How is Transgenderism not considered a mental illness?

If I went around saying I wanted to chop my arms or legs off, then I’d be admitted to an institution for the insane.
But I wanna chop off my dick or tits? That’s ok!

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It is mental illness.


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Because the objective became depopulation.

That means anything that prevents the birth of new people, and anything that accelerates or promotes the death of existing people is promoted and accepted by the state.

It IS a mental illness.

America can't call itself the ambassador of freedom if it doesn't support people's right to realize their gender identity

gays used to be considered a mental illness as well

Preaching to the choir, bruh.

It sure has significant comorbidity with other conditions for something that isnt a mental illness

Daily reminder that the studies that 'prove' trans people have the brain of their identified sex are absolute pseudoscience

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>Daily reminder that the studies that 'prove' trans people have the brain of their identified sex are absolute pseudoscience
Is there a full debunking of this? I hear this talking point ALL THE TIME.

I mean... the brain is a very plastic thing. You repeat something over and over, your brain shortcuts the neural pathways and makes them more efficient. So I'm sure after a while of doing enough stereotypically feminine shit your brain will start to take on an archetecture you see more commonly in women. I kinda figured this point was just derivative of the core mechanic of learning, memorization, habbit forming, addiction, depression, etc.

Gender is a linguistic term.
It was first applied to the psychological projection of idealized sex roles, by A. Kinsey, a dubious character who associated and corresponded with active pedophiles, in order to gather data on "child sexuality".
Naturally, he kept his sources confidential and protected them to the end.
Much of the research supports the Blanchardian typology, showing some of the MTFs are just ultrafeminine homosexual men, and others are just straight men with a fetish. If the science was at all credible or human brains were easily identifiable as male or female, we'd have tests to detect transgenderism. But they arent, so we dont. Gender is nothing but sex-stereotypes and affectations. It is performative. There is nothing innate about it.

It is, you're just punished by mentals for pointing out the truth.

Good take:

That's because gender doesn't fucking exist.
But SEX sure does.
Penis = male
Vagina = female

Gender exists because it is synonymous with sex.

Two genders two sexes.

Gender and Gender identity are two was way different things.

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The same reason why having an 85 IQ is no longer considered retarded.

Psychologists won't call it a mental illness for the same reason that the train conductor drove everybody to their deaths in Atlas Shrugged. Everybody just wants to go with the flow.

Gender is sex tard

Pandering in progress

They should still be.

Psychologists can lose their license to practise in many western countries if they offer anything but "affirmation of a patient's identity" as treatment. Telling a patient they are not transgender is now tantamount to "conversion therapy".

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Ty for link

It's obvious it's a fetish that turned to an unhealthy obsession and should be treated not rewarded

I don’t think doctors are even allowed to say mentally retarded or mental retardation anymore, are they? I remember kids growing up referred to as retarded even by their parents but now I think they’ve substituted that term with low functioning autistic because it sounds less triggering to the parents.

It is certainly a mental illness. Even most normalfags know it, and those who don’t are ignorant of the side-effects of HRT and the genital butchery of SRS. It’s literally an extreme fetish induced by porn

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It was removed for entirely political reasons and the behavior of fags should be suggestive enough of their deviancy and mental illness. They are abominations in the eyes of God

Would a cis man with gynecomastia wanting his chest surgically flattened be mentally ill or insane? No