Why do women hate to see a man resting?

Why do women hate to see a man resting?

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They don't. Women are disgusted by a man who is out and trying to make something of himself. Women are attracted to guys who don't have to try.

’Cause we’re not enabling their lifestyle/laziness

Tits or gtfo

Women are attracted to a high status men.
Women are frightened of a man bettering himself if they are already in a relationship with him.
If the man raises his status, he will be able to get a higher status woman.

Women these days get disgusted at the slightest thing a "low status" man does

>Why do women hate to see a man resting?

Been married twice boys. Here's the deal:

Your energy, your work and labor are not yours from a woman's point of view, once you are in a relationship with them. Women do not view you as an independent, autonomous being with needs, wants, and desires that are independent of her needs, wants, and desires. Women, believe (this may be too weak a word) that your labor is actually her labor. She has no empathy for how hard you have already worked, or how hard you have worked. She has no idea what it is like to do the heavy lifting. All she knows is that if you aren't doing "something" her pile of stuff might be getting smaller. This enrages her because it isn't your labor, it is her's.

This is why women seek a high status male. First, it provides them with "stuff". Wealth, power, resources that you create, are by default her's. No, she hasn't done anything to earn those things, except maybe allow you to have sex with her. Second, it allows her to have a social status beyond her ability.

Once upon a time, women made a house a home and raised the children - that earned her your loyalty at least and access to your stuff. This is why women will develop methods of control to keep "her" man "in line". She owns you in her mind. She must control you in order to use your resources and keep the "stuff" for herself. Women invented monogamy, not the Church or men.

This is why women get upset at men for relaxing.

The deal is that you get pussy in exchange for resources.

>She has no empathy for how hard you have already worked, or how hard you have worked.

Should have said ... how hard you will work.

>Women do not view you as an independent, autonomous being with needs, wants, and desires that are independent of her needs, wants, and desires.


none of the things women are told to lust after will
protect them once chaos comes to america. the
chad will be shown to be a beta who runs and
does not protect. all the bad boys who pretend to
be alpha won't be anywhere to be found when
shit gets heavy. women love whimps who parade
around as alpha chads.

Fucking Lord. Thanks for the heads up, user.

>Women these days get disgusted at the slightest thing a "low status" man does
Where "low status" apparently means "is human".

damn...im about to sign my divorce papers. you just made things so much easier for me.

Only if she doesn’t love you, which is virtually all the women you will ever meet, which is why I avoid them. Resting keeps you young and healthy.

t. 30yr old zoomer

>At their mere existence

anyone got any good podcasts for me to fold laundry and clean my apartment to?

Kids are over and i need inspiration to go any further.

My ex wife was like this. I'd go to work all day while she sat at home not doing shit but sitting on Myspace (it's been awhile since I was married) then I'd get home and like to take about 30min to an hour to unwind before doing anything else. Two beers on the couch for an hour and she'd start bitching about all the stuff that needed to be done right then that for some reason she was incapable of doing all day when I was at work. The crazy thing was it was simple house chores like mopping. I finally had enough and kicked her out of MY HOUSE. Now I clean on my schedule and dont have her hanging around all day messing up the place. Not to mention chicks dig a guy with his own home. Lifes better when you rent pussy instead of buying it.

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My ex-wife hated it when I would take it easy on my day off.
>you need to clean the house.
>I work hard too
(((Drinking wine and Netflix)))
>I never get a break
Best thing that ever happened to me. I'll gladly pay child support as long as it means that roastie isn't bitching all the time.

This is 100% true. When I started going to the gym, the wife got super spooked. "You're gonna get hot, and then ask the cuties will want you, and then you'll cheat on me!"

They are pre-programed to protect their assets. When they perceive even a slight threat to their stash, they get real snappy, real quick.

This is a double edged sword of course, because it's also how you keep a bitch in check.

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Sword and scale is a great true crime podcast. And check out S-town. Another great one.

We're you married to my ex wife as well user?

These types of women first appear as the woman in pic related.

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this is the actual answer

well marriage really s all bout the exchange of the mans labour for the womans sex. but considering women are no longer obligated to sex their husband then men are should no longer obligated to labour for their wives (the court system still requires they do though which is why marriage is fucked in the west)

Ha! Did your ex wife also get pissed at you for working late, then get pissed if there wasnt enough disposable cash at the end of the month to do fun stuff? Champagne dreams on a draft beer budget.

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>Best thing that ever happened to me. I'll gladly pay child support as long as it means that roastie isn't bitching all the time.

Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife. Proverbs 21:19

Holy shit! We did marry the same woman. Nice to meet you Eskimo brother!

Wise words. My desert is a paradise now that the shrew is gone. Thankfully I have my son the majority of the time so she can't indoctrinate him. Yes, she's that lazy.

Yup. I was in the Army. Did a bunch of hooah macho shit for a while. Would come home dead tired. Got up one Saturday, sat on the couch and started watching the news before I went out and started the yard work. Cunt walked by and turned off the TV like a passive aggressive child. Best day of my life was when she left. I got to raise my kids with my values, suddenly I had more money, finally got to have sex again since there are women who actually enjoy it (I will admit I went overboard on that one, but after 13 years of five maybe six blowjobs, none to completion, it was nice to have a woman look at me with lust in her eyes and an aching desire to suck my cock like it was the last one on the planet).

Nothing was ever good enough for her, and she never did much of anything for me. I did get some good kids out of the deal, but when I consider the battle to raise them against her nigger tier, atheist and narcissistic values, it evens out.

pretty much this

if the guy isn't working his ass off she might have to do something

I hope you didnt put a kid in her, bro. I was taught a test by and older guy i knew when we first got married. He said "before giving her a kid, get a puppy and see how she does". So I went out and got a 7 week old puppy. She was so excited for the first week or two then it quickly became "this dog is too much for me to handle all day, you need to start bringing her to work". Right there I knew I fucked up and there was no way I was having a kid with her. The funny thing is after the dog was about 2 she started saying "once we have a baby you're gonna have to get rid of this dog". Guess what? The wife only made it three years, I had the dog for 15. Just had to out her down last June (cancer). I cried when I out her down but not a tear over the divorce.

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Did you ever hear I have higher standards then this? It would piss her off when I would say then get a job and help. I was working my way up and paying dues. I wasn't pulling a lot of cash at the moment. I never told her I finally got my promotion and was getting salary pay. She still thinks I'm wage cucking Lel

IOW rent "not" to own

dating and not shacking up is the way to go.

have women in nearby towns, not same town

Yup. I am high status. But I ruined my body getting there. Used to be fit in my twenties. Have had a bit of that provider status going on though. Last year I lost 50lbs and started working out. My wife has done everything to sabotage me. Especially when she noticed other women looking in my direction. Amazing how they are. However she eventually started working out herself and upping her own game. Def a double edge sword. Lead the way. Let them know what you expect. And be aware of their instincts and shit tests.

Unfortunatly I did. Good thing is I have him 95 percent of the time. He's four and he hates her as much as I do. That kind of makes me sad for him but it is what it is.

>Why do women hate to see a man resting?

if they bitch first ask why they cant do (thing they told you to do)
also watch them panic if you say that she can go out and get the job and you will stay at home

Thats a load of bullshit, incel

It’s your job as a man to constantly work harder for yourself and to protect your partner from other males, if you become lazy and docile another alpha male will try to steal your lady, it’s just nature.
The weak should fear the strong, don’t forget to work hard, workout, and get rich.

And find new pussy you can rent out on the weekends.

In fact, forget the rest of it, just focus on this.

No, but that is how she acted. She came from money, money she didn't actually earn. She was incredibly passive aggressive and narcissistic. I was young and stupid and didn't know what I didn't know when I married her. Learned some hard lessons the hard way.

Im in the same boat. i swear we mustve been shacked up with the same bitch.

My kids are with me the majority of the time and once the wife got a taste of cosmopolitan freedom after escaping her po dunk red state with me, she didnt want to go back to being normal. just a pierced up edgelord nihilistic pushing feminists, anti white, marxist garbage on my children. Luckily shes too lazy to parent.

Oh for sure. My idiot buddy let a chick move in with him. He got a high paying job and she moved herself and her kid into his house. She doesn't work so he pays for her car, Bill's, everything. And she just started cheating on him. And guess what? He tries to kick her out and she said "I'm not going anywhere and if you change the locks on me I'll tell the cops you beat me". His heart sank because that's what she told him her baby daddy was doing before she moved in. All calculated lies. The worst part is he tried to go to the cops to have a car there when moving her out so she couldn't lie and the cops told him no, that wasnt there job, but if she calls and says he beat her they would arrest him. Hes currently still stuck living with her.

show tits or gtfo cunt

Explain how then faggot. And no, I am not an incel. I have had, and can get, plenty of pussy. Fucking a woman is the easiest thing in the world if you know what you are doing.

My kids are all grown now. Last month my sons each told me at different times, "Dad thank you for teaching us how to work." The ex used to bitch when I had them out in the yard slaving away or made them do a job over again because they did it like shit the first time. My kids love me, and more importantly respect me. Life is good now.

I think it's time we recognize women for what they are: Cattle. Evil incarnate.

As I've seen women behave throughout my life, I don't feel anything for them or sympathize with them. They deserve every misfortune for being disloyal whores. I'd even argue that they should be chained to a wall when not taking care of children or cleaning the home. I'll cheer every time one of those bloodsuckers get's beaten.

Artificial wombs and sex robots cannot come soon enough. Fuck all of these bitches.

Based pupper is loyal and loving to a fault

Men exist to serve women. Its like in a beehive you have the queen bee and all the little male worker bees working for her. Women actually control the world with their pussies if you think about it. That's why I don't even hate gays, at least they can live a decent life without being slaves to women.

incel alert

If she's not on the lease all he has to do is give her an eviction notice, and 30 days to leave.
She can try to fight it, but there's a strong chance she will leave

This as long as they aren't married he'll be ok. Now after getting married. Yeah, its a bitch. She can steal your shit, break your shit etc. I learned that the hard way. I'm not MGTOW but be sure you know what you're getting into and with whom you're getting into it with.

I would also suggest him putting some cameras up in the home.
Preferably without her knowing.

>Been married twice boys.

Third try is the charm.

You’re retarded the worker bees are all female

Females are innately parasites, so they want the males to work to maximize the female parasites' benefits.

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For sure. But that doesn't stop her from telling lies to the cops about being beaten. She straight up said "I will ruin you and your reputation". Right then he knew the ex husband never laid a hand on her but he fell for it hook line and sinker when they were dating. A criminal record means he also loses his job, which means he loses his house.

Because the masculine is the dynamic element of humanity

>I am high status
>posting on pol

Serious doubt

Why do women close their eyes during sex?
Because they can't stand to see a man having a good time.

>that doesn't stop her from telling lies to the cops about being beaten

They want to be the only one laying around doing nothing.

Cameras. Install spycams in the house. They cost a pretty penny but they’re connected via wifi - just need to get her out of the house for a bit. They also have audio. Make her admit that her abuse claims will be fabricated and then kick her smug butt out in front of the cameras. Court time will roll around and with a detailed notebook of grievances as well as camera footage, the judge will have no other recourse except to grant him extreme favourability

t.watched it happen with my 70yr old neighbor and his wife

Both hispanic, wife was maybe 50. Old man is like grandpa and was a family friend, she had a toxic aura. They raised the kids of the family because the rest were criminals and hookers in Mexico and they did pretty damn well for the circumstances. One day, Pedro (fake name old man) gets divorces papers from Lillia (real name cuz fuck her, nurse prac. ) because he isnt making enough (as a handyman after retiring) and she is cheating on him. She has her gang member sons rob him of his tools, breakdown his front door one night to scare him and tries to turn the oldest daughter against Pedro if he doesn’t give up entirely. He came to my family which told him to keep a detailed journal of events. Come court time, she lost most custody of the kids, she has to pay him ~$500/mnth, she had to buy ~$1000 worth of tools for him (shopping spree!) and her sons got arrested as well.

As a bus driver now, he can live a comfy life on her dime, he has main custody of his ‘daughter’ (she had the others sent back to Mexico to spite him but court couldnt do anything) and he just bought himself a beautiful new F350 he has so much pride in. I’ve even seen him jump with joy a fee times despite the fact that the years havent been so kind to him

I never claimed to be high status. I do make over 6 figures a year now. Paid my dues when younger. I work out 6 days a week, after work. I have money and am in good shape. In the last year I have been offered sex by three married women and two single women. At least two of them were in their 30's. I am in my early 50's. Does that make me "high status"? I don't know, I never think about my "status". I don't because I am not a pussy hungry bitch trying to figure out how to actually get the pussy. I already have and know I can. How many kids do you have?

I post on Jow Forums because I like a place where there is some semblance of free speech. Plus, you guys are funny.

I can see how it can be interpreted that way. Been married 16 yrs with 3 boys.
>Underneath all that nonsense is just fear.
Females biggest fear is abandonment this is the most common weapon used against them in modern times. Since Females process things in the emotional centers of the brain first they do not realize they are being manipulated from a cultural level. That fear is not processed and a constant source of anxiety and frustration. (Feminism, destruction of tribe multiculturalism)
>What does this have to do with them bitching at you when you are resting?
When a female sees their male resting they do not process that information in the logic centers of their brain. They feel the information first then back the feeling up with logic maybe. So if she is under stress and anxious her she will feel as though you being in a state of rest says you don't acknowledge her fear or worse already have plans to alleviate it by leaving or abandoning. These are not rational thoughts just feelings.
It is not lost Anons them having these feelings are a good thing and an opportunity for you to enhance her loyalty. Simple solution appeal to emotions, do something that you know is bothering her being undone together and inform her you will rest after. This alleviates fear and strengthens your pair bond. You will know your effort was successful if she does something small for you.
>Anons you are not the only ones under attack culturally.
Females are weaker mentally and physically, demonstrate that by addressing her fear and getting her to recognize it. You will get plenty of rest and maybe samiches.

Truth from a man who's clearly learned from experience. Well said, user.

Never going to happen. Too many assets to risk at this point.

Humanity will only progress with quantum AI making you breeding Apes obsolete. You are all animals that need to be gassed and be replaced with machines.

>do some basic nasty shit
>a facial
if only she knew what was going to happen to her.

A man must always perform. Rest is a sign of weaknes.
The sad state of affairs.

This user gets it

t. married twice as well

Yes it will. If she cannot provide physical evidence of it happening and if he has video evidence that nothing of the sort happened to her, the claim will be dropped. If he is paying her phone bills, the calls and texts to her baby daddy are forever logged by the ISP he probably bundled his phone plan with. He could, since he is the account owner, ask for those records without her knowledge.

Assuming she’s intelligent (she isnt), she would only do phone calls but by knowing when she calls her baby daddy, he could extremely quickly identify the number and person deserving of his ire. From there, installing hidden audio devices and cross-referencing with the number that she calls/answers, I am guaranteed incriminating stuff would be being said. Even if she tried it in private. He could legally bug her car too as it isn’t hers.

Subterfuge is only as effective as your imagination. If you give up, you’ve already lost. If you give up, you are quite literally saying that you are happy with this arrangement.

Just an FYI not understanding this basic biological relationship and not responding appropriately leaves you vulnerable to a Tyrone.

Why would you want the next edition version of the same resource hound? WTF are you chasing here?

There always has been and always will be a battle of the sexes.
That's life. Life sucks sometimes. Accept it.

Mate guarding is a scarcity based (see: low-status), beta male behaviour. If a woman is with a high status man, she isn't going to want to fuck that up by potentially pissing him off by fucking around with other men. Women know they can, and will, be replaced if they cook their chances with him and said high status male would be indifferent to women's fuckery in this regard because he has options.

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This only applies to wagies, based married disability NEETs don't have any problems relaxing as their only work is having to pick up the kids from school.

I caution you user this is projecting logic on a female where none exists.
>Been married once have 3 kids and a healthy albeit difficult relationship with my wife. This is about emotion, your wife is only as happy and productive as you lead her to be. Her continued nonsense reflects your weakness.

Die boomer.

This is the dumbest fucking post I have ever read on this site. The truth literally the exact opposite of what you said.

Never mind, I just got trolled.

I can see your point, and maybe I should have at the time. I didn't. case closed. In retrospect, my ex lived in a state of fear and irrationality. Nothing I could do or say would alleviate that fear. I found out after we were married that she had been treated clinically for "something" and given drugs for depression. I was in my 20's when I married her so, I just didn't know then what I know now.

I also have come to realize that not all women are like my ex. Some women are wired to be good wives, some aren't. Just like some men are wired to be hard working, disciplined, etc. and some aren't. I have a couple of friends that have awesome wives. Women I respect. I just wasn't smart enough to pick one like that. Must've been the pussy fog I was in at the time.

That is nonsense. Being high status can actually make this situation far worse. Stop assuming women approach this type of shit logically. You are projecting user.

Boomers like you changed my whole perspective on the issue years ago by pointing out the difference in how men and women age. Thanks for sharing boomer-san

Emotional logic is still a form of logic. Sure, her behavior was grounded in a form of emotion -fear of losing resources - but it is still a form of logic, albeit with faulty premises.

You have to be over 18 to post here

Based grenouille

a newer model

Because women basically demand that a man be constantly working towards earning shit for her. And when he's not working, he needs to be spending time with her, buying her things. That's why women get pissy at their men when they play video games or go have a poker night with the guys. They view it as unproductive, and thus not earning money for her to spend. Basically women are gold digging whores, but we knew that already.

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Wine rots the liver; fever swells the spleen;
Meat clogs the belly; dust inflames the eye;
Stone irks the bladder: gout—plague—leprosy!
Man born of woman is most full of trouble;
God, a gorged fool that belches him, a bubble!
But of all plagues wherewith a man is cursed,
Take my word for it, woman is the worst!

The World's Tragedy

That isn’t how this works at all. He should be prepared to make covert moves to cover himself or he should just admit that he masochistically enjoys this treatment of his

A long life to you, grandpa

>my wife

Wives act like you just drank beer and fucked hookers all day at work.
Taking care of kids is easy and enjoyable if you're not a sociopath.

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Wrong, when you’re good looking you attract other good looking people, which includes women and those women attract good looking men, so you would still have to outcompete these men who are equally or more handsome and more powerful than yourself.

High IQ post.


they never see me resting

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