do you poltards have to bring jews and/or the white race into every single thread?

"Fertilized embryos" wouldn't survive outside of there cold storage, and definitely wouldn't survive running through fire (if the fire is so intense I only have thirty seconds to escape it)
Therefore, they are already dead, and saving the 9 month old is the only logical solution.

Stupid hypothetical is stupid.

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It depends on the race

>Why do they oppress me so?

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Wouldn't the embryos die after a couple of hours of not being in a proper containment? A lot of them would die or get sick by the time you transport them to another laboratoty, rendering them useless. Meanwhile, the baby would be safe in any place that was far from the fire.

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This is just the trolley problem, which was designed to have a gotcha no matter what answer you choose. The original trolley problem was meant to illustrate the fundamental impossibility of an objective ethical calculus, not to prove the correctness of any ethical decision.

It's like you don't even forking watch the good place.

>"Fertilized embryos"
>cold storage
Nigger are you fucking stupid? You'd leep unfertilized eggs at cold storage, embryos you'd keep at 98 if you're fostering them

And as goofy as that might sound in another situation, in this context, it's just as legitimate a thing to say as the hypothetical story itself.

It really does blow my mind, the intellectual arrogance of the left. To think someone took the time to make this meme scenario into a graphic without stopping to question just how stupid it is, is disheartening.

There's really no reaching them.

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Ignore them both, do a 360, and walk away.

Lmao do the trolley dilemma with this.

Without proper cryogenic suspension, the fertilized embryos are doomed regardless. There's no way to rescue them unless there's another identical facility literally down the street.

What if the child is more than 50% black

Who the fuck said they're in cryogenic suspension? They're fertilized, hence likely being fostered, freezing is for non fertilized eggs


Chances are that some of the embryos are non-white so unless the 9 month old is black I'm saving it

You shouldn't kill animals if there isn't a verifiable reason. Otherwise that's animal abuse.

no she won't be a good mother
>ok then kill the kid
wait what that's absurd
you sir are absurd

But the embryos are literally alive based on the definition of life.
You are just an idiot


>opt to be a complete edgelord
>grab popcorn and watch the fire instead

The embryos

According to the World Health Organization there are on average 55,000,000+ abortions per year worldwide and according to the Centers for Disease Control there are 500,000 to 1,000,000+ abortions per year in the US. Incest and rape only account for 2% of abortions. There are nearly 10 times as many abortions per year than total deaths during the entire Holocaust from 1941 to 1945

If you want a politically, socially, and legally acceptable way to eradicate tens of millions of undesirables per year with a focus on eradicating mainly non-white babies abortion is the only viable option

"On average, 56 million abortions occurred worldwide each year in 2010–2014. "

"Rape and incest account for hardly any abortions. So why are they now a focus?"


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Deciding whether people live based on whether they have good parents or not is surprisingly jewish
It'd basically criminalize every white family based off the sheer subjectivity of what constitutes good parenting
Two white parents leaving their kid alone most of the day to work? BAD
Sheniqua with her 7 niglets ? GOOD

What color are the Frozen embryos and baby?

What race is the baby

The baby has seniority. Check mate, communists.

Kek this

Unfortunately they make up the majority.
Why must the most self-aware live with these hellish NPCs?
Someone should change this.

Incest isn't even a good excuse for abortion
Race Mixing in 3x worse genetically than successive inbreeding, yet not a single soul complains about it
Also blacks aren't people, so you shouldn't include their abortion stats with humans, it's called pest control

What if I say neither? What if I say I'm an ubermensch who isn't constrained by your silly scenario and say both?

>all the embryos are the last chance of 100 women in their 40s of being mothers
>you have to tell them that their dreams have been crushed
>Jow Forums loses 100 potential posters

>screw op's optics
>I'm going in

These aren't mutually exclusive you fucking retard. Saving one doesn't foreclose you from saving the other.

Fuck your info nigger, it's become increasingly obvious I know nothing about invitro fertilization, therefore I take the 9 month old as it's obvious I would have no idea what the 100 fertilized embryos even look like.
Also, what am I, and a 9 month old baby doing in a invitro fertilization lab anyways?

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>You have 30 seconds to save only one from a fire: your daughter or your brother.
>This confuses the atheistcuck


If even 2 survive, then you have already saved more lives than you would have by saving the baby.
The better question is what the fuck is a 9 month old baby doing at a fertility clinic?

Am an atheist. Abortion is murder. Human life is human on all stages. You're not any less human because you didn't grow enough to be independent.

>>all the embryos are the last chance of 100 women in their 40s of being mothers
Again, they're not frozen eggs you fucking retards

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only correct answer ITT

it's a hypothetical situation dumbass

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Christcuck's worst dream. Christcuck is scared.

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Sure but what color is the baby?

Technically the entire story of Tamar in Genesis was how even just ejaculation outside of intercourse is murder.

Dinner time, of course

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Why does placing more value upon an infant mean that the embryo's are of no value, in your experiment? I prefer my children to a strangers, and would save them first in a fire, do strangers children now have no right to life, given your example? I'm ambivalent on abortion anyway (though I do lean pro life), but this is just a bad argument

There is more resource invested in the child, and less effort threshold to nurture it to adulthood.

This question is agnostic to abortion in every way but Romanticism.


Rape and medical problems are a different thing. Whoever argues against abortion in those cases should shoot himself.
The kid isnt one during the first few weeks of pregnancy. It doesnt think, feel or breathe, its just a bunch of stemcells. I understand that it can be a potential human being in the future, but it doesnt has to, especially if chances are high it will be misstreated.

I'll save the one with a heartbeat and human consciousness that has already forged a human bond and survived to the point of viability.

If those embryos contain the geneseed of the primarch then we must obtain them at all cost unless the babe itself also contains the zygote then we can save the baby from distruction.

If that's just some kid or then I say the tubes because that baby is probably already giving into chaos as we speak.

Yeah, they're embryos, so further along the process. There's a chance for failure through all of the steps, and eggs are limited

>Which is also why I support killing mothers that abort after 6 weeks.

you have the intelligence of a Pelosi...and the savvy of a juicey smolett(spermlett?)

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of the population?

Hell no are you retarded?

Somehow I think you don't get how pols work and how shit they can be and are.

why do kikes and satanis always come up with hypotheticals?
>b-but what ififififififi okey doke
gas yourself

An embryo in vitro has no ethical expectations of becoming a human being. Read the NAP, newfag.

It would be less cruel to save the baby. The embryos will feel nothing.

One being more important in this moment is not mutually exclusive with both being valuable.

i chose the 100 fertilized embryos though??? so confused

In vitro fertilization doesn't directly correlate to 40 year old ladies
That was clinically trialed after the fact anyway

no there's reason a woman shouldn't be able to take a day-after pill and stop development of a zygote if she doesn't want a baby, unless you're a christfag and you think once cum touches egg Gud gives it a soul

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Yes, retard, it is. Which is exactly why it's fucking retarded to discuss. It's a fallacy. Multiple fallacies in fact. Do you retards just scroll past the sticky on the front page every time you come here? It's at the top of the catalog so don't use that excuse you cum slurping peabrain.

In a Christian world 100 fertilized embryos wouldn't exist
kys kike

But I hypothetically have two hands and could carry both





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great you just killed an innocent baby to save 100 easily replaceable zygotes

>he doesn't take SUPER FERTILITY PILLS®
back to schizshit

>you can only save one
>A baby
>two elderly folks

That baby is already alive and well, those embryos are sitting in a fucking test tube and neither have the capacity to grow nor survive on their own. You're retarded.