Trump supporter

>Trump supporter
How do we get them to grow up?

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Other urls found in this thread:

By leaving them where they are..

>suppose to

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I can't wait to hear trump supporters explain to me how getting involved in the Middle East is obviously America first

If they wanted to grow up and be mature, they wouldn't have voted for Trump in the first place.

They are irrelevant. We have secured the Revolution

you realize as a country you aren't respected at all right? People might hate the USA but at least we are relevant. Your only accomplishment is the most feminist govt in the world.

>suppose to

Trump was a gateway drug towards the nationalist/white identitarian movement. Nothing more, nothing less.

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How do we get liberals to grow up?
>College campuses are now crying centers
>Can’t debate. All they say is “you’re ray cist!”
>Muh Women’s Rights. Muh Muslims peaceful. ... Error can’t compute!
>Still think Mueller got Trump
>Conservative speaker coming? Quick, call Antifa and burn down properties
>Zero supporting claims for ANY liberal policy
>Muh open borders and Medicare for All

Hi shareblue. you dirty jews are hilarious.


>How do we get them to grow up?
What's that like? Doing nothing at all and bitching about everything and everyone all blackpilled and half suicidal?
Fuck off.

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All the /ptg/ threads. They really are a lost cause

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It's realizing your kiked president is working against whites and the nation

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By getting them to vote for based Bernie of course

>still trying the "we're the REAL Jow Forums" shill schtick

Just kill yourself

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Let them know that orange man bad

Go back to the r*ddit faggot

Trump has been a disaster

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>waaaa stop calling me racist! Youre racist!

Trump supporters need to.

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Now post stats that show how many of them were made up because they reported a family of 4 as "2 human traffickers"

His stupid crime bill has let out people who have already committed more serious crimes

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Also where is the big beautiful wall? Remember he had control of Congress at one point. In may a record 130k migrants

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Yeah ok, make sure to say 'whos laughing now", if you even get there.


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Oil prices. Now explain why do you like your women gang raped by shitskins?

>Remember he had control of Congress
Let's not pretend like this is true. This was long before republicans would dare follow him. Not that you're wrong overall

And Natsoc say to vote Dem, wtf.

He's still the best pick if Yang or Gabbard lose the nomination.

The irony is palpable le current year man

You guys aren’t even trying anymore

You know most people will never Question much unless there Iq is 130 or higher as far as proven behavior studies.

You all are so fucking enormously stupid. I'm tired of you faggots shitting on trump like he isn't the only option we currently fucking have. What in the fuck else are we supposed to choose, a democrat? A revolution isn't happening thanks to you smug retards doing nothing but making shit memes. YOU WON'T EVEN POST IOTBW posters, but act like you're somehow fucking brave.

You Trump Quitters are like HE'S NOT RIGHT WING ENOUGH while y'all are doing jack fucking shit to improve anything besides bitching on 4containmentchan. So you're all saying we should go natsoc, ok, how about you fucks go first. Because that option has been shit on, over and over and over and over by the wider public. When blatantly NatSoc it is the total lose option because like it or not, WE NEED THE NORMIES. Realistically speaking our only options are TRUMP or a fucking DEMOCRAT. So until one of you fucks get off your FLAT COOMER BALLS and runs for fucking office under the USNATSOC Party. Keep being useless whiners who are inevitably going to vote for Trump anyways like those of us who arent' quitters.

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and then what you fucking retard? Every fucking president bows to the kikes. So unless you're ready to REVO WAR II, or run yourself shut the fuck up and vote for the less turd of an option.


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The only sane, intelligent post in this entire fucking shill thread.