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yeah. Can't argue
>men on the right want to represent themselves as cute fuckable girls
what does this mean?
if this is real. I figured trump to be someone like this.
con / snake / deceiver - just wants to look great and/or good in front of others.
pride / ego - america is fucked alone in the end then.
get a nice race pic and/or share it. all of his race images and/or race pics from a billionaire hollywood / jewwood / pedowood type. america is doomed and/or screwed into oblivion alone.
Why do modern commies unironically admire Stalin? He'd disenfranchise all their pet minorities and send them and their tranny boyfriends to gulags.
Are we all really anime girls?
ate taxes
ate roads
ate the sun
luv me mower
luv me boat
luv me beard
no shit
Well, I wear sun shades outside, so that pic is accurate.
Also, this one.
This is a shit one, all good and relevant degrees on liberal left. Also Computer Science is extremely right wing, most of IT specialists that i know libertarians or nazis.
What about this one?
That chart applies to people in the US.
1. All the shit on the lib-left is low-paying trash. Chemistry, chemical engineering, mech engineering, engineering, law, pharmacology, everything is pretty much superior to the stuff on the lib-left. No, math itself is not valuable. You must apply the math for it to be valuable, otherwise you're just a sperg.
2. The comp-sci you're thinking of(classical) is now under "electrical engineering" in the US. People here who are really into code and computer science go into EE, because normal compsci/IT is full of leftist idiots being taught how to propagandize, not how to code, which is why all coding from the US is so shit-tier now.
Right wing libertarian people basically don't exist.
Agreed, this chart is all over the place. Granted, many technical professions are liberalizing but this is just all over the place. Virtually all of the trades should cluster further to the right, and more authoritarian.
Engineering is inherently about turning theory into the practical.
its 2hu you dumb leaf.
HVAC is the only libertarian rather than authoritarian trade. And it makes sense. HVAC is deeply concerned with efficiency of operation, and understanding efficiency requires a very logical mind. Hence why you see other efficiency-oriented professions in the libertarian side.
Noam Chomsky.
Also, I'll post more. These are usually worth a laff.
Without question
Only retarded normalfaggots expose themselves
There used to be a Right-Wing Libertarian General on this board.
I'm an electrician, but I usually test (0,2) or (-1,2)
Also, I was sort of "neglected" but I don't find that troubling. Life isn't supposed to be happy and easy.
>tfw fascist tranny that always uses anime avatars
Am I that easy to read?
Why should I be in EE? I want to do software dev, not work on power mains
>Computers and IT
>Bottom left
Some salty person who can't even code HTML made this shit.
fuck off, the fact I know history means I'm not a commie
authoritarian right is political alignment of asspies
Because there's more money in EE over software development. If you're doing code in the US now, you're going to be working for a company run by leftists, so even if you're on the right, as soon as your coworkers find out you're not a fucking retard, they'll complain and get you canned. If you can grasp code right, you can grasp EE, so you might as well go there and not have to worry about getting fired.
This doesn't apply to Eastern Europe or Asia though. Over there, software dev is still a right-leaning field.
Are sunglasses a gen-x/boomer thing?
I am a teacher and not only i am not a commie, but letting aside history (wich i teach) there isnt a clear ideological position of the career.
Nah. An accurate one would involve some cute amphibians in the blue right upper corner.
What is the relationship between touhou and fascist political views?
pic related
>Authoritarian left
Where the fuck do you get this?
Yes, it's a surrogate superhero mask.
See JC Denton for how they picture themselves.
Kill yourself.
This isn't the 1990s anymore.
the egyptian primordial god of chaos + cirno?
it blows my mind that agriculture isn't on here LOL
Well, there's Sanae, and Suwako.
>Physics and Biology in Authoritarian left
You clearly haven't meet many people in the hard sciences
I hope you fags don’t really have this cringy of profile emblems
I was alternately spoiled, beaten, and neglected.
Actually, I have, being into chemistry.
"Biologists" are the kinds of retards who go over to Africa and sing the praises of the natives in how they set up wildlife preserves, forgetting it's those same natives that are causing the extinction of animals. I've yet to hear Attenborough call out chinks for their penis enhancing TCM shit that's decimating rhino populations. But he keeps harping on about how western society is causing climate change.
Physics is all theoretical now, which can't find its own head up its ass when dealing with "dark matter" and other shit they've invented to explain things they're not intelligent enough to understand.
Legit physics majors also go into chemistry because that's where physics can be applied and used, and where it makes money. Chemistry is applied logical physics.
Came here to say this
Wrong, I'm a programmer and I'm fash.
We've had to be ever since moot banned everyone who's not a cute anime girl or a miner. So there's only burly buff drillers of earth and cute anime girls on this site, neechan.
What's the deal with Computer Engineering? I still want to work with computers. My unrealistic dream is working cybercom or something. Realistically I want to work for the GSA
As I said, that chart applies to Americans.
Here in the US, coding/software is chock full of commie faggots. It's why games dev'd in the US/Canada and social media companies are full of cultural marxism and why US companies social media postings are loaded down with leftist shit.
In the US, they have been replaced all the based IT and CS people with poos and women
>My unrealistic dream is working cybercom or something.
That's not as unrealistic as you think. Those guys are severely underpaid compared to what they could get working as a security expert in Silicon Valley or Seattle. Also they have to put up with government bullshit, which drives away free spirit white man programmers.
t. spook
Get used to biting your tongue, hiding your power-level, and being passed over for leadership positions
>he doesn't know
best one
These edits are the best.
As a libertarian-minded person, I find a little self-awareness about how retarded my belief system can be sometimes is healthy. If only other political orientations had our sense of humor.
Not all fascists play touhou, but all touhou players are fascist
Great. Maybe you can clear something up for me. I've been looking around and it doesn't make clear to me if I should be working on CS or a CE degree. Who ends up in high speed, red team, cyber fires type roles?
>my horrific childhood made me a radical centrist
lol can't answer that on Jow Forums. Just study anything related to computer security and crazy wacky hacks that would normally have no application in the real world and apply for jobs. You'll have to work your way up the chain anyway, and they'll train you on most of it.
You should be able to figure out which degree will get you where you want to go. If you can't do that on your own, you'd never cut it anyway.
based touhou poster
I'll just stick to what I'm doing already then. The website is vague and lumps everything to do with computers together, so I guess it doesn't actually matter. Thanks for the input
This one's kinda accurate for me too. I've drifted through anxiety and some hyperactivity, and now I'm becoming more psychopathic as I age and grow more authoritarian.
Not authoritarian government-wise, but more personal-wise, i.e. extreme self-control is vital for healthy existence. Control from within.
I like most of those films, but I can understand why they place where they are on the chart. I'd swap Fury Road for Team America though. Never seen Civil War, superhero films bore me. And I've never seen anything in the upper left.
This is why.
>tfw planning on Majoring in Economics
Pretty accurate tbqh
Autism belongs at the top right as well
Raymoo should be bottom right.
Surprisingly close
Can confirm.
Beaten and neglected reporten
As a straight white male, I only use piccrew for it's accurate depiction of what i look like, especially with the hair (Right Libertarian btw)
what is it about national socialism that turns men into crossdressing buttsluts?
Nope. Some of the worst posters use anime girls.
None of these happened to me and I'm authoritarian right. What does that mean?
this will never stop being funny