Kek burgers BTFO

Kek burgers BTFO

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Now this. This is a glownigger

translation: in america we dont get jailed for questioning it, but others dont have such freedoms

>things I believe in are 'facts'
This is why we don't let 16 year olds run things.

So basically, she's saying that where she's from, it's full fundamentalist christian, but here, we're into the enlightenment and renaissance.

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Democrats want to lower the voting age to 16 so all the retard children can keep them permanently in power.

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The Nazis used the children to influence adults too. Enough is enough! Look at core samples that have reasonable estimates of temperature over tens of thousands of years. Climate cultists are freaking out over the current uptick in temperature. It's happened before, it'll happen again, and all the tax dollars in the world won't stop it. Yes, climate alarmism is a cult.

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She's the ultimate smuggie meme

> In Europe we don't ask questions about anything
Yea okay potato face.

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>its a fact

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>The Nazis
tHe nAzIS did it.. Reeee.
This is bolshevism 101.

Ignore history, fellow leaf. Shh, and go back to sleep. Easiest way to refute the facts I presented.

>where I come from it's more of a fact
Where you come from it's also a fact that immigrants never commit crimes and that your country gets better with every migrant.

Funny facts your country has

Maybe because we're still allowed to say what's on our minds in this country. Unlike shithole Sweden.

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Oh i agree with your data statement. Just not the people you blame.

Just keep her away from my Tide Pods, I have to do laundry, dammit.

I thought she was from Norway

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I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body

this retarded looking shitbag is going to be around for awhile isn't she

How many times do you think her handlers made her rehearse that line?

Her parents should be locked up for starving her she looks like a 8 year old instead of a 16 year old.

Attached: Greta Thunberg 32fw .jpg (3500x2335, 2.89M)

She is the new David Hogg
Hopefully she mentally breaks sooner then later.

She needs to go to India and talk about climate change see how well that goes over.

It's not hard. Just start every sentence with "It feels like"... Facts, facts are so 2000. We go on feelings now.

Attached: facts.jpg (500x379, 43K)

Just a heads up to anyone frustrated by persistent American resistance to things like climate change and gun control: condescension and appeals to authority have the OPPOSITE effect of what you're aiming for.

That's indeed how it is user.
A signature from Greta for you. Look how she's holding that marker

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blogal mwarnig

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I'm not blaming the National Socialists, fellow leaf. I'm using them of an example of when the same tactic was used. Soros and the rest of the ilk are obviously propping up the underdeveloped potato Gerta, using a tried and true tactic.

Until the potato finally got it right.

It's not about whether pollution is fucking up the planet. It's the fear mongering and bullshit idea that 1st world countries should pay their government money and eat bugs when the only fix needed is in other countries.

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>”In Sweden we’re good goyim who don’t question anything”

- A potato, 2019

Sweden is stupid

KeK. This

>fellow leaf
Hello, fellow leaf. The Nazi's used children to advance their evil ways, just like Soros is with climate change. See we agree. The nazi's were bad and the real problem.

Someone should give her a full time camping trip in the Everglades

>The nazi's were bad and the real problem.
Which Nazis?

Nazis is what?

sweden should maybe clean up its grenade and rape problems before lecturing us about peepeepoopoo 6 trillion climatecaust

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>swedes are brainwashed cattle

I bet when she said that there was a huge round of applause. Fuckin' Trump all his fault.

Because it's not real and her people are just brainwashed.

>5 years old
And, of course, everybody clapped.

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Trevor Noah fucks springboks.

fuck sweden

I have absolutely nothing against this climate bullshit except the infinity niggers part and mass immigration part.

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Swedes often boast about their eerily uniform indoctrination. It doesn't occur to these subhumans that accepted ideas can be questioned or evolve with new information.

Here she's almost fuckable

Same thing with Bigfoot. Some people believe in it, some don't.

nobody is jailed in Sweden for questioning climate science.

America has just been the victim of Koch brothers propaganda for decades on end, and American boomers have brain damage from leaded gasoline and yet are still somehow in control of everything.

First world countries have the highest level of CO2 emissions per capita.

America and Canada particularly, and by quite a huge margin. You can show a picture of waste being dumped into rivers -- yes, this is a problem, yes it's destroying the environment, yes, this should change...but it doesn't change the fact that Canada and America are some of the biggest Co2 polluters in the world.

God Bless you user.
Yes, she should have her private parts destroyed like a tranny midget at an immigrant refugee resettlement camp.
You are going God’s work user.

No, she’s a Swedish tart, not Norwegian.
BTW, her family is privileged as fuck.

are you a mime artist

If Sweden really thought the world was ending, they would send an army to destroy America and China instead of a child.

She way more fuckable than Anne Frank

Sweden · Population, total
10.07 million
It's easier to control small populations.

Must not be too serious since these same people are ok with importing third world people into the west to create more co2 emissions

Hey Jow Forums, you jelly?

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It's only Republicans, really, who for some reason support corporations at all costs. Even when presented with absolute facts, having a flooded house, a Republican will deny anything is going on as long billionaires are making more billions.

Any admission that global warming is happening is an admission of wrongdoing to CRAZY LEFTISTS who want to force us all to be VEGANS and to WALK TO WORK.

Can you explain photosynthesis? A 5th grade description will do.

My solution to help this is to import millions of third worlders especially to colder climates.

Wont someone make some deep fake porn of her?

CO2 isn't pollution anymore than nitrogen is though.

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I bet she’s tasted his cum

You think the retards on here will actually realise they're being played by big money?

Individually everyone would want to live in a country where the highest amount of money can be made.

That doesn't make America a force of "good" in the world, rather it makes it a good place for the people within it.

>nobody is jailed in Sweden for questioning climate science.
No, you just get endlessly REEEEEE'd at from hysterical people and basically called a retarded environmental destroying hitler.

So you don't say anything around those people, you shut your mouth. That's why she thinks "It's more like a fact" because no one has ever bothered telling her otherwise.

Literally none of these fags understand how plants synthesize their own food source.

>absolute facts
like males have a penis and females have vaginas?

Explain yourself user

I had my doubts, but this potato-headed autist has really turned me around on the whole man-made climate change issue.

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Yes, the US should stop growing all that free food for the turd world.

I dont know, according to you fucks, its a polluted shithole. Do you have an answer for what plants need to synthesize food for themselves?

Everyone knows the Koch’s are political sluts who whore their influence to the highest bidder. Jow Forums, /leftypol/ both hate them you absolute newfag

Yeah plants turn Co2 into oxygen.

Do you know what deforestation is? Did you know that concentrations of CO2 are permanently rising in the atmosphere?

So talk about deforestation in third world countries, we dont deforest in the United States, and actually maintain a pretty good record of maintaining forests in the US. When loggers cut down a patch of a forest, they replant the trees and rotate, so to not cause unnecessary destruction to the forest. This climate shit is nothing than a shakedown, and ive seen multiple admission of this.

>co2 used for photosynthesis
>permanently rising
You have nothing but fear mongering buzzwords. I almost hope you faggots are right so i can watch people roast to death.

Do you know where the historic average CO2 level for Earth's atmosphere sits in ppm compared to our current level?

>You can show a picture of waste being dumped into rivers -- yes, this is a problem, yes it's destroying the environment, yes, this should change...but it doesn't change the fact that Canada and America are some of the biggest Co2 polluters in the world
>translation : yes real, measurable pollution comes from everywhere but Europe so let's create a hysterical narrative around a harmless component we breathe out to guilt trip white people into voting against their interests.
First day here, libshit?

It's not even that. We're nowhere near the threshold toxicity levels of CO2. We'd ave to go up at least an order of magnitude IIRC to even begin reaching toxic levels.

Shit even compared to a timeline fit around humanity, we're still below average.

>please store your belongings in the overhead bins

No they outright don't. Look into China for one if you want to talk about air pollution.

Are you really this dense?

The fossil fuel lobby has the Republican party in a headlock. There is an OVERWHELMING -- as much as 97% -- consensus CO2 emissions are causing global warming.

It has been known CO2 causes warming for over a century. Many of the past 5 years have been the hottest on record and Greenland, the Arctic, and the Antarctic all have ice sheets melting at increasing and alarming rates and your excuse for allowing this to happen without questioning is "multiple admissions."

Attached: Global-CO2-emissions-by-region-since-1751-768x538.png (768x538, 198K)

Do you know how many major cities lie in coastal regions and which parts of the globe were populated by human life during those times?

Right. It's not the autistic 16 year old who gets invited by every single world leader and is supported by the mainstream media that's being played. It's the people who are persecuted because they don't fall for a global tax scam.

>anything following where I come from, in Sweden

Keyword: per capita.

Yes, they outright do.

Attached: ZynYWvcY6ffDNb--dtcsWslj10J_IasTftachrC3cTE.png (960x684, 168K)

The strongest our planet's biodiensity ever recorded was at 6x our current level.
Our planet has historically been at her healthiest with more CO2 than the doom-sayers scream about in their strongest hockey stick charts.

when has human life NOT been as close to water as possible?

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Have you ever asked yourself if those 97% of scientists visited Epstein's island? Or received funding from him?

i hate this fucking fetal alcohol syndrome bitch

>CO2 permanently rising
>plants turn CO2 into oxygen
>not knowing forestry is done sustainably in US

You failed to address that user’s main point; emissions in third world countries, China, and India contribute waayyyyyyyyyyy more than the U.S which begs the question: why aren’t you lobbying chinks, poos, or niggers to cut theirs?

Furthermore, most volcano eruptions dump more greenhouse gases (including methane and sulfur dioxide which both contribute more to greenhouse effect you tart) into the atmosphere than the entirety of human history.

What should we do about that? Ban volcanoes from erupting?

>There is an OVERWHELMING -- as much as 97% -- consensus CO2 emissions are causing global warming.

t. Guy who doesn't know how the scientific method works.

There is nothing wrong with the Earth's climate. You're in a cult, buddy. You've been brainwashed.

So if this is such a disaster, why are only climate "scientists" worried? Why do the paleoecologists,(the ones who should be consulted about whether or not this is cause for concern) all shrug their shoulders and say it's not a cause for concern?

>97% -- consensus
Nobody is going to care about this on here. It's a place full of revisionists, race realists and pretty much everything that goes against the current globohomo consensus. This is why we know you're a newfag. We've seen your arguments a million times on TV already so go back to plebbit with your tiresome low-brow propaganda.