Her name is Maryam, not Mary

Her name is Maryam, not Mary.
His name is Isa, not Jesus.
He is the Messiah and the Christ, and
he will return, but he is not God.
There is no God but God, and Muhummad is his prophet.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x498, 1.09M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Joseph Smith is the prophet of god

In fact Isa and Imam Ali are also the same person as well as Socrates, Mustafa Kemal ataturk and several other people.

>An Islamic frog toasting alcohol

I shiggy.

Allah's a pedo, m8. Same with that Mohammed guy.
Same with you, OP.

Attached: Mo the pedo.png (1119x461, 41K)

based and redpilled

No where in any ancient texts was Jesus ever referred to as "Isa". Muslims are retarded desert mormons

And mohammed was a phedophile

>t. Bahaist

Islam is Saturn worshiping because they thought Saturn looked like an eye through a telescope therefore it must be the eye of God whilst everybody thought the world was made up of fist sized cubes because of caves that formed in the Mediterranean. Judaism is the same.

All religions are fairytales to stroke the pathetic egos of human reality and mortality.

Take your Minecraft character, put a rope around its neck and tie the other side to something high up.

Attached: 4L_BGODMweu.jpg (1272x1023, 354K)