/fsg/ Fascism General - Dreamer edition

Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism, and other forms of fascism, Mosley, Codreanu, Falange, etc. Also for sharing fascist literature and information.

A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested.





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

Good fascists/similar or influential people to get an introduction:

>Oswald Mosely
>José Antônio Primo de Rivera
>Benito Mussolini
>Adolf Hitler
>Stepan Bandera
>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
>Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
>Ettore Ovazza
>Gaetano Mosca
>Friedrich Nietzsche
>Charles Maurras
>Enrico Corradini
>Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
>Johann Plenge
>Alceste De Ambris
>Gabriele d'Annunzio
>George Lincoln Rockwell
>Juan Perón
>Giovanni Gentile
>Julius Evola
>William Duddley Pelley
>Philippe Pétain
>Plínio Salgado

Types of Fascism:

>British Union
>Meme futurism
>Clerical Fascism
>Brazilian, french and portuguese Integralism

Welcome to debate:
>Catholic Traditionalism
>Christian Conservatism
>Nordic Traditionalism/Paganism

"[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly."~Oswald Mosely

Previous Thread:


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Other urls found in this thread:

cnqzu.com/library/Solar General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf
lancasterlawoffice.com/Media/Gentile, Origins and Doctrine of Fascism.pdf

Greetings Comrades! Here we discuss all things fascism. What is Fascism you ask? Fascism is a complete rejection of materialism. the market is regulated in a manner that hinders the gluttony, manipulation, and misguidance of the people. a meritocracy is enforced in a manner so that people are employed based off of their unique skill sets, so that they may aid and benefit society in the way they are best suited. Order is achieved, spirituality is encouraged, and purpose is applied to everyone and everything. like the fasces, the people of all classes are bound together so that they may be stronger, and function similar to a single living organism. a bold leader oversees and commands the body, a strong military protects and serves the body, and a driven, healthy, and inspired working class nourishes and replenishes the body. together as one, contributing where we are most valuable, always striving toward greatness, the fascist society will exist in success and prosperity.

bitchute.com/video/jFkOA3IaZ4dX/ (Fascist philosophy)
archive.org/details/youtube-NihZ0NLHqKg (Corporatism)
bit.tube/play?hash=QmexSr5TQcxK3ZNigfm717YQj939WU2h8VLyTnpjtGYhaG&channel=65901 (What is a fascist?)
youtube.com/watch?v=tN5XMZ6kZu4 (What is fascism? ABP)
youtube.com/watch?v=o2fS4CvnIPQ (ABP Manifest part 1)

>100 Questions About Fascism by Oswald Mosley
cnqzu.com/library/Solar General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf
>Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile
lancasterlawoffice.com/Media/Gentile, Origins and Doctrine of Fascism.pdf
>The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini

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>Is Fascism different from National Socialism?
Both Fascism and NS share the same worldview. Italian Fascism was born for the conditions on the 20th century Italy, and it was meant for the Italian people, and it was inspired by various Italian movements, like Futurism.
NS was made for the Germanic people, and for the conditions on the 20th century Germany,and inspired by things like Völkisch movement.
While they have the same roots, their leaves are different, just because Italians are different than Germans. The same applies to every fascist group that has ever existed, exists or will exist.

>Is Fascism right or left?
It is beyond the left-right spectrum, synthesising ideas of both wings, while remaning a separate thing on it's own. Fascism is above traditional left-right paradigm, because it adheres to the fundamental truths of the Universe we
live in, while all other ideologies, left or right, are made up belief systems by humans, and their subjective views.

>Is Fascism the same as communism?
No, Fascists aren't materialists, they reject the notion of class warfare and dialectical materialism. Instead, we seek to unite the whole nation, independently of their economic status. Fascists reject the idea of dialectical materialism, instead, Fascists
believe that history is written by great man, who put all their energy into the fight they're facing and transform the material world according to their vision and worldview, using pure willpower. When talking about economics, Fascists still allow private ownership
of land and small busineses, as long as they act according to national interests. We do not seek to destroy the individual, instead we want to empower the individual person as a part of larger collective.

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>What about race?
The race is one of the most important things to a fascist. Ethnicity and nation is strictily based on a race, and thus, if the racial makeup of nation changes, it's no longer the same nation. No fascist is "colorblind"
or supports race-mixing.

>Why do Fascists oppose liberalism?
Liberalism, created upon Enlightenment ideals, rejects the idea of organic and natural society, offering "freedom" and "equality" instead. The liberal view on freedom is totally wrong, as it emphasizes hedonistic attitude towards life, and "live and let live"
type of thought. Their "freedom" doesn't make anyone free, it only makes them slaves to their own animalistic desires. "Equality" is something just disgusting. Nothing great was ever created by the equal masses, instead, everything was done by great man
or groups of them, who where miles above the average. Democracy give the illusion to the lowest parts of society, that their opinion actually matters, and that they have a active saying in politics of the nation. Meanwhile, they are used by
the degenerate ruling class, who uses their lack of knowledge to push their own agenda. Thus, every liberal democracy is really just oligarchy, where people with the biggest influence use the common folk for their own good and personal gain. Liberal economics
put the emphasis on profit of the few, while viewing the regular, working-class man as nothing more than tool for the enrichment of elites. Both Liberalism and democracy creates a divided society.

>Why do fascist oppose communism?
Communism is materialistic to it's core, it views human beings only in digits, and the only differnce between Communism and Capitalism is that Communism wants to divide resources differently. Fascism on the other hand, is idealistic, it recognizes
the spiritual and artistic needs of a man. Communism also promotes class warfare, while Fascism aims to unite the economic clases of a nation behind a higher goal.

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Recommended reading
>Benito Mussolini - The Doctrine of Fascism
>Adolf Hitler - My Struggle
>George Sorel - Reflections on Violence
>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu - For My Legionaries
>Oswald Mosley - Fascism 100 Questions Asked and Answered
>Ironmarch Literature and Articles
>Raven Thompson - The Coming Corporate State
>Oswald Spengler - Prussianism And Socialism
>Oswald Spengler - Decline of West
>Giovanni Gentile - The Philosophic Basis of Fascism
>Julius Evola - Revolt Against The Modern World
>Francis Parker Yockey - Imperium
>George Lincoln Rockwell - This Time The World
>Kevin B. Macdonald - Culture of Critique
>Yukio Mishima - Sun and Steel
>Fausto Pitigliani - The Italian Corporative State
>Ernst Junger - Storm Of Steel
>James Mason - SIEGE
Useful links
>Doctrine of Fascism
>Mein Kampf
>Library of various Fascist works
>Ironmarch Archive
>NOOSE Archive
>Fascist/NS Philosophy
>Various Philosophic Works

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Everyone on the third row is cringe

You're cringe.

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that's why they're welcome to debate so we can make them less gay


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My Struggle (Adolf Hitler speech)

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We Dreamed Of Something Marvelous

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The universalists, the idealists, the Utopians all aim too high. They give promises of an unattainable paradise, and by doing so they deceive mankind. Whatever label they wear, whether they call themselves Christians, Communists, humanitarians, whether they are merely sincere but stupid or wire-pullers and cynics, they are all makers of slaves. I myself have always kept my eye fixed on a paradise which, in the nature of things, lies well within our reach.

Adolf Hitler - You Said I Was A Dreamer

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After six years of war, which in spite of all setbacks will go down one day in history as the most glorious and valiant demonstration of a nation's life purpose, I cannot forsake the city which is the capital of this Empire. As the forces are too small to make any further stand against the enemy attack at this place, and our resistance is gradually being weakened by men who are as deluded as they are lacking in initiative, I should like, by remaining in this town, to share my fate with those, the millions of others, who have also taken upon themselves to do so. Moreover I do not wish to fall into the hands of an enemy who requires a new spectacle organized by the Jews for the amusement of their hysterical masses.

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The prime minister with a man crush for Hitler: The day Mackenzie King met the Fuhrer

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Whatever our enemies may plot, whatever sufferings they may inflict on our German cities, on German landscapes and, above all, on our people, all that cannot bear any comparison with the irreparable misery, the tragedy that would befall us if the plutocratic-bolshevistic conspiracy were victorious.

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Faggodreanu was not a fascist but a monarchist and theochracist so take him out of that image.

There is no question but that Hitler belongs in the category of the truly mystic medicine man. As somebody commented about him at the last Nürnberg party congress, since the time of Mohammed nothing like it has been seen in this world. His body does not suggest strength. The outstanding characteristic of his physiognomy is its dreamy look. I was especially struck by that when I saw pictures taken of him in the Czechoslovakian crisis; there was in his eyes the look of a seer. This markedly mystic characteristic of Hitler's is what makes him do things which seem to us illogical, inexplicable, and unreasonable. … So you see, Hitler is a medicine man, a spiritual vessel, a demi-deity or, even better, a myth.

Carl Jung, Hearst's International Cosmopolitan, January 1939.

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And how does that make what I said less correct?

Monarchism is ok.

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why none of these is black? you have to be more inclusive user.

But has nothing to do with fascism so eliminate him from the image completely.


It's Common see in Brazil some Integralists who supports Monarchy

I'm new to this red pill thing and I have a question regarding the anti-semitism I see regularly crop up in these discussions. I'm hostile toward Judeo-Christian thinking and its contribution toward the destruction of traditional values, just as much as I see Islam contributing to this, but I don't understand why these (usually well articulated) ideological positions always seem to be backed by a vague Jewish conspiracy. I don't see any group of humans being competent enough to give these views any serious consideration. What are the reasons for this position and what is some literature to consult?

It's an extremely intricate web.
I highly uggest Culture of Critique.
but just to give an example of why so many anons hate jews, you should look up the suffragette movement and it's leaders in America. Mostly Jewish women.

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Alright then. I’m not a fascist but I’m happy to see you defend your ideology and see your viewpoints. Now then, a question for a Fascist. How will the leader be chosen?

I will look into Culture of Critique.
As for the suffragette, you have to understand that the connection you're drawing in and of itself is so easily dismissed as the fallacy of the common cause.


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All dead. Where they belong.


First: There is no such thing as "Judeo-Christianity" jews and christians have been enemies for an very long time, they crucified Jesus. Christian zionists are going straight to hell.
Second: The collpase of our morals are cause by the decaing of christianity, beginning with the protestant reform. A real christian would never support LGBTQWERSKAJFJWIR++++ rights, sodomy and the muslim invasion of Europa. Always remeber this:Just because you say you are something, doesn't mean you actually are, jews say all the time that they're white, and they're not. This is exactly what happened with the Catholic church. Homossexuals, jews and satanist infiltrated it anf are slowly destroying it inside out
And finally: Anti-semitism is fascism does not exist for absoulutely nothing, jews are the one pushing race-mixing, birth control, mass migration, homossexuality, pornography and communism. Proof of this is that they're overwhelmilling represented in these industries, in the financial system, in the pharmaceutic undustry, even in the food industry. Have you ever heard of the Billderberger club?

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Ok, but how would a leader be chosen in a fascist society?

The leader of the party. Why do you ask?

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user, yiou don't understand.
It's more than just
>Jewish women were suffragettes
You should look into banking.
Look into the media.
Look into the groups that promote homosexuality.
Who runs the porn industry?
There are so many connections that once you see it, it crystalizes before you and you're floored.

You'll join us one day

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you could check some of these out

Because you would need a stabile succession. Anyway, how is the leader of the party chosen?

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The one that wills himself there.
Much like Adolf did.

Cry moar faget

No, I don't think I will.

Wait a minute, so a chaotic power struggle? Could you be a little more specific friend?

You'll have to pick a side one day probably

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Yes I understand what you're saying but this is my problem. As far as I can see any normie scientific view sees this as motivated reasoning and cherry picking. I live in the Netherlands. You understand how many people believe in all of the things you listed? The difficult I am expressing is in understanding why all sorts of different people's ideas who have varying degrees of justification for their garbage beliefs and ideologies share a common point of origin, namely from Jewish people. That seems incredibly naive. There are some many bad ideas, manipulated and manipulating people and groups that have different reasons for thinking the things they do. You must understand, what I'm saying is that I'm not denying what you're suggesting, I'm just not making the connections you're suggesting. Maybe I'm naive but this is why I am asking for more information.

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Like the traditional way, they would see who would be more fit for being the leader between themselves, or the creator og the party would be the choosen representative, just like in Italy and the UK.

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GREAT help with Oswald Spengler. I was looking for Prussian History for many days now. Thank you.

In your picture, who is left of mosely? He is unnumbered.

Hitler had to face backlash from the Church when he was coming to power, but couldn't directly attack them as they were too powerful. In Goebbels diary he sounds anti Christian.

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I suggest that you watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It's more than just that. There will be times of chaos, but more than likely it will be a meritocracy. The man that is most capable shall will himself to that position.

So they would effectively elect a leader of the party out of them? Interesting, though there would be some problems. For example, how do you ensure that the people of the party actually care about the nation. Think of it this way, the communist party in the Soviet Union effectively sold out and abandoned its ideology for a better deal by the United States. How do you ensure the party members are loyal?

I see now that it's Mussolini

Some more great documentaries you can use to redpill people:
>USS Liberty: Dead in the Water
All about the USS Liberty Incident, where jews sunk a ship belonging to the US navy and killed 34 people.
Eye opening documentary about the jewish-lead war on free speech.
>Mugabe and the White African
Depressing doc about the anti-white “land reform” system in South Africa.
>Empire of Dirt
It’s all so tiresome...

I have watched it, and it was a good anime. Though it greatly favours aristocracy rather than meritocracy. I personally advocate for aristocracy/monarchy and I will tell you why. You see, a dynasty gets its power from the nation. A monarch would be more inclined to care about the state because someone they love ‘their son’ will inherit it. Whilst a politician who will be succeeded by some guy who he probably has no interest in, will be more likely be embezzle the nation out of lack of interest in the nation.

I think you guys have interesting ideas, but your system heavily relies on a good leader to guide your nation. In fact it completely relies on that factor. This is why succession is very important in the nation you propose, you can’t overlook it.

I already have picked a side retard.

Agreed. Kings are the way forward. Firdt ok one must sieze power in a way that is ireefutible. This will happen in our lifetimes, but probably not in the way you expect (emerging from our old systems)

I envision a kingdom in the woods. Off-grid. Usurping the old foundations.

Here is one of my favorites.

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Really? I found the greatest takeaway was that human are flawed, and therefor our systems are too. There is no absolute in humanity and we will go through phases of decline and phases of growth.

It also speaks to a willingness to violence, a need for honor (higher ideals) and how most people don't follow those ideals, but the people that embody those ideals. Even now people worship Hitler. Reminding themselves of his idealism, and try to embody themselves to that.

For me one of the most fascinating pieces of the modern day is how movements have largely come about without distinct hierarchies. That's simplky a matter of the times though, because the powers that be want to cut off the head of the snake, but they're now dealing with a hydra.

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>Did it made us great builders?
Yes, see the cathreadals build by christians
>Did it made us great explorers?
Yes, see the colonization of the entire american continent.
>Did it gave us great philosophers?
Yes, Thomas of Aquinus, Soren Kierkegaard, G.K. Cherston, etc...
>Did it make us great warriors?
Yes, see the crusades, the colonization of the Americas and Africa.
>Did it gave us great inventors?
Yes, Francis Bacon, Nicolaus Corpenicus, Galileio Galilei, Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler.
>Did it teached us to make great food?
Meme question
>Did it teached us to make beautiful clothes?

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Fuck off, commie.

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What about Coptic Christians?
Why didn't they achieve all that you stated?

Ask yourself how a nation can survive for close to two thousand years in a state of diaspora, without disappearing into the nations around them. They did this not by conquering others, as they boast no great warriors, nor by inducting others, as they do not proselytize.

Forget we're talking about Jews for a moment. Just picture you're in charge of a nation without a country. You cannot conquer and you cannot convert. How do you survive for close to two millennia, intact?

All of those things happened in spite of Christianity, not because of it. There are no Christian tenets that inspire those things and Christ never tells you to do any of those things. In fact he wants you to not be a warrior at all.

Christianity is slave cult and must be done away with. Not saying it's all bad.

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>ITT:guys fascism is the way!no jews involved i promise

Every Christian nation is degenerate. There's a reason the NS wanted to do away with it. The church is very powerful

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Oh, I was simply talking about the government of the galactic empire rather than the complete meaning of the story. Though absolutely agreed, I assume you’ve read Spengler, the truth is there is no complete progress, as you said, we will progress and decline. It is simply the way of life

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The Greeks and Romans didn't need Christianity

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Are you a brainlet? The post says if it made Europe great at X, as in learned. Cathedrals came after the Colosseum. Aquinas came after Plato, etc.

"Fascism is not Anti-Semitic"

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>nor by inducting others, as they do not proselytize.
What about the Khazars?

Haven't read Spengler.
Nearly finished with Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Neitzche.
But I'll look into him, thanks user.
Everything works in cycles.
It's just how the world works.

I would also lkike to add that there was no definitive action shown on whether or not constitutionalism was to be accpeted, and the last episode seems to allure to the adopted son of Gale Wolf becoming the next leader.

Nothing is ever completed truly, and it;s a good thing, for there would be nothing for future generations.

My favourites are Mosley of course and Codreanu. Mosley really seemed to believe in fascism for the million, as it were, and you have to love clerical fascism, for Codreanu.

He was afraid to cross them, but he knew what the war was about

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he was a great man

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Remember frens, religious infighting is what the jews want. Good thread so far.

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bumping for based OP!

Remember Anons, now is the time to organize! Find local fascist groups that follow what you believe in and make physical connections with like-minded individuals. It's exactly what (((they))) fear so much.

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Khazar royalty decided for themselves that they were Jewish, then gathered Jews around them to maintain the LARP. Their subjects remained Christian, Muslim or Pagan.


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>Gadsden flag
Are you fucking retarded? Commies get the bullet. Neetsox get the bullet. All totalitarians get the bullet.

>All totalitarians get the bullet.

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in true fascism/National Socialism the leader, and complete authoritarian control, is only needed for 3 generations of men to be established, free of (((brainwashing))) and back in touch with their national, and racial roots. After that point, the state goes into constitutional fascism, which contains elements of republican democracy, but only amongst male, land-owners of the state and race. Of course, whenever there is time of war the authoritarian power is reestablished after the party elects the next Leader. It's basically supposed to be a flow between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, depending on the people's needs based on the situation.

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>Muh NAP

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You and what collective?

wew. checking those digits.

>It is not for ideas that we live!
>Not for theories!
>Not for fantastic party programs!
>We live and fight for the German people!
>For the preservation of its existence!

The Truth Shall Triumph

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This. Also this thread needs more Pierce posting.

>facists killed Benito Mussolini and his biatch

Franco sold Spain.

all fascists ought to suck my dick