
Attached: 22CCCBC0-C1D5-41B8-9E88-33015E80426D.jpg (699x878, 298K)

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At least our black prime minister was only pretending. You mutts actually elected a real black

We officially elected the first transracial national leader, you wish you could be as progressive as us

on the scale of 1/10 how fucked is he , also was this pre planned

Attached: Uncle_Remus.png (1434x1080, 1.77M)

>A real black
wrong again leaflet

Like all interracial cucks he's actually a racist with a nigger fetish. Predictable

Kek, actually worst Obama was a mutt from a black men and a white woman

Attached: FF2LGW7EAU5O5FUGMDLZKTFU4E.jpg (2660x1784, 837K)

Obama was a White Man

u mad white boi?

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Checked and I was thinking this the other day. With all the coincidences it does kind of seem like a pre-planned occurrence.

wtf, canada elected the first black prime minister???

>mc nigger

Just like me :)

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It's the outfit he wears when Sophie wants more kids.

his career is over!
another racist white asshole bites the dust!

Dude it's okay he was just on the show.

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Blackface good

Attached: canaduh.jpg (720x395, 63K)

This is cultural appropriation..

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Another low quality blackface spammer.

I fail to see how this isn't based.

cant wait for the china trip

he is 1/16th Malaysian
>skip to 26:00

He should just claim his critics are racist against black people if they are offended by this.

wasnt obamas mom white and shoved a bottle up her ass

How many times have you dressed up in blackface?

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So where is the video of MC Nigger's "Hoe Slayer" performance?


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Yep, he was as much white as he was black, if he's a black man, then he's also a white man.

Obama was WHITE

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He will never admit it.

1/10. I saw a meme from a lefty on my facebook with a picture of scheer saying i dont do brown face because i hate brown people or something like that.

Twitter pic