

Attached: 1569023328670.jpg (1242x1888, 894K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?ei=cuKFXaaQE6i8ggevkpX4CA&q=when did the wtc construction start&oq=when did the wtc construction start&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30.6618.15073..15205...2.1..0.196.2271.36j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i131j0j0i273j0i67j33i22i29i30.NQfPXWcQC6o&ved=0ahUKEwimkbPUwuHkAhUonuAKHS9JBY8Q4dUDCAs&uact=5

Based Hitler

B... B.... Based.... .Ki.. Kike?

wow, just wow

The exact same fucking thread was posted yesterday with the exact same message.


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thanks hitler

it's as if there's people on this anime web forum with an agenda

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lol at the star of david on the handle

Attached: British White.jpg (425x620, 125K)

The agenda here appears to be to tell young whites not to give up, but to fight for their people and the possibility of a future. What's wrong with that?

Link to artist , faggot .

Based lampshade

agendas don't have to be bad

Reminder that anime is a mind weapon. Drawn art and cartoons are used to infiltrate the minds of CHILDREN. You have been mk ultraed chimp. The twin towers fell 33 years after their construction. Youre entire life has been socially engineered by a ruling class of shadow cultists. The nazis were controlled opposition. Everything you know is a lie. Type 1488 into jewish gematria.

Attached: the frog.jpg (480x360, 16K)

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actually kinda emotional after seeing that

Nazis yes,Hitler no

Hitler was the only who opposed masons,illuminaties,secret societies even in his ranks.Reminer that he banned and destroyed masonic lodges among with Thule Society.

Hitler was Light.Hitler was Godsend

>twin towers fell 33 years after their construction
Proofs now , nigger .

nice vpn larper

Here you go.
google.com/search?ei=cuKFXaaQE6i8ggevkpX4CA&q=when did the wtc construction start&oq=when did the wtc construction start&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30.6618.15073..15205...2.1..0.196.2271.36j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i131j0j0i273j0i67j33i22i29i30.NQfPXWcQC6o&ved=0ahUKEwimkbPUwuHkAhUonuAKHS9JBY8Q4dUDCAs&uact=5

Attached: 911 israel.jpg (568x450, 39K)

love you bro

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> schizo Lunatic alert

Attached: pepe nervous.jpg (800x450, 44K)

I didnt realise that they were built so recently , I thought they were older . Thanks , user .

top kek

Calm yourself HansAnon . Its been pounded into all our brains that Hitler is the ultimate bad guy .
Jesus chased the jewish merchants from the temple , then the jews got the Romans to kill Jesus .
Hitler chased the jewish banks out of Germany , then the jewish banks got the Allies to kill Hitler .
Hitler , The Christ 2.0 .

Anyone got that green text story with pic of Hitler on the bench?

I wish Hitler would stop me from putting a bullet in my cranium.

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Thank you user

I still had it my download folder from yesterday lol

I just found this post in the thread yesterday:
>Imagine what could have been. Instead we are stuck with being invaded and spit on by the 3rd world sub humans.
Makes me wonder how 2019 would've been if he won. Any thoughts?

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Yeah it's just not the same when you have the thread pop up in the exact same way.
But that's not what I'm supposed to say, so here goes:

Is it possible to miss someone you've never met? I like to think so.
I miss him so much lads.

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>Any thoughts?
Not right now , migraine kicked in . Icing my head right now . Even typing is hard .

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Attached: the REAL final solution.jpg (336x251, 57K)

I call it exit strategy. Remember, keep one bullet for yourself.

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So basically all natsocs have daddy issues and need a father figure to hug them? Sounds about right.

Dunno but could partially explain why it is just the right tool to achieve my aims one day. Love is a powerful motivator ... can make people do things you would not believe.

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