Juden Peterson is in rehab for pill-popping

Juden Peterson is in rehab for pill-popping

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Take our meds schizo

I guess he should have cleaned his room.

good on him for getting help

Maybe this is why he's so good at cleaning his room.

I don't know why he didn't know better than to take that shit, or at least why he couldn't google the fucking side effects.

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So all his speaking money was for trying to pay for his wife's cancer? Interesting.

Probably something to do with the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Isn't he a psychiatric doctor as well?

And literally no one is surprised. Every RW'er is a hypocrite, no exceptions.

How is Juden Peterstein right wing? Also why are you still living in the imaginary left-right schism?

>Right winger

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That's not even remotely hypocritical, you fucking faggot.

Getting help, after ADMITTING that you need help, is far from cowardice, you fucking mongoloid faggot.

Remembering that sometimes, everyone needs a little help, and that it's alright to ask for it now and again - assuming you're willing to put your own boots to the ground and make the hard efforts required - but asking for help is by no means a sign of a hypocrite, and you're actually dumber than I was originally estimating, so - it'll get lost in translation anyway.

Well at least he knew he had a problem & tried to stop taking them. Most people would of kept taking it forever.

He suspended his speaking tour when his wife got diagnosed with cancer


Unironically respect him more for this. At least I might start viewing him as a human again

>How is Juden Peterstein right wing?
He is a self described conservative, pro-capitalism and free market, anti-socialism, religious. Yes, he is right wing, that is not the same as far-right.

Clinical Psychologist

>That's not even remotely hypocritical, you fucking faggot.
What is hypocritical is him claiming his all meat diet cured his depression and anxiety and advising others to do the same. Oops he was popping pills too.

He has always described himself as a liberal, you faggot

Only in that we can only aspire to Christ, we will never actually be him you imbicile.

He had that lecture and essay ''12 rules for 21st century conservatism''. I'm pretty sure if he ever said liberal, it was with ''classical'' before.

-Eminem (Or Jordan Peterson)

What an idiot

He supported the Canadian socialist party for years, he's not right wing, that's part of his Jewish gate keeping trick.

>He supported the Canadian socialist party for years
No, that was when he was young. He left all that.

>He worked for the New Democratic Party (NDP) throughout his teenage years, but grew disenchanted with the party. He saw his experience of disillusionment resonating with Orwell's diagnosis, in The Road to Wigan Pier, of "the intellectual, tweed-wearing middle-class socialist" who "didn't like the poor; they just hated the rich".[24][29] He left the NDP at age 18.[30]


He is an e celeb telling you shit you already know to sell books and talks.

He describes himself as a liberal and is fine with homosexuality, trans, immigrants and the like.

He is an extreme individualist and wants to destroy all your culture.

His wife was diagnosed with cancer, and nearly died from surgery complications. He was proscribed Klonopin to help with stress, and when he attempted to quite the proscription found he was physically addicted.

Don't be faggots.


I never supported a socialist party when I was young, I don't have a gigantic picture of Vladimir Lenin in my home.

>sell books and talks.
and rugs, and t-shirts, and tickets to watch his debates online, and self authoring courses, and so on
>and is fine with homosexuality, trans, immigrants and the like.
That doesn't make someone not right wing. Far-right isn't the same. You can be for limited government, against socialism, pro-capitalism and not hate gays or whatever.

*and still be right wing.

This would be news if he was some faggot like Rush Limbaugh that went on year long rants about drug addicts and then turns out he was a fucking junky the entire time. Peterson has never gone off about drug addicts. He's well versed in how damaging they can be which is probably why he's not trying to kick it cold turkey. On top of the fact the guy has other health issues he's spoken about.

I'm not surprised, no wonder he sounds like he's about to cry all the time.


Taking mind altering Jewish pills to deal with your problems is no different then drinking then away.

If only we gave young people the same privilege when they want to go off the cocktail of drugs the “experts” put them on when they were 12.

Rehab is for quiters

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Pussy boy libertarian shit is not right wing.

It is. What you are probably thinking of as right wing is what would be commonly called far-right. You probably disagree but whatever.

>Getting redpilled real-time on JewPharma

MSM right wingers are just liberals 20 years ago.

it's an over-prescribed benzo and it WILL fuck you up hardcore if you suddenly stop taking it. I've seen it with a friend firsthand and it seems extremely unpleasant.
hopefully JP comes out of it alright. call him whatever you want but he elevates right-wing discourse far higher than most retards here could.

Not really. I mean, in your country the conservatives were commonly called right leaning twenty years ago and still are today.

>That's not what we meant by the red pill, you don't literally take a red pill.

Yeah and his diet helped him cure it what's your point???

Fine that he's in rehab, good for him, but you'd think a psychologist would know better than to try to cold turkey off of a benzo. The withdrawal, which is mind-bending psycho shit, is what drove him into the rehab.

>Jordan Peterson did something wrong
Clean your damn room Bucko.

I'm just going to say it. If you need "help" to stop swallowing or smoking you need to kill yourself.

I'm above falling for the simple logical fallacy of tu quoque

Some of the stuff he believes or professes, I definitely don't agree with. But just because the man abuses drugs doesn't mitigate the veracity of his arguments and stances.

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he's facing the dragon in the dungeon to rescue the virgin and revive his dead father
unless that was just some wild trip he had last dose

Hey! It's the 21st century. Let go of the Hollywood 20th century flawed showy antihero > than sincere steady traditional hero.
He's a hypocrite and weak. Not everyone (and a rich someone at that) who encounters tragedy is weak and becomes a drug head.

MSM right wing current opinions
>Race doesn't matter has nothing to do with the culture of the nation
>Anyone can be an American citizen as long as they salute the flag
>Fags are based and red pilled if they don't vote Democratic
>War for Isreal is good
>Trump owns da libs on gun control!
>Red Flag laws are ok when a republican does it.
>The problem with Baltimore is the Democratics


>Race doesn't matter has nothing to do with the culture of the nation
This hasn't been a talking point in the west in the mainstream in forever. I keep hearing the argument here ''I am what would be a liberal 20/30 years ago'' I don't think that's true at all

Or more specifically, ''the right wing now would have been called liberal 20/30 years ago''. No lmao

Fucking faggot to you- Peterson being a old man lecturing the young on how to live their lives while being a drug head himself IS being a hypocrite and a liar.
Asking for help is the side affect of being a weak hypocrite drug head.

That Peterson is a weak drug head hypocrite. Read the article stupid.

It's the same shit, you retard. Classical liberal is a form of liberalism...

Everyone in the south believed that in private up until millennials came of age, They Absolutely liberals 20 years ago.

It's not. Well, I don't know what country you are in maybe it is there, but in the west it's not.

You would be popping klonopin too if you understood half the shit this man knows.

Klonopin addiction? WHAT A FAGGOT. People take this guys word as gospel lmao

This, classical liberals are just liberals that aren't SJW's

Hey was payed (millions) by the International Psychology Institute to 'go into rehab' in order to influence all of his followers (and others) to go to rehab. When he comes out he will be promoting certain centers and medications that helped him stop his 'klonopin addiction'. He will suggest anybody with any kind of 'addiction' go to these centers for help even if the 'addiction' is something gay like, weed, alcohol, or klonopin.

>Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom.

Yes but when people refer to liberal they mean socially liberal as in progressive etc.

Classical liberalism is economic liberalism, free market capitalism etc.

From the moment I heard his lobster story, I knew he was a pill-popper and to not listen to his words.

I have the same auto-immune disorder as he and his daughter. I promise you he was not fucking around talking about an all-meat diet being a life-changing benefit. My body absolutely flips its shit over any grain, Nightshades (potatoes, onions, eggplant, etc), and most fruit. The range of symptoms is insane, which he detailed once. Everything from gum disease to depression to hair loss to hormonal disruption to chronic pain and exhaustion. It's like your body is trying to kill itself, which it literally is.

Love or hate Peterson, I wish he could drum up more academic interest in whatever the fuck it is we have, because it's ruined my life and not even slightly understood by medicine.

>Klonopin addiction
How do you even get addicted to something so weak? When I was a degenerate, I could easily pop five of them on top of whatever else I happened to be doing, and still barely feel it. By itself it doesn't do shit at all. As long as I have been sober, I'm sure I could swallow a handful and still work both my jobs.

Clean your blood stream, bucko.

It is, actually.

I was addicted to Kolonopins, shit is stronk. I got the shakes real bad and had to binge drink until all the evil spirits left my body. Great high, even better with liquor. One night I OD'd out with my friends..ended up in a graveyard, woke up in this weird stupor and saw fucking ghosts. Man that was some crazy shit.

>I have the same auto-immune disorder as he and his daughter.
What disorder? What symptoms? As far as I know it was only ever his daughter who had a immune disorder, Peterson just said he suffered from depression.

No. You are wrong. Accept it. Classical Liberalism is social Liberalism.

>Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law
>political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law
>branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties

No it's not. "When people say"... Ok, let me stop you there. Let's do a social example:
Do you think a classical liberal would mind someone being homosexual? No
Do you think a conservative would mind someone being homosexual? Hell yes.

When you don't know what to call a disease, and all the symptoms are vague with dramatic language ("body trying to kill itself"), that means it's in your head.

Here's what happened: Processed foods + grains = unhealthy for 100% of the human population.

You overreacted to normal feelings of sluggishness as if you have some special disease that can't process said food.

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click bait. he was prescribed it due to anxiety from his wife battling cancer, he checked himself in after having bad withdrawal symptoms, not because he was abusing the drug.

You have to eat steak and benzos to ge that far in the judarko interwebs.

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>Do you think a conservative would mind someone being homosexual? Hell yes.
No, conservative parties all over the west support gay marriage, since you are obsessing with technical definitions there are several definitions within conservatism too. I am talking about the way words are used. When somebody here says liberal you know exactly what they mean.

IMO, it's not worth taking that stuff for anxiety. I kicked the habit. It can be a very addictive drug and the withdrawals are like a long time alchoholic quitting cold turkey. If I could do it, then so can he..he's a weak man. What you do is lock yourself in your apartment/house and binge drink for a few days to get through the withdrawl.

Guess we know what dragon he was trying to slay

Whatever, you will probably respond again. Actually it doesn't matter, you are right.

Nice phigomy bro

>needs help
>gets it
Sounds like a responsible thing to do, what's the issue?

Daily reminder to not take the Good Goy Pills© no matter how much they say they will help

People get jealous that he makes a lot of money so they try to attack him any chance they get.

The dude isn't perfect, but how much people obsess about him and wish him to fail is a mixture of funny and sad.

It appears to be genetic. I and my brother have the same problems as Peterson and his daughter. Stepping outside of a primarily protein diet provokes arthritis-like symptoms, serious intestinal inflammation, protracted neuropathy in all 4 limbs, severe insomnia with attendant brain fog, weakening of the gum tissue to the point that eating would make me bleed and the dentists couldn't figure out why and were testing for scurvy, hair loss, vision distortions, hormonal fluctuations (doctors thought I needed testosterone injections in spite of being covered in body and facial hair, caused arguments between staff).

It's just like a total system crash. Absolutely miserable. Nothing helps, except a severely restricted diet.
I found the video where he talks about it. youtube.com/watch?v=tw8Rf9h0-Sk

>nigger flag has a nigger understanding of medicine
Big surprise.

Was it always this way or just start one day?

>didn't know benzos can fuck you up long term
hmm, could be covering for a different, maybe worse issue, because i definitely wouldn't take anti-anxiety/depressants for weeks or months without at least casually googling side effects of that kind of medium to long term use.

>fine with homosexuality, trans, immigrants and the like.
Neocons are not right wing.

All of these Juden Peterson defenders who still worship him as a god. Give it up, he's a charlatan who pulled the wool over your eyes.

They aren't conservatives if they support fag marriage they are liberals 20 years ago. This is why the west is dying currently.

It's been this way as long as I can remember. My parents were worse than unhelpful; they decided I was making it up and I'd get punished for not wanting to go to school and just sleeping all day. I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck to this day, and I'm 30. Currently have a soft diagnosis of fibromyalgia, which wouldn't explain everything, but would at least be a place to start. Currently trying to save enough money to see a rheumatologist.

Fake news

imagine unironically coming to Jow Forums to post reddit tier garbage. cringe.

Glad you acknowledge how wrong you are.

Many in this thread are just despicable and confirm why I hate people. Kill yourself you jealous haters! It is not because some have different beliefs than this Kormet Peterson, but the grudge you are showing, although he objectively helped at least some people.

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Any of you fashy/commie synthesists want to pee in my butt?