REMINDER: Western, Nordic Whites, And Krauts are NOT Your Friends!

The Western Whites, Nordics, and krauts will EXTERMINATE All other Europeans. The Ideal White Man in their view is Blonde Haired and Blue eyed!

>B...But dont fall for the "Blonde Hair Blue eyes" meme! Hitler Loved ALL Whites!

Reality Check. Due to the reason blonde hair and blue eyes are the ideal, The majority of Italians, polish, Russian, Yugoslavian, Hungarian, Slavic people, etc, etc, etc, will be exterminated and/or castrated and made second class citizens.

Non Blonde Haired and Blue Eyed European Men and Women Will be used as cannon fodder and used like a tissue to be thrown away.

Some of you won't believe me until your own Kraut 'comrade' is putting you against the wall for not being Aryan enough.

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ok kike

Always a fucking idiotic post made by a kike hiding like a coward with a meme flag.
Then they wonder why people hate kikes. Fucking idiots fuck everything up.

show flag kike

This Of course will happen if the National Socialist Revolution is successful. When the non Nordic Europeans are no longer needed they will be castrated or killed by the lebensraum breeding program.

Stalin was right to Invade Germany. if Hitler Won the War 75% of You here Would not be born because Your Ancestors would have been gassed. Stalin was not perfect but he saved you, and you call him a Kike Commie.

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Piss off you subversive piece of shit kike.

Stalinist Communism On the other hand Supports and Encourages Friendship and Cooperation between ALL White Nationalities. The Fascist Lebensraum program Was meant to continue and preserve Only Nordic/KrautWestern Whites Bloodline. You are Being used! Wake up! Hitler was not your friend! Stalin, although not perfect, WAS Your Friend!

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>meme flag
>reddit spacing
Nordfag here. You could not be more wrong about anything.

You won't believe me until your own Kraut 'comrade' is putting you against the wall for not being Aryan enough. Don't Say you were not warned when Hans and Aarik Come for you

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Don't believe communists

Who are you trying to fool?

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Are you telling me the Aryan is not the Ideal man?

Lol, even shitskins who are honest with themselves know this. Same with Jews.

Slavshits and meds have no choice about about their swarthyness. They can, however, have a eugenics program in place to purify the population.

And no, no major culling will be necessary or even thought of doing.

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No problems with non Aryans. And nobody cares if you're not 'Aryan enough' lmao there were many NSDAP politicians who weren't considered 100% pure with blue eyes and blonde hair. You are completely obsessed with allied psychological propaganda and black propaganda, you're fooling yourself by believing that Germany wanted to conquer the entire world, replace every single non-German ethnicity, gas everyone that wasn't blonde haired blue eyed, rename all oceans 'German ocean', annex America to call it the second half of Deutsches Reich and then go on to conquer the entire universe and exterminate all UFO alien races.

Funny how people really believe that about Germans and Germany, that is what propaganda can do to humans

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Nice try comrade

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STFU you lying Nordfag!


Some of you won't believe me until your own Kraut 'comrade' is putting you against the wall for not being Aryan enough.

I don't know one single blonde/blue white person in the United States who gives a shit about Europe or the white race. It is all us swarthy mutts who care. Fuck em.

I am talking about The White Nationalist movement

So am I dummy

Who cares? Hans is lovely.

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