Joseph Stalin

National hero or evil murderer?

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The person Russia required at the time

he killed a lot of atheists and commies so he's a hero in my book

He killed jews taking control of Russia away from them (hero) but then blamed it on the Germans (evil).

Anyone who kills millions of Sl*voids is a fucking hero in my book, you can bet your ass on that.

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Hitler acknowledged this not long before his death. He acknowledged that the Ger*ans had shown themselves to be inferior, simply by the fact that they lost the war. As such, Hitler believed that Ger*ans deserved utter obliteration/extinction. Based Merkel is carrying the torch toward fulfilling that promise.

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>Let's be friends
>Imma execute you
so much for that

>Trotsky jews with all the other bolshevik jews to keep themselves in power
>"lol stalin is just a goy stooge we used to rob banks, he's going to be relegated to a literal secretary"
>stalin out jews the jews and uses his clerical skills to install himself as dictator for life
>has Trotsky stabbed in the fucking brain
I DEFY you to tell me how Stalin was not based.

Lenin made him leader. It's a meme that Lenin loved Trotsky. Lenin literally created the position of general secretary for Stalin.

Stalin wasn't Marxist - he was national socialist.

Stalin killed fags.
Communism=No faggots and trannies.

Both. Defeating Nazi Germany was no small accomplishment.

>National hero or evil murderer?
This isn't a debate anymore, the answer is clear as a day.

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based slav man cucked nazis

>older people who knew better and had first hand account of those times vs clueless uneducated zoomers
color me shocked

Commies can go fuck themselves

I thought he was bad before but I did a lot of reading and found out he actually purged jews, so he was ok. Because of him kikes gave up on taking over Russia, it was too big bite for them, so they went for Palestine.

Pedovores and their legacy and social media protectors are being delivered to justice

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Both, he killed kikes but also worked with/for them.

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>National hero or evil murderer?
There is usually little to no difference between the two.

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Faggot. Hitler was a hero we needed...

Pedovores and their legacy and social media protectors are being delivered to justice

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> Lenin literally created the position of general secretary for Stalin.
Yes, as a way to give him a completely pointless role in the new government while the jews ruled. It was only Stalin's own ingenuity that gave him power. The position he was handed had paperwork duties, he used what little power he had to make himself a leader.

He saved Poland in some way.

Club footed sociopathic dwarf.
Should have been drowned in a bathtub when he was an infant.

what kind of hero kills himself like a bitch in a bunker

The more I see propaganda against him, the more i like him.
Paradoxically he is the sickest murderer there is but he still did what had to be done from Soviet perspective.

Based reasonable Sven.

He was the son of a serf (that's basically a slave for those who don't know)

He had physical defects and no connections to power

He was a revolutionary and bank robber, he did time in Siberian prison camps and he escaped

He took control of the largest country on earth with the largest military on earth (at the time), led it from wooden ploughs to nuclear superpower status while dealing with a devastating invasion and internal threats both

Whatever you think of his actions morally, you have to be impressed at a man achieving as much as he did with all his disadvantages

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Stalin is as fake as Putin.Russia needs friendly Hitler

Stalin didn`t kill Jews,he killed everyone.He killed lot`s of smart Russians Germans Poles

Prove he killed himself

He wasn't even Russian too...

No he was Georgian, but he was still born in the Russian Empire

He failed to kill the Jew Bols. He failed and his murder spree was for nothing. Dumb criminal cunt.

He was son of Georgian alcholic ,so dumb that he couldn`t even speak without strong accent. Allso in that area shitons of Jews lived.He was also raped by Trotsky in Siberia

A hero for continuing the work Hitler started.

>He was also raped by Trotsky in Siberia
kek never heard that story, please elaborate Ivan

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Nah. General secretary was already in charge of things like the secret police. Lenin clearly wanted Stalin to be his right hand man at the very least.

i am exaggerating,but they lived in exile and Trotsky ruined Stalin brain,he didn`t keep order in room,was complete loser

He really rose from the gutter to the top despite having poor and rough life. There was a documentary about him on YLE (one of our TV and radio channels) like two years ago. Apparently he was beaten by his dad a lot and he hated him, but he visited his old and demented mother when he was already a dictator and she asked what he did for a living. According to the documentary he told his mother his job is kind of what the Tsar does and his mom was like 'ok'.

The documentary didn't go into specifics on whether his mother knew at some point he was leading the country or not, or if Stalin told him he is the leader of the country. But it sounded pretty "metal".

From Wikipedia:
>In its first two incarnations the office performed mostly secretarial work. The post of Responsible Secretary was then established in 1919 to perform administrative work.[5] In 1922, the office of General Secretary followed as a purely administrative and disciplinary position, whose role was to do no more than determine party membership composition. Stalin, its first incumbent, used the principles of democratic centralism to transform his office into that of party leader, and later leader of the Soviet Union.[4]

It was a literal secretarial position. Lenin isn't the hero you make him out to be, Stalin was a goy stooge.

Lol that's the pickaxe that actually killed Trotsky. Based.

Wikipedia is a pretty shitty source. Stephen Kotkin is an anti-communist historian but he does some pretty good research. He has flatly said that even before Stalin became general secretary he was basically in charge of the secret police. There are letters from him to NKVD officials, him insturcting them to do things. Why would Lenin just ignore all that?

I see, this does not surprise me, Stalin had that reputation

That's a good story, for good or ill Stalin definitely achieved a lot for himself and against long odds

Lol good eye Etienne

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>Apparently he was beaten by his dad a lot and he hated him
It's completely normal in Georgian society apparently. Everybody beats everybody they can.

>Trotsky ruined Stalin brain,
I believe Stalin eventually payed this back

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Yeah that quote from him really got embedded into my memory somehow.

Another one is when some of his old friends had helped him or even saved his life.
Later that guy ended up in one of Stalin's trials and the sentence was death or gulag. Apparently he had a chance to talk to Stalin in the court and he had asked him do you know what thankfulness is. Stalin replied it's a sickness suffered by dogs.

You really didn't want to mess with Josif.

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Sounds like fanfiction. No matter how much fascists want to deny it, Trotsky was an ally of theirs. This is him in Mussolini's Italy:

Now how does a world famous communist walk around freely in a fascist society?

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He tortured and murdered more Atheist pigs, Communists and Slavic subhumans than any other person in history.

He also, in an act of unbelievable courage, realized that Hitler was right and attempted to round up the Jews before he was assassinated.

look at Africa`s growth

Mussolini was the editor of the largest Socialist newsletter in Europe, and had no problem talking to Communists.

Trotsky was, of course, a Jew and an ally of international finance, but all of the Communists were. They were, after all, quite objectively funded by large banks.

Mussolini was originally a socialist but he became a fascist later on. He denounced all egalitarianism and anti-capitalism. He was the mentor of dumbfuck Hitler. He executed communists in large numbers. As Trotsky was strolling around rome Antonio Gramsci was rotting to death in Mussolini's prison.

Gramsci had political sway, Trotsky was a humiliated exile who was permitted to exist in Rome. Had he even begun to try to build an interest in trotskyism in Italy he'd be liquidated faster than you can say "permanent revolution"

Right but he was allowed because he was an enemy of the soviet system. Goebbels himself said the nazis were running Trotskyite radios and propaganda campaigns. Trotsky was a fascist collaborator.

>Right, but he was allowed because he was an enemy of the soviet system.
He was disruptive to Stalin and was tolerated at best.
Yeah, no shit, he was an enemy of the soviets AFTER stalin took power.

If you genuinely believe global political moves can't be opportunistic you are cartoonishly naive.

I'm not really trying to cast any moral judgement on it, it's just that a ridiculous amount of current neo-nazis despise Trotsky as the father of modern neo-conservatism and a shit ton of them also swear up and down that no nazi would ever be working with a "judeo-bolshevik." Trotskyism used to be incredibly huge. I think Orwell was one, Hitchens, the NED, the nation endowment for democracy, was founded by Trotskyists.

lmao tell them to look no further than their financiers for the neolibs they so despise

ты cpaвнивaeшь нac c ниггepaми?

(Especially you)

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