reee she is not arab she is levantian
also don't even get the idea she is mine
On Maram Susli/Partisangirl
Leo Torres
Daniel Cruz
As far as her looks go she's like a crappier version of the average Slavic woman.
Jason Adams
Wasn't ready for that final redpill. Huge if true.
Brody Taylor
32 years, dang she is wall-resistant. If I was Joseph Watson I would caught this qt 9/11 hot chick.
Anthony Myers
You take that back right now Asian!
Grayson Thomas
my god we don't have time for this
Jeremiah Wood
Hanzo, she's just unusual looking, not hot.
Wyatt Richardson
Hunter Murphy
She's hot
Noah Hernandez
>moonlandings are fake u guys
>porn is all cgi! Muh favorite pornstar is pure
>trump is not really president, it's all a huge con
God, you people are pathetic.