What is wrong with us?

What is wrong with us?

Attached: number-of-guns-per-capita1.jpg (840x840, 307K)

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Gotta pump those numbers up

That's happening right now but it's a very slow process

Just as i thought. Poles always say that our gun laws are great until you show them the numbers, and then they say nothing.

I thought your gun laws were okay

Dude the evidence is before your eyes
Italy in turn has one of the best in europe

All the norwegian guns belong to police, hunters or people legally required to carry to protect themselves from polar bear attacks :/

I'm pretty sure that this map includes civilian owned guns only

D-does Poland produce (or did it before) any ingenious weapon designs? No offence, just kinda never heard of them.

Wrong? We were very safe under socialism so no guns needed and it sticked for most part.

Completely indegenous? No. But we have pretty good variants of foreign designs. I'm talking about military guns of course. And poland only made 1 famous gun.

Is there such thing as Polish Mosin? I know that Finnish Mosins are generally of better quality than Soviet Mosins and definitely on par if not better than Russian Imperial Mosins.

>Poles always say
They literally don't discuss this you delusional schizo

Polish state is a state only in theory. I'm getting the fuck out of here.

What would I need a gun for?

Yes. Poland converted mosins to 8mm mauser after the polish- bolshevik war which is arguably a bigger update than most finnish mosins. But they're much rarer than finns. And finnish mosins were definetly, without doubt much better than imperial ones.

Look at czechia you dumb fuck

so you can larp as a tough guy on Jow Forums


shooting and hunting. Why would you not need one?

Love this country.

Attached: 48378784_502435460243117_2804396452086808576_n.jpg (720x960, 54K)

Кocoвo јe Cpбијa

The only on I have is a hunter 45. Double barrel rifle.

Attached: the-violence-has-escalated-49704320.png (500x576, 147K)

I am french and I don't think there's so many gun per inhabitants in the country

I think the map is bs, unless its counting the fucking army weapons or something

You're european. Well, probably.

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Those are rookie numbers!

If someone has a gun licence then he probably owns more than 1 gun

Low number of guns doesn't mean gun laws are bad, they just aren't as needed in such a homogeneous nation. Personally I agree that those numbers should be pumped up but what about the laws are bad?

Thats bullshit albos have tons of guns, although its probably not reported

To take back the north you filthy unionist.

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Switzerland is pretty homogenous

I guess you got cucked gun laws like we do.

Those are just legal guns Sebrs have much more there are aplenty of people with black market aks no joke

>what about the laws are bad?
They exist.

we do, we have a lot of hunters and e have some okay laws for recreational shooting compared to some european countries

What's wrong specifically

All Balkans. Shit map

>required to carry to protect themselves from polar bear attacks :/
Does that happen so often they had to legislate about it?

You still haven't explained what gun laws in Poland are like. If you did, this thread would probably have more engagement than it does right now and perhaps we can figure out ways to fix the issue


It only needs to happen a couple times for it to become mandate. I think Canada has something similar, Survivorman was required by the government to take a rifle with him to the Canadian arctic for the same reason

God i wish that were me. But now you can buy SVD style and Zastava M91 semi auto rifles in normal shops. 10 rounds max though. One day we will own AKs easily

Euro bros, the best thing you can do is organize at the local government level. Get a guy in at every level of organization possible, then work your way up. Then to develop a culture (shooting clubs). It'll take time but it'll be worth it. And never compromise.

Nothing is wrong, in reality more than 90% of the Migrants are illigal Males 78% of them do not want to work, they will eventually simply die off without breeding.
In the long run, the real numbers look A hell of allot better than You Think.

Its all Just a Psyop ((Whites are being replaced, Be Afraid))

The Only Major Problem facing Whites is the Violent Crime drugs and Culture they bring.

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Looks like you need a military industrial complex.

The fact that more guns->red and less guns -> green makes me think

>Red = guns
>Green = no guns
The social programming is so in your face it hurts

They're pretty standard for europe.

He didn't say that red = bad

So what's standard for Europe? It doesn't seem to be an issue with Germany or France, perhaps it has something to do with being disarmed at the end of WWII whereas Finland maintained their arms?

Map seems heavily outdated. Germany lies around 20% these days.


It's coded in humans. Green generally means good (grass, therefore life and moisture) and red means bad (fire, danger, damage, blood, injury).

Literally no one cares about owning a gun here. No need for them other then trying to look "tough". I havent even had a single thought of being shot even once in my entire life as probably most of people here

Look at other east bloc countries. They don't have the same problem.

i'll speak for germany and france then, we have acess to guns for hunting fairly easily, and we have the right to some more advanced weapons, up to semi-automatic rifles but that require a bit more paperwork and time, finland has some even better gun laws, comparable to the us to some extent

Under the symbolism part. Red is often associated with danger due to poisonous or dangerous animals in nature being red.

Police/military aren't included. Civvies onl6

I would like to get a gun but it's too much of a bother to get a legal one...

I have a 1929 hex bolt Soviet Mosin but I've always wanted an old Imperial One. If I see one from before 1900 I'm yanking that boy up

Red is more intense so it may just indicate "intensity of guns"

I envy you

You might not have noticed, but your brain did.

If asked.