Cowardly twofaced useless fags.
Cowardly twofaced useless fags.
Because they are NATO countries they have no choice. Russia will lay waste to their shithole countries while we roll in after a few months and destroy those mongrel drunken degenerates.
>Yanks winning a war
>beating Russia
>proud of mutts in his army
Greeks being Greeks is understandable but Slovakia and Austria? Uh oh
There are literal CIA documents that are declassified that prove the invasion of Cyprus was backed by the USA.
There are documents that prove they infiltrated pretty much every aspect of greek politics when the Junta fell, and that they literally aided and orchestrated the coup - under the inertia of the cyprus invasion.
There are declassified documents that prove they later on agreed on the split with Turkey, so that they render the greek side into a military base for NATO and specifically british RAF.
It's absurd just how deeply they have meddled with european countries. Especially during the cold war. It's all in the public domain too. Germany, Greece, Italy, France, the UK.
UK meets NATO spending targets though, your content is outdated burger.
UK is the only good country in the EU. Good thing you are leaving those fags.