Mom shit

I swear its always moms and or women in general who always push this shit.

They are obsessed with making men girly as shit

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She is a tranny.

Let's not forget all the moms taking their kids to faggot parades and faggot story hour. where are these women being bombarded with subliminal commands to turn their own children queer?

I wonder what the father has to say

It's just liberals genociding their kids.
Ride the degeneracy wave

Women are constantly pushing, searching for boundaries. When no man is around that is willing or able to provide women boundaries, the women will run off a cliff.

It makes the unique and special to have a faggot tranny kid. It's like those people who poison their kids for sympathy

>"my mom is popular and pretty and she wears dresses"
>"if i dress the same, good things will happen!"
what a bitch. youre supposed to stop your kid, not enable

It's crazy how boys want to wear dresses now. I never heard of that until recently. What's going on?

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>im trying to teach him to be confident in decisions that match my personal worldview and agenda
Wake me up when one of these celebs supports their child's decision to wear a trump hat


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There is a guy that walks around southport in a tutu and jeans because he was forced to wear dresses as a child. Totally fucked in the head, these woman make just the worse decisions when it come to raising boys

Imagine being as irrelevant as Megan Fox.

Does the pipe come with the scooter?

I had no idea Megan Fox had three sons.

She's still hot.

Imagine how pissed off you'd be if you actually lived in the sewers and came up one day to see this shit in front of your manhole

But who will raise the next generation of serial killers?

twitch obv

The female idolization of confidence is perfect example of their stupidity and lack of wisdom.

Confidence is literally nothing.
COMPETENCE is important.
Having money: important.
A great body: important.
But the feeling, the emotion, the body language of mere confidence is NOT the same as actually having the things which give confidence.
>but, user, confidence can thus serve as a proxy for having those things can it not?
Ah, but no! This is precisely why we have the phrase "appearances can be misleading"
A yacht, a diamond ring, a Rolls Royce, a million dollars in the bank does need a proxy for assessment. They are their own proof of wealth.
When was the last time you saw a strutting arrogant nigger that was even middle class, let alone wealthy?
Again, confidence is nothing.
Serial killer psychopaths are supremely confident.
Gang bangers and low class thugs are supremely confident.
Are you telling me these low lifes are good mates?

The fact that cunts idolize confidence is just absolute proof that holes are retarded, foolish, and untrustable for any but the most mundane and trivial of decisions.

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Women are a problem. The accoint for 70% of money spent because men are busy working. They are easily swayed by emotions and have equal rights to men.
The solution:
>abolish child support
>strict 1st trimester abortion laws
>only straight married women allowed to vote
>tax employers for every women they employ

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No kidding, I was surprised how often I got laid despite having no car or job. AlL I did was go to the gym and be tall. Also I was obviously mentally ill you'd think that would be a turn off but no.

This. Why is this "news" and who the hell actually cares?