Can We Get a Stalinist Communism Thread?

Post Stalinist Communist Material Here

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The original comminist bolsheviks were jews retarded OP

nigga the NKVD was something like 30% Jewish


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Stalinism seems to be somewhat pretty based, could you guys come over to us and invade us?

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Like it or not this is now the face people will think of when they think of racism and sexism.

#killallwhitepeople exceeded the wildest dreams of the alt-right

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Communism and antifa is like cony2012

I'm gonna be that guy.

If the Commies and Nazis are after the same end goals and (((enemy))), then why not put aside your differences and focus on the objective at hand? How the people choose to live their lives (materialism vs traditionalism, etc) can follow after.

Commies did not allow private property, and did not like strong families. Commies want a weak family unit so that they depend on the gov. That’s where fascists and commies disagree

We did. But Western fascistic Capitalists Broke Down the Berlin Wall.

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stop shilling for Cultural Capitalism and Degenerate Fascistic Capitalism

She looks cute to me idk.

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Damn I had some gifs but they starved to death.

Nose Rings are part of the bourgeoisie plot to degrade Women to being just mere sexual objects.
That is not very Idealistic of you, Comrade.

Stalin was the greatest man who ever lived. Strong leader who built his country up from the ashes and restored the russian empire while spreading communism worldwide. Lenin and Stalin are the greatest men in human history. They are still causing the US pain to this day.

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In the USSR of the 1930s, homosexuality was illegal. It was considered a mental disorder and was treated by therapy with varying levels of success. Marxists such as the writer Maxim Gorky associated homosexuality with fascism.The correlation of perverse sex and fascism was not unfounded. In his book 'The Pink Swastika' Scott Lively argues that most high ranking members of the Nazi regime were practising homosexuals.

Gerhard van den Aardweg, a Dutch psychologist, who has successfully rehabilitated thousands of homosexual patients, has said that “wealthy organisations''are promoting homosexuality in an effort to destroy the last obstacle to the total commodification of mankind: the family. He has also stated that the homosexual agenda is a form of Nazi fetishism. Many of those 'wealthy organisations' promoting homosexuality are funded by billionaires such as George Soros. According to Lively, the violent and pathological nature of homosexuals was considered useful for an offensive murder machine like Nazi Germany. Officially, the Nazis were opposed to homosexuality. But Lively argues that they only persecuted overtly effeminate men. Heinrich Himmler, leader of the Schutzstafel (Protection Squad,SS) complained that urnings were flocking into the SS.

Alright lads, I’ll explain this, because some people never learn. Lefty Jow Forums used to have a poor tactic at bringing nationalists to their side by making it look like the ideology was the same as National Socialism or similar socially. This is obviously not true, and only Stalin was somewhat socially based, but he still sucked kike cock, and they probably killed his ass in the end.

>Stalin was the biggest bitch who ever lived

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No one can call himself a communist and support the reactionary LGBT movement. There will be no rainbow flags in a socialist state but the red banner of the proletariat!

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Cope Harder Fag

Cope Harder Fag

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Look at your own Leader, Adolf Hitler. He blew out his own brains. Therefore I would Argue that Hitler was the biggest bitch.

Finland has always been a bunch of faggots and the fact they keep bringing up the winter war is just proof of the level of embarrassment and irrelevance they feel. No, you didn't win a war against the soviets.

Try Harder


I see. Another reminder to everyone, these faggots have been flooding the website recently for the past couple days at least, they have been trying to say that National Socialism is homosexual despite killing fags, and putting them in concentration camps, and then saying that socialism is somehow opposed to it. I have run into them on /his/ flooding that place, and on here, they think that people will somehow either become Marxists or turn into fags. Please call them out, and then ignore them.

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>Anyone who disagrees with my narrative is a nazi
>Seething that russia was humiliated by a single farmer doing his duty to kill commie scum

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Read the Book "The Pink Swastika"

And take a look at this PDF

Yes the country that defeated nazi germany and all its axis allies in ww2 was actually beaten by a single farmer. Russia eternally btfo, Mannerheim didn't have to get on his arms and knees and beg Stalin for forgiveness.

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ww1 pics

open homosexuality of Röhm and other SA leaders such as his deputy Edmund Heines.

I didn't say beaten, I said humiliated. I'd say having hundreds of your own soldiers slaughtered by a farmer with a bolt-action rifle and no scope is pretty unambiguously indignified.

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This guy was a huge degenerate hypocrite, never trust a communist.

An aristocratic british faggot hated Lenin. No way.

Are you saying he lied about what Lenin said?

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Yes. He most likely lied about it. Just like Orwell was obsessed with bringing down Stalin.

How do you figure? He seemed to have never lied before. He has a record of documenting events with some accuracy, and has biases but he admits to them and openly states them before hand. And Orwell was pretty justified.

Dear other commies, was Malthus right?

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reminder stalin made racism against jews illegal

Anything and everything critical of glorious leader is lies, can't have the cultists questioning their beliefs.

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>this thread

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There is no other kind, those are liberals and revisionists
the bolsheviks had the lowest percent of jews in them of any of the revolutionary groups of the period

Orwell was literally working for MI5. He was openly a snitch.

Bertrand Russell was yet another British anarchist who happened to fall on the side of the western powers every single time.

when you are a fucking semi feudal shithole ruled by dumb aristocrats, but then bolsheviks take power and turn you into a powerhouse and the world's second largest economy, but people still say your system sucks

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Lenin hated malthusianism

Bolshevism was a Jewish movement and everyone who so much as criticized Jews got the death penalty under (((Stalin))). OP is a faggot

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>Orwell was literally working for MI5.
Good? Seems sensible.
>Bertrand Russell was yet another British anarchist who happened to fall on the side of the western powers every single time.
Good. Seems sensible.
Lenin hated everything.

Lenin also disliked degeneracy

I didn't really argue it was sensible or non-sensible. Anarchism has always been used by western powers as a way of furthering their goals. Charlie Champlin, the famous communist, was actually an anarchist. They never posed any real threat.

He legalized both homosexuality and transgenderism. It's Stalin that banned them.

>They never posed any real threat.
Yes. And? That's good. Are you LARPing as a communist to feel tough? Is that what this is about?

>The guy who literally wrote the book on condemning totalitarianism regardless of its source was critical of glorious leader
>commies screech about him being an anarchist because how DARE he question Stalin

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well the most progresive thing bolsheviks did was letting gays to have sex in private, but later they noted it evolved into worse shit, like Globo Homo in the west

He didn't really. He just threw out the old tsarist rule of law and build up a new constitution. Stalin didn't even think about homosexuality until the mid 30's when he realized what a massive amount of nazis were openly homosexual. The soviets banned homosexuality because they thought it lead to fascism.

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He was a faggot and a snitch. His book was only popular because the British government boosted it. He was basically everything he proclaimed to hate.

because there is no reason to have frivolous laws banning things that dont actually matter. Stalin made them illegal to encourage population growth. Just like he made abortion illegal.

There is nothing that is objectively right or wrong, thats liberal thinking. If something is causing society problems, then do something about it, otherwise it doesnt matter, and if people are complaining about something thats not causing society problems then the people complaining about it are the ones causing society problems.

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He was right is what he was.

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They literally legalized it when those restrictions were abrogated, then they sent people to the infamous Weimar institute that specialized in advancing degeneracy. It was the first organization to conduct transexual surgeries and it encouraged some despicable behaviour. It was also lead by a Yid.

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thats what i told you... here

>no reason to have frivolous laws banning things that dont actually matter
In the very next breath:
>Stalin made them illegal to encourage population growth. Just like he made abortion illegal.
So you say it doesn't matter but simultaneously it does matter because population growth? You see the cognitive dissonance?

He was a retarded british chauvinist who got really butthurt when he got shot in spain, blamed Stalin for losing the war, etc. The NKVD did kill a bunch of anarchists in Spain but Orwell was never an anarchist. He joined the Spanish civil war because he was a chauvinist. Rabid nationalist right winger.

Solzhenitsyn was an insane monarchist and proto-fascist.

Ayn Rand was a dumb cunt who got her mansion seized.

Why do you believe all these insane anti-communist writers? When they were only ever boosted by the US and British governments? Shouldn't you be more critical than that?

so what your image is showing, is that when the bolsheviks came to power, they abolished all the traditional laws, and sent people around to learn about various topics (a thing lenin heavily pushed with his 'learn learn learn' meme). Among this, they sent some people to check out what this german sex institute had to say about sex. Subsequently a few years later, they officially classified homosexuality as a mental illness.

Thats the story your image tells if you had bothered to read it fully.

>the bolsheviks had the lowest percent of jews in them of any of the revolutionary groups of the period

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In this document you can see how Marxist were vehemently against the hoarding of medical knowledge and the access of abortion to the upper classes, but did not approve of it's use a panacea for social control to resource demand rationing.
This tension was carried over from Marx to Lenin. I think the two sides agreed that it does exist and operate in reality, but differ in their theory of the causes (either innate physical limitations or materialist impositions by a ruling class).

It's an important subject to talk about what it means for the Iron Law of Wages:
We're seeing the conceptual effect playing out in real-time especially now in the age of climate change and finite and damaging fossil fuels and also migrant pools of labor emigrating out of the global south + globalized supply chains. Essentially the scope of the labor population has dramatically increased without the economy growing by the same amount which contributes to higher oligarchic monopsony and nullified labor power.

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>Orwell was never an anarchist
>yet another British anarchist
So he was an aristocratic nationalist chauvinist snitch of MI5 who was also an anarchist but not an anarchist, right.
>Why do you believe all these insane anti-communist writers
Typical of a tankie bootlicker to fall back on communism's well known abuse of psychiatry to discredit anyone critical of communist dictatorships.

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>Denounces the Holodomor for being genocidal

>Praises the Holocaust and wishes more were killed

SS camp guards exploited boys in the camps

cope harder fashfag

That never happened. its revisionist propoganda

Orwell and Russell are two different people. I'm not hearing anything significant coming out of you, just the typical REEEEEEEEEEEEEE TANKIE drivel. Why believe what the capitalists say about communism? Do you also believe what the Israeli government says about Palestinians? Or what the nazis said about jews?

>Everyone who disagrees with me is FASH
Your antifa is showing.

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Look at your own Autistic MIGA pro trump zoomer retards

Stalin Re criminalized it. The KGB Labeled it a mental disease.

>Thinks the USSR wasnt created & run by the Jews...

You need a history lesson sir!

STFU shitskin

That never happend

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Antifa are leftist libberal traitors who will be shot.
So will fascists like you

>Orwell and Russell are two different people
And you said:
>yet ANOTHER British anarchist.
Seeing as the previous line was about Orwell, the inference was pretty clear.
>Why believe what the capitalists say about communism?
Cry harder.
>Stalin would never lie, he's our god!

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