Be me

>be me
>have cousin
>late 20's
>used to be pretty close, had good political conversations
>trump is elected
>now unironically posts shit like pic related every single day on social media
how the fuck does someone turn into a boomer so quickly? what the fuck is happening to gen x/early millennials? do you guys know anybody that has early onset boomer brain?

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You have to be a boomer in age or mind to be a supporter of Trump in this way.

You turn into a boomer when the jews around you are done feasting on your soul.

He's right.
Take the dicks out of your mouth when you speak.

Your opinion is funny because... you're the fucking boomer faggot.

Trump is literally cooler than those guards, for 1-
and 2, your cousin has much higher standards for his life , than you for yours.

It hurts to admit, i'm sure - but you're just upset that he's moved on to grown-up and mature discussions and topics, while you're still concerned about what choice of memes people post.

I guess so, but it happened so fast. I'm talking like, the space of the past 2 years. he went from rational guy, good to have intelligent political conversation with to just addled boomer. it's depressing.

go take another hydrocodone

We are here. But Jow Forums is slowly bring won back from the faggot R/ ZOGNALD and R E D D I T faggotry refugees. They suck dick, we see it, and we have not confronted (((ZOGNALD FAGGOTS))) in sufficient warlike attitude.
Suggesting we Change.

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Btw, OP: ANYONE who allows the Jews, who control both major American Political Parties, divide them from family over politics, hasn't got priorities straight.

Fight the Jew.
Love the person.

explain how becoming a drooling fox viewer means he has higher life standards than me, pls. and it's not the memes, it's that they actually reflect his sincere political beliefs. talking to him now is like visiting a retirement home, which is the same feeling I'm getting even replying to your retarded ass

is there anywhere better than this? it's getting insufferable

of course, and good advice. only children let political disagreement obstruct their relationship with family.

We HAD this. By not supporting (((them))) on 8 c h a n, btw, which their hero Zognald was SUPPOSED to do, I guess we became part of the problem. And until he loses, which he is going to lose, we will have to endure this.

But remember, these people came here because it's here. Not because they know what normally happens on Jow Forums. I've only been here since 2013, and all I see are normies pumping Drumpf.

NatSocs have vanished (at least, they aren't as loud). Maybe they're waiting it out.

These people got booted over threatening to murder people in Oregon, and bullying other R E D D I T normies.
I guess we have become the last place free speech is tolerated.

it really is the last place you can speak freely on the internet, or that least the only one that I know of now that 8 ch is ded, which is why it's depressing to see it in its current state. I'm sure there are niches on discord or something but I think we need a new place. the feds and fudds have overrun /ppl/

You like this place because people can speak freely, but its depressing because people are expressing opinions you don't agree with? I think you are the boomer.

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it's not what's said that I dislike as much as the level of the conversation.

Ok. I went through this confusion too. How could someone look at this shitshow and then slaveringly praise how 'badass' he looks? It's a fandom. It's a cult of personality. Trump makes his followers feel good in the same way Fox News/CNN does. A mixture of outrage porn, fear porn, and pep rally style booster ravings. In short? It isn't about what Trump says to your cousin. It's about how Trump makes your cousin feel.

well I don't like that a nigger can just go buy a firearm and rob a store
>but that's the price of freedom

gen x were always boomers

I thought tears would never ever taste as good as the 2016 ones did.
Is it possible we'll get new-n-improved ones in 2020?
Sure looks like it.

yeah 100%, this is demonstrated too by the fact that a lot of his policy is just a continuation of boilerplate US politics, and is even worse in some areas (guns, israel, etc.) but he still gets his knob slobbed by conservatives and previous libertarians. they're just happy that /theirguy/ is in the captain's chair now.

this actually might be true

Trump supporters between the ages of 18 and 65 should, by default, be considered intellectually below average. We can attribute immaturity to his younger supporters and dementia or senility to his older supporters, but if you’re an adult and you still support this bumbling, incoherent, totally inconsistent hack, you have to have a double digit IQ.

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As an early millennial I can say i’ve Avoided becoming a boomer by adopting a nice blend of doomer and coomer.

LMFAO this is shooped so bad