nordcucks were illiterate savages who lived in mud huts and threw their own shit like monkeys until we civilized them
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I would lick every drop of sweat from her thighs
You are brown turd.
w&b Italia. now fuck of d&c shill
Shut up memeflag
>unibrowed shitskin
>obsessed with white people
Your rulers were "Nordcucks" subhuman. Try writing on paper when you live in the furious anvil forge of the violent Aryan North. Germanics and Saxons built masterwork fashioned ships and weapons from literal iron scraps from Puddles of Mud. Not ONCE in HISTORY were Scandinavian raiders EVER defeated. We created architectural masterpieces out of thin alpine wood alone, from our OWN HANDS and our OWN MINDS. You fat med faggots had one of the ruling caste think up a big stone building and got nigger slaves to build it for them. Powerful minds, Great strength, Wonderous communities, Noble morals, unparalleled BEAUTY. We are the TRUE MASTER RACE.
dont memeflag with the truth, its bad form
Why do you hate us so much? I went to Italy several times and had a blast. Italians are always so friendly and sociable. I often meet meds at metal festivals, too, and we always get along, connect well and express mutual respect and admiration for eachothers cultures and history.
Why do you hate me bros? I'm a snownigger, you're oliveniggers, pastaniggers and whatever flavor of nigger the spaniards are. And we all hate the niggerniggers and sandniggers and want them to stay in their shitholes.
Hhhnnngg...I fucking love med women!
Based and medpilled
Thats a jew.
Nice log cabin, even a cave man could build that
oh she pretty
med master race reporting in
Only jews and their golems believe anything of what he said.
I guess you would know Schlomo
Looks like my ex, I am starting to get a boner. Pontid/North Pontid phenotypes are the best for women, no contest.
I want a med gf so bad bros
I am Latino
I am a descendant of the based Romans?
no you are a brown subhuman
Is Medgirl femdom trad?
she would get her ass kicked by alpha chad female from america.
this girl is immensely muscular
Femdom is the trve patrician's choice my man
Hitler and Mussolini were allies. Why can’t meds and Nords get along?
Looking fwd to cooming hard to this muscular enchantress until she hits that highest, hardest Wall
Obvs, but TRVE FEMDOM is between one man and one woman, or it's FVCKING DEGENERATE, okay?
Who said anything about jerking off? Femdom is a purely platonic appreciation of undomesticated femininity. Fuck all these basic bitches.
I said, years ago, that it would start with the jokes of disenfranchised Southern Europeans seeking to avoid the question at hand.
Our efforts received disdain from the North.
Here we are now, and the Germs are beginning to realize that they will be alone, that the amicable rivals from the South, which kept them safe for milenia, have grown tired of the lack of respect and outright hatred.
You will fight this war alone, Hans; even Northern Italians and the French have seen through the vitriol. You are alone, and you forgot that you were always weak.
What’s the purple stuff? Isn’t this the middle of the desert?
Jews are meds
Cleaner, healthier, more natural, and more socially just civilization than the olive fuckers, that's why you needed to make this cuck shed thread lol
Maybe try not to be so salty that what your ancestors lacked in life was true purpose, but I guess that pretty hard when your people were too stupid to expand past Big Sargassum Lake.
Mediterraneans are all mudslime mutts, why bother?
They're really ramping up the D&C these days. White pride worldwide!
Mediterraneans are not white but that is ok
I'm Italian and have to admit that most of our women are not good looking. But the ones that are find themselves among the best looking in any group.
So this is the infamous /msg/.
Even as a Nordic man of Scandinavian descent , I am not the least bit offended, but morbidly dismayed by your lack of self-reflection and basic humility toward yourself and Evropa. Pathetic, really.
>shut up memeflag
>is using memeflag
>perpetual warzone has the internet
Nice cope.
Figured it was a pretty honest assessment. Most people here think their women are the greatest of all time, even if most are pigs.
pole vault girls are so hot
>until we civilized them
Yes, I too remember the great italian conquest of denmark, sweden and norway...
>log cabin
cringe. it also sounds gay as fuck bro, is that where you nordcucks fucked each other in the ass?
chick's such a dime
i ain't coomin tho
Italian women are superior.
came here for this.
Say that to Spartacus.
but italians were spawned by niggers
>Laughs while slaughtering 18 000 roman soldiers
Spartacus who the fuck?
Italian women are traditional.
Consider this:
Yes, germanics, celts etc were more primitive than romans or greek at the height of their dominance.
There are multiple factors why that was, but to cut a long story short, at the time it was like this:
romans and persians had higher genetic IQs than northern europeans at that time and there were also significantly lower homicide-rates in the south than there were in the north.
Greek and roman philosophers thought of themselves as superior and proposed that their homelands had the best climate and therefore produced the best people, the ancient equivalent to "we had to survive winters, but it wasn't too cold, like it was for the eskimos".
Of course that's not true or at least not significant enough to explain those discrepancies.
Roman, egyptian and greek soceity and civilisation were all stagnant and they all lost technology over time, they weren't as great as "modern" society.
After the fall of the roman empire, what used to be germanic europe was now able to form kingdoms and trade; basically forming societies beyond mut-huts.
The effect of society and trade, especially in north-western europe, was an evolutionary one: there was a higher pressure to be more intelligent and civil, etc. (a great video about this topic:
I believe that the average IQ of north-western europe overtook that of southern europe at about ~1500, they set themselves "free" from the italian papacy and slowly embraced more "modern" attributes and eventually, the industrial revolution happened. (
Since the 1500, history was basically dictated by north-western europeans, this is NOT a declaration of supremacy, but I just want to accentuate that YOU can influence your society to improve YOUR people and I think that tthis should be the political goal of any government, not just to conserve the people,
Ewww .. fake girls.
post more of that goth qt
Ancient Greece, the central Roman Empire, the Vatican, the Renaissance, discovery and colonization of the New World, the origin of the Enlightenment was all Meds. Nords will forever be standing on the shoulders of giants, never forget that
Hell if we include Anglos into the mix you end up with civilization. What the hell were Nords doing for 2000 years
How the hell is liking women with narrow flat noses at all pro-Jewish?
Sure, but she deleted most of her content, so that was the best photo I have
Nip poke through leather - now thats a nipple.