Ignores Israeli spying

>Ignores Israeli spying

Attached: trump national embarrasment.jpg (471x365, 38K)

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keeping your subordinates in check isnt spying. USA is an israeli vassal.

le meme flag le faggot kys

time to buy yuan, make money.
Ditch the dollar ist worthless.


Bibi should just say 'yeah we spied, what are you going to do? Nothing lolololoolololololol'

ptg in full seethe mode

Trump Ignored Evidence Israel Planted Cellphone Spying Devices Near White House:

I guess I should have said he did more than 'ignore', he actively helped cover it up.

People tried that after 2008 collapse in the US & the feds came after them.

Based truthful yid.

Israel is his greatest ally.

Attached: Donaldhen Trumpelstein tweet.png (604x410, 50K)

yes G-d bless him

why is he still living rent free while we're in sept 2019. Get a live.

Attached: 4dancingisraelies.jpg (836x650, 120K)

try to come after me in Germany faggots xD

Of course he would, he's the best goy in Chief.

>Actual scandal
>By far the most powerful anti-Trump narrative the media has had in 3 years
These are the Jews, lads.

the more he ignores it, the more people figure it out for themselves. this is being done on purpose.

It's because the whole thing about 'impeach Trump' is a meme to get people riled up and nothing more.

The two party psyop thrives on having everyone get into a froth over the puppet show. That's why the nonesense with Ukraine is getting big amounts of attention but this story got half a day at best even though there actually would be grounds to push charges over it.

>4d chess
Yes, Trump actively committing treason against his own country is just an elaborate chess move. BASED

Why are you ashamed to identify your tawdry, shopworn little meme country? It must be really really really humiliating :(

Attached: 1559798698947.jpg (710x503, 29K)

Why are you avoiding the subject of the thread?

Because the opinions of insignificant, unwashed brown foreigners are irrelevant.

Attached: OP riddled by HIV.png (914x1363, 863K)

kek fuck this orange faggot

It isn't an 'opinion', it's a fact that they spied in the WH.

Fortunately the Christ killer media did too