On Maram Susli/Partisangirl

reee she is not arab she is levantian
also don't even get the idea she is mine

As far as her looks go she's like a crappier version of the average Slavic woman.

Wasn't ready for that final redpill. Huge if true.

32 years, dang she is wall-resistant. If I was Joseph Watson I would caught this qt 9/11 hot chick.

You take that back right now Asian!

my god we don't have time for this


Hanzo, she's just unusual looking, not hot.


She's hot

Attached: 0.jpg (480x360, 15K)

>moonlandings are fake u guys
>porn is all cgi! Muh favorite pornstar is pure
>trump is not really president, it's all a huge con
God, you people are pathetic.