Populism is anti intellectual

Jow Forums btfo.

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>you're anti-intellectual!

People who make this argument are the worst kind of people you get the rope

Populism is what the people want so basically democracy which is a failure. Hoppean libertarianism is the way.

>Democracy is anti intellectual


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Hang (((intellectuals))) Btfo btfo.

“Some ideas are so stupid only intellectuals believe in them.” - George Orwell

Does he have a single fact to back that up?

Populists push their promises to appeal to the masses. The masses are pretty fucking stupid. Even in a room of intelligent people, one retard contributes the most noise and draws down everybody to their level.

I don't think it's crazy to say it's anti-intellectual, but to conclude anything from that alone is pretty poorly thought out.

are you the swede who brigades /ptg/?

populism is democracy


Let's discus democracy, and remind ourselves it is inherently populist.

>1 retweet
stop bumping this shit you stupid newfaggots

What has "intellectualism" given the world, ever, except genocidal communism and suicidal "color blindness?"

No, really, intellectualism is just some pathetic loser telling himself he's so much smarter than everyone else, and everything would be fine if reality would just confirm to his ideas.

Being an "intellectual" these days means you're actually retarded and have absolutely no idea how the world works.

This tweet is intellectual C O P E.

And academic intellectualism is jewish subversion

Definition of populism: "a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups."

To be a politician in a democracy is to be a populist. You have to appeal to ordinary people. You have to attack established elites groups. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter and Nixon were all populists. If populism is anti-intellectual, democracy is anti-intellectual.

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buzzwords that should tell you to ignore someone

Political commentary is anti intellectual.

You can't separate race from this. Populism is as good as the population is smart. No government has ever really let honest intellectuals rule absolutely, governments just claim to adhere to "intellectual" thought and do whatever they want because even intellectuals love money and can be paid to reach conclusions. People who want rule by intellectuals are LARPing because it's never happened.

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Alright, i'll bite.
Define "intellectual" without resorting to tautology.
Is intellectualism defined by IQ? By resource acqusition? popularity of writings? By scientific merit? If so does that apply to all sciences and if not, which ones?
And on what basis is any of that objectively true? "Demagogic" "Popularity"? Amount of government subsidies? Longstanding tradition? God?

If you're going to resort to appeals to authority you'd better have a strong instituional authority behind it.
Which 99% of modern horseshit like "intellectual", a 20th century invention by mediocre writers propping themselves up as a social class to distinguish themselves from other marxist plebs that mean nothing whatsoever in a modern context, does not.

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Okay. Then I'm for a small group of elites who share my ideology. Problem solved

Why do you hate whites?

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aah, UNpopulism must be the way to go

do whatever the people you serve hate most

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He does a series of follow up tweets if anyone is interested.

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Is there an appreciable difference between 'populism' and 'the will of the people'? The term populism only seems to get thrown around when the cathedral doesnt agree with the results of an election, as if it means 'democracy done wrong'

'populism' is now just used to define a popular movement that the elites and their middle class lieutenants don't like as it threatens their hold over their slaves.

Why don’t you explain why populism is a good thing?

>muh anti-intellectualism
>implying it's wrong to crush the urbanite

Have Trump, Sanders, or Wallace ever marketed themselves as populist?

what kind of loser posts their own tweets on Jow Forums?

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>except genocidal communism and suicidal "color blindness?"
Neither of those are intellectual. They are explicitly anti-intellectual.

It's the will of the native white males, the people that should be dictating the fate of their own people. It is therefore vastly superior to whatever evil agenda Jews/elites/anti-whites are pushing onto them.

Not really. Populism through history has always been a way to define others and is practically never used by groups to define themselves.

It's either mob rule or (((mafia))) rule. Humanity is fucked.

>Those populace politicians dont really care about you. The ones virtue signalling do though.

Fuck those so-called "intellectuals"

When the "intellectuals" in charge have been fucking up for 50 years straight and making things worse for ordinary people, its only natural they would be mad.

Truly epic for the win

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>Populism is anti intellectual
So ? Fuck the eggheads ! They are only good for being specialized idiots that invent shit from time to time. If left alone and with out moral boundaries they invent face masks from infant foreskins those monsters. Fuck em

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All large societal movements are anti-intellectual. Duh. Democracy is inherently anti-intellectual, but it's still better than the risk of being subjugated under the arbitrary rule of some tyrant.