Please be kind to each other

please be kind to each other

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Lets wordfilter kike to goyim and get timmy to be our posting bro

Okay little buddy I will try but the first time user calls me a nigger I might lose it

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my cousin has really pale feet and she made me sniff them a few years ago and i got a lung infection since she's a neet and doesn't care much about pedicures.

she's g*rman

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please eat shit and die

this site as a whole is shit, no offense to you OP.

To each other in general or on here? Different answers.

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On here you fukken retard

OP didn't specify that your retarded spic.

shut the fuck up faggot nigger

I'm not gonna let you win today you piece of shit...see Op I kept my cool

I am always nice as fuck to the people arounding me, especially onion white boi (Chad btfo), poo without heavy accent and my fellow Changs. I don't really like black people that much but I still try my best to help them if they need.

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Have a great day user fukken piece of shit

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Jow Forums is a board of peace
Where else can you see burgerniggers, pastaniggers, toothniggers, leafniggers, hueniggers, krautniggers, spicniggers, emuniggers, cuckniggers, gookniggers, balticniggers and balkaniggers friendly talking to each other and discussing politics, making retarded memes and weaponizing their autism?

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>1 post this ID

SuprFrenz AssemBl!

I luv u anons! Can we be comfy?

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Lets play a game

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What kind?

Any game gets you banned. Games are fun, but too much fun for Jow Forums.

>there will never be an anime series

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