She's Doubled Down, Folks

"My testimony of being sex-trafficked by Joe Biden in 2003 to Manzanillo, Mexico"

Attached: JC.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sloppy Mossad is on its way

AOC looks like shit now


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>sniffs your path

Attached: q471535062993371290.png (519x444, 229K)

Here's your happening Jow Forums, but noooooooo, everyone wants to talk about black-face. Good Lord, what happened to the Jow Forums I used to know?


How can we validate her claims?

More than one thread is allowed at a time.Biden and Castro Jr. can coexist. It's stupid shit like "I forgot, why do we hate Jews? They're so based." that slide the useful threads.

Attached: roUTjsc_d.jpg (636x406, 23K)