Might is Right

“Blessed are the Strong for they shall possess the earth Cursed are the Weak for they shall inherit the yoke.

Blessed are the Powerful for they shall be reverenced among men – Cursed are the feeble for they shall be blotted out.

Blessed are the Bold for they shall be masters of the world – Cursed are the Humble for they shall be trodden under hoofs.

Blessed are the Victorious for victory is the basis of Right – Cursed are the Vanquished for they shall be vassals for ever.

Blessed are the battle-blooded, Beauty shall smile upon them – Cursed are the Poor-in-Spirit, they shall be spat upon.

Blessed are the Audacious for they have imbibed true wisdom – Cursed are the Obedient for they shall breed Creeplings.

Blessed are the iron handed, the unfit shall flee before them – Cursed are the haters of battle, subjugation is their portion.

Blessed are the Death defiant, their days shall be long in the land – Cursed are the feeble brained, for they shall perish amidst plenty.

“Blessed are destroyers of false hope, they are true Messiahs – Cursed are the God-adorers, they shall be as shorn sheep.

Blessed are the Valiant, for they shall obtain great treasure – Cursed are the believers in Good and Evil, for they are frightened by shadows.

Blessed are they who believe in Nothing – never shall it terrorize their minds – Cursed are the ‘lambs of God’, they shall be bled ‘whiter than snow’.

Blessed is the man who hath powerful enemies, they shall make him a hero – Cursed is he who “doeth good” unto others, he shall be despised.

Blessed the man whose foot is swift to serve a friend, he is a friend indeed – Cursed are the organizers of Charities, they are propagators of plagues.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Blessed are the Wise and Brave, for in the Struggle they shall win – Cursed are the unfit for they shall be righteously exterminated.

Blessed are the sires of Noble Maidens, they are the salt of the earth – Cursed the mothers of strumous Tenderlings, for they shall be shamed.

Blessed are the mighty-minded for they shall ride the whirl-winds – Cursed are they who teach Lies for Truth, and Truth for Lies, for they are abomination.

Blessed are the unmerciful, their posterity shall own the world – Cursed are the pitiful for they shall receive no pity.

Blessed are the destroyers of idols, for they shall be feared by tyrants – Cursed are the famous Wiselings, their seed shall perish off the earth. Thrice cursed are the Vile for they shall serve and suffer.

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Imagine typing this shit out on an anime website


Thats the truth


Is this about Islam or Satanism?
Both perhaps?

cool poem, still larp

Keep dreaming.

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Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard

I hope the guy who makde this post was not v& for it

He might have been, he last posted July 6th and one of them was a repost on July 4th of the banned Jow Forums group admin with Bob Mathews call to Aryan warriors.

Since Christchurch and then Poway and El Paso the glowies are now pretty much poking their noses in everything related right wing organization irl.
Personally I am in no position to join any group irl, I don't speak to anyone irl about my power level, even though some of those LARP or groups might look interesting.


The Senate hearing on white nationalist violence admitted they hate that we dont organize anyways. Organization typically will happen among people who already know eachother, which is what happened in Ireland. The IRA at the end was composed of a handful of families at the top, pretty much.

Sorry, house oversight committee, thought it was the senate.

best life. we shouldn't have police either. it's fun and beautiful

I heard that.
2016 was fun, but what a bunch of delusional idiots we all were in having still a drop of hope in "democracy".

Sieg Heil to Stephan Ernst.

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Maybe if we lived in a pure white society we could rely on communal justice in the form of lynchings but still, people tend to get a little too enthusiastic and jump to punish innocent people. An organized system of courts at least is required, even among whites. I think if the public breaks out into riots and punishes someone, or a group, that there should be leniency shown to the people - like on Kristallnacht. Obviously theres an underlying problem that cant be ignored.. in that case, Jews.
I was saying we would likely be burned by Trump, that its likely just a right wing Obama. In 2008 Obama "talked real smooth" in his speeches, they werent even written by him. Everyone I was around liked the things he said, or appreciated he was smooth with what he was saying even if they didnt support him. Anyways, I recognized the left got baited by a wolf in sheeps clothing sort of thing, he was just more of the same "establishment politics" and not their woke nigger. I figured Trump would be the same, that by this time, or in his second term.. I wasnt sure in 2016 - we would be "throwing him under the bus" and "pointing to all the bad things he did as Jews fault" etc, that we would use him as the example of why democracy doesnt work.. and here we are. Zognald is now the example of how America will never be able to do anything through votes to stop white genocide.

i was being sarcastic. if might is right, we have a shitty life. we should have a strong state and a strong police. fear of being killed by someone physically stronger is what makes a shitty society and life for the individual

one of the very few men left on germany

they should let him out and make new fuhrer, but they won't, because nowedays germans are bunch of cucks with no dignity.

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Shabbos goyim, your days are counted.

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Id be willing to entertain lolbertarian ideas of laissez-faire policing in a pure white society but its not an idea I personally believe in. Its all just mental masturbation anyways considering we will never see that society, its a multi-generational fight were looking at and by bullet or by age, we will all die before it comes.

>t. low impulse control, high aggression, niggers who think blatant acts of violence will somehow foster a functioning community

your gif kek

Just because you dont understand how something makes sense doesnt mean other people dont. It might take you over half a decade of personally interested research to put together an understanding you can get from reading this, but you wont.

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>t. cuck who'll die off and be replaced

>considering we will never see that society
aren't you a facist, with your nazi flag. and i agree, that third world/islam-immigration makes a free, fearless, high-culture society impossible. but really, if we don't even want to fight for it and cave in to darwinist-like capitalism and survival of the fittest, then why live really. we should fight for a state, that enables culture, not destroys it. wo wants to fight all his life?

Why is always a fucking leaf? What makes that nation full of abhorrent whores? It must be pure suffering to live there as uncucked lad.

I simply recognize that its not going to happen overnight and its not going to happen with only a handful of people taking action. Were looking at Israel/Palestine here, generations, call me when whites raise their kids to hate non-whites and they throw stones at the enemy in the street, but Ill be dead by then.

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so you are not for violence in principle, but just as a means to an end. might is not right then, but necessary for what is good. good is right

the best way to bring people to fight is, when they know they fight for something good. a cultural vision

Bro wtf is a creepling

Right is might.

I never said that, all options for peaceful settlement have been foreclosed.


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The best way to make progress is to stoke the enemies outrage which makes them act in anger and haste, which makes our side support us more. That and to undermine peoples comfort.

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Contrary to popular belief, this is really not the case. It sounds rational and you are correct in it's rationality, but this thing is not rational at it's core. Best way to bring best people to fight is fight itself. You want people who are in for fighting alone, because they are the only ones who a) can take it for prolonged time periods, since it's their hobby, b) they are able to do needed sacrifices and finally c) they are able to generate big enough fights to attract others.

On these people's deeds you build further and on that you build that elementary mythos of us against them. Righteousness of your cause is nothing to really chase for, since survival and prosperity of your people is the highest and most honorable cause you can have.

Memeflag is right. This applies especially today, when everything is sheltered and majority of people literally live fake lives with no actual real deal happenings. Good people thirst for that and will be attracted to any action outside of this sheltered nanny life.

we agree, but i still want to stress, that might is not right. the vision of a society which provides the best life possible for the individual is right. the society, which makes the beautiful soul possible inb4 gay

Would you rather be morally superior and dead or be the victor?

but as a means to an end in itself? purpose and goal of the human life and all actions? that violence is good? no i believe you don't. how'd want that

i want to be happy. violence and fighting does not make me happy. so we need a strong state, which is the only one who rightfully should use violence for the good

>you are correct in it's rationality, but this thing is not rational at it's core.
stopped reading there

Read a book retard

*but as a means to an end and not in itself. sorry for retarded typing

Day of the rake soon

>i want to be happy.
Only women and children have the luxury to pursue happiness as their life goal. You are a man, your role is to provide and/or secure that happiness. Sometimes you have to do bad shit so that others can be happy. This is how the world works since the beginning of time and most of the issues today can be traced back to the moment when western men stopped doing it.
>so we need a strong state
That's a strange way how to say "someone please do it for me".

>everything is rational in life
This is why you never gonna make it.

Ill be happy when Im dead, living with the daily reminder of my peoples suffering means I live in suffering. My blood boils, I feel sad when I look into the eyes of the little white kids and girls who are being raped and killed etc, its just an endless cycle of rage and mourning. Its all so tiresome.

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>Sometimes you have to do bad shit so that others can be happy.

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>Only women and children have the luxury to pursue happiness as their life goal
>That's a strange way how to say "someone please do it for me"
this is about ideals and organized forces working for that ideal, not lynchings

if you're against kids and girls being raped, then you're against violence in principle, but just as a means to an end. might is not RIGHT. might is necessary for what is right. might is right would mean, that the one doing the raping is right by doing so, if he just is mighty enough

they are 'tabula rasa' cuckolds who are also subjects of the crown

>This is why you never gonna make it.
reaching my goal would mean, that i acted and thought rationally. again: if you want people to fight, they have to have something to fight FOR. fighting just for fightings sake? what kind of good is fighting in itself? it's a means to an end

And that's why Duterte is based and his reign have results.
>"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."
-H. L. Mencken

Yes. The fact German men stopped doing it and started pursuing "happiness" is the reason you country is such a pathetic shadow of it's former self. You should be thanking all Gods imaginable that there are still real men like Ernst who do not follow this suit. What makes this such a historical irony is the fact that happiness for men is reflected in happiness of their children and their women, in great deeds done for them. So not only you pursue "happiness" somewhere where there is none, you also fail at elementary manly duties and on being a man itself. What a shitty existence modern "male" is.

If you want some big organized fighting force, you first need people who fight for fight itself. There is a reason why there was first SA before the SS and not the other way. There is a reason Americans won their Independence first on drunken guerrillas full of violent psychos who were in mostly for the fun and kick out of it and THEN later on more organized militias who had a clear geopolitical goals. Stop being naive.

the point is you cannot enforce your world view without might.
you think those muzzies care that tier raping infidel women?
No. They're justified in their eyes.
The only thing that would stop them is the mightier vanquishing them.

>Yes. The fact German men stopped doing it and started pursuing "happiness" is the reason you country is such a pathetic shadow of it's former self.
no, it's because of brainwashing through the media for a more social-darwinist society, which helps capitalism. what kind of happiness does it enable to vote for a government, that lets mass immigration from third world countries happen? people wanting to be happy does not equal voting for the wrong government, whose task it is, to make a safe and just society

>If you want some big organized fighting force
it's called police, military and law-makers/government. you want to go back to a stone age like society?

how does that government maintain control?

>the point is you cannot enforce your world view without might.
yes. but this is not, what "might is right" says. violence should be a means to an end, not the good itself. who wants to fight, just for fighting sake? we want to fight for something, that is good

through violence yes. but violence for something, that is good. justice and a good society

> it's because of brainwashing
What the fuck that brainwashing is, I wonder? "Stop thinking about nation, start pursuing you own goals!" "Nation is useless goyim, have some fun!" and since your nation was full of hardy people, they just enforced some antisocial anti-national sentiments as well.

What a shitty non-argument.

>You are a man

he is not
and that's the problem, they don't have real men in masse, more like bunch of pathetic cucks

Here's the thing.
Good and evil aren't absolutes and are determined by the individual.
Say Im a nigger. My whole life I've seen whites do better than me, so I want to exact revenge. I rape and murder a white woman. She can't have any more white children, so there is a lesser chance of the white race continuing, and I help my race by removing the competition.

would you say that your society is good and just?

>Stop thinking about nation, start pursuing you own goals
i am actually arguing for a good society. a strong state and police. and you seem to argue for people taking justice in to their own hands. so idk what you mean. this are exactly the capitalist values: to only work for your own good against everybody else in society, instead of working together for common ideals and a good society
>What a shitty non-argument.
What a shitty non-argument.

>i am actually arguing for a good society. a strong state and police
How you gonna achieve that without
>people taking justice in to their own hands
Stop being dumb.

based retard

>yes. but this is not, what "might is right" says.
That is exactly what it says. Moral arguments don't hold up in real life, because they're based on the principle of pain/pleasure.

This is why gays are raping children and Jews are cutting peoples foreskin off, because they see it as "good" and have the power to pursue their desires whereas other "good" people think they should win on the basis of being "good". There's no such thing as evil really, only weakness.

>Good and evil aren't absolutes and are determined by the individual.
i disagree. it can be worked out based on the golden rule. we all agree on what is good and bad
>I rape and murder a white woman. She can't have any more white children, so there is a lesser chance of the white race continuing, and I help my race by removing the competition.
so you're against "might is right", if you're against killing for your personal goals
>would you say that your society is good and just?
absolute no

would you say that there are people that think that your society is good and just?

so you're for childraping and foreskin-cutting, because people are mighty enough to do it.

it is in a few peoples interest yeah. the rest is brainwashed through propaganda of the former

Jews know they are evil, they dont care.

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No. The reason that exists is because people that think that's acceptable are mightier than we are.

So those people think that society is good and just. Would you say that they have the government on their side?

Sounds stupid as fuck. Nothing more detestable than a european acting like a nigger or a braindamaged muslim.

Might doesn't make right. It never does and it never will.

Imagine being this neutered and illiterate.

yes. so you don't think might is right. they are mightier than you, who thinks foreskincutting is bad. you are against foreskincutting, so you don't believe might is right.

yes. they actually made the government possible through the media, which they bought

this is Satanic

Your mom's asshole is satanic.

It doesn't matter what my version of "right" is if I have no might. Your screaming that raping kids is bad, okey, but do you think a pedo cares? To him raping kids is good, he doesn't care what your opinion on the matter is.

You know what, I don't even blame the Jews or the brainwashed normie masses anymore. We've been debating diplomacy or violence for the passed fifty years now. You can't reason with a bunch of genocidal kikes, you must destroy them.

We've redpilled enough people that can be redpilled. All we have to do now is act within ten years or less, before the demographic situation is passed the point of no return.

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what i say is, that might is not RIGHT, but a necessary means to an end. violence in itself is not good. we don't WANT violence. we want something good

Look I get english isn't your first language.
SO I'll forgive you for not understanding.
My personal views differ from other people's.
In fact, some people have completely opposite views of mine.
However, whoever is in power has the ability to decide what is allowed and not allowed.
You're just throwing what I believe to be right and wrong back at me without understanding that my views, without force, mean nothing, and those people with opposite views of mine, mean nothing. Everything is derived from force.

And since they're in power, they have the ability to use violence against you if you act out against their goals, correct?

>we want something good
>but we want it without use of violence

So letting your enemies kill you off is Christian. Looks like I'm a Satanist now.

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Perfect example of why Christians are going to die. They refuse to acknowledge the natural law of the world.

>However, whoever is in power has the ability to decide what is allowed and not allowed.
that is not, what is RIGHT. you have to have an idea of what you want. yes, the most violent can enforce, what they want. this doesn't make these things right. that would mean, you agree with everything the mighty want

No, he does, because it might be that he thinks killing Jews is right, something most would say is morally wrong, what brings his desire into reality is might. All other forms of moralizing are tantamount to shouting into the void.

never said that and you know it. i always was talking about violence being a means to an end and not the end in itself

Why is violence not good? If I were a violent war-loving person, it would be good.

fuck dude. you don't understand me. seriously.
read my words carefully.

DO you understand now?

You literally said "we don't want violence". You still also didn't explained how you gonna achieve anything without the use of violence.

Good, being a Christian is fucking retarded anyways.

which is everyone against everyone and no common ideals in society. people can workt together for their ideals and for their societty. there is nothing natural in the humans actions and will. it is by definition artificial.

>"we don't want violence"
and we don't want it as a good in itself, but need it as a means to an end.

How you gonna achieve any change without the use of violence, for a third time.

Might is right is a practical application to moralizing. It's like vegans saying violence against animals is bad, but in nature, a lion uses his violence to kill and eat a baby deer and his cubs benefit from it. The weak die off and their ideas of "right" are forgotten.

so violence is a means to an end, not what is right. this is a very easy thought dude