Éire/pol/: Late Late thread edition

Thread Theme | Téama Snáithe:youtu.be/sk0T6-OTExc

Nationalist and Anti-Globalist Parties in Ireland:
>The National Party.

>Anti-Corruption Ireland.

>Irish Freedom Party (Irexit)

Pastebin links:
>Irish YouTube Channels to watch and Social Media to follow (Updated August 2019)

>Learn Irish ¦ Foghlaim Gaeilge:

>Political Irish

/eirepol/ on Infinity Chan (RIP).

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Eire wish I could stop sucking cock. Fat cocks in the back of my mouth, balls on my chin. Put it in my asshole


Flag checks out.

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>Passed my (third) driving test on Thursday
Suddenly life doesn't seem so grim

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Any Dublin fags here? If so, how shit is it?

Don't see too many nogs around my area loads of Chinese's,starting to notice the increase of Pakis tho

>This is peak beauti in bong
I'm so sorry.

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The absolute state of People Before Profit...the epitome of urban, middle class left wing extremism in Ireland trying to appeal to the Irish Farmer....

What do you expect from a collection of useful idiots.

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So it begins, pakis are probably worse than niggers in the long term.

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I agree disgusting creatures

>in the long term
In the long term they will all be either kicked out or turned into red paste

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Let’s hope Nationalism, and logic triumph over inane faggotry, and suicidal maliciousness.

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You fairly know how to rip the arse out of something, Stavros. This meme is old and boring now and just pathetic at this stage.

fuck off west brit

Failed my first one passed on the second. Think they purposefully fail ye the first time. Wheres the first spot ye driving to boss

based potatobro
stay mad britnigger

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have mine this week lmao. 2nd time. if I fail it im just gonna give up I reckon. sick of it.

Shut the fuck up you clown. I'm sure I'm not the only one fed up of this forced meme on ebery thread.
I'm Irish you cringe faggot.

Do any of the NP anons put up posters, hand out leaflets etc? Does NP actually ask you to do stuff?

fuck jannies

You are doing Gods work.

still better than the coom meme

Contact them and ask to be sent out material if you want to start getting active.

Don’t give up user, you’ll make it, we all will.

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It’s actually doing a pretty good job of keeping people on nofap.

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If they did, you'd see all the anons on this thread slink back into the shadows.

You didnt answer his question though

sound kid

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i tried by i couldn't coom bro

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ive always been nofap
not many can say that

Whats going on with the Quinn Industrial Holdings? First time hearing about it was the kidnapping, can't seem to find any more info on it about the possible reasons for why its happening

How long?

How do ye keep going lads. Im unbelievably depressed. Have a part time job and im in college and doing sport but im just very very depressed. Dont know if getting a bird will help me but I just need some answers

right gents

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contact pieta house bud

You just need to find something to keep you occupied and focused. How long have you felt like this? Maybe speak with a doctor.

why not just throw your life away to jewish pills and incessant jewish talk

Ah dont know what it is lads. I go through spurts where I feel positive then I just wanna end it. Feel like a faggot for talking about it. Just want a nice Irish wife and children but think I'm in the wrong time. Every young one is a slag whos been brainwashed

Ring a helpline

If he speaks to a doctor he will get referred to a counselor. It'll be better to speak with someone instead of keeping it inside. Don't get me wrong, he should stay away from being medicated and going down that route, but a doctor can advise on different options for him.

always, never even knew what fapping was until i was about 15 and there was crowd talking about itin school and i was like wtf that shit is gay


Quit the rat race and move down the country

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Wait until you're out of college. The world is a different place. College is full of the shittest, most insufferable people imagineable. Look for women outside of the usual places. There are plenty of decent women, but they too are also led astray into the degenerate lifestyle popularized in media. What do you enjoy doing the most?

didnt have me first fap till I was 19 and I've been addicted since. Day 1 of no fap lads. Think wht porn is so free to access theyre trying to destroy you.
How would I make any money I have no real skills

>Feel like a faggot for talking about it
part of the male suicide problem. stigma against young men talking about their feelings.

When you feel happy, what makes you happy? What keeps you going when you're feeling good?

Whatever you do, disemploy your personal agency. Thats potentially disastrous for someone in your situation. Youre in no fit state to be listening to yourself.
Seek advice from a therapist who doesnt know you personally. They know best, and after a brief session can recommend a path forward for someone with your 'symptoms'. Most personal problems cannot be solved by the person. You need intervention

Hey guy, out of curiosity what do you think of your precarious realpolitik situation? I know >realpolitik but just thinking

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Who has the pic of Pearse in side profile gradually turning into Justin Barrett?

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Not sure man, Its weird its like a switch almost. Ill be happy with everything in life then suddenly everything becomes absolute shite. The depressions only last for 3 or 4 days but during those times I feel nothing but sadness

Sounds like hell

And how long has this been going on? I felt similarly a few months ago. Felt dead inside, worthless. Just existing. I kept reminding myself I would feel better and focused on what I was able to enjoy at the time and just rode it out. Ring samaritans or whatever and just talk to someone with experience in this. Get a different perspective on it. Where are you going to college?

>Felt dead inside, worthless
Did you ever get to the bottom of these feelings?

I rang the samaritans myself a few years ago. I found them excellent.

Yeah, this place looks pretty good


Honestly, I'm not sure. I have 2 kids and a wife and enjoy my life. But I just felt useless. It just seems like a bad time in my life, first time I ever felt like that and haven't since. I would wake up during the night and gear myself repeating 'kill yourself" in my head. I'd put myself down all day, thinking really negative thoughts. I never told anyone and seemed to just get over it. People are a lot more understanding that we would imagine. I knew the help was there if I wanted it, I just didn't want to bring it up.

For about 3 years now its weird. I used to go see someone but I hate talking to people about it as I feel like I should be tougher as a man. I feel like if I had a missus or something it'd help but im not sure

>negative thoughts
> I just didn't want to bring it up
Thats because youre a good person user. You dont want to burden others. I hope you are well on the road to full recovery. Dont give up.

I get what you're saying. A helpline is anonynous, so no one will care. I found pol, in particular the self improvement generals helpful in making me more focused and tougher mentally. Made me feel part of something bigger. Like we're all in it together. Which we are. Eire pol is the same, we're all Irish that want a greater Ireland for the future

i just try to see that im doing something, i dont have anything that the lads usually do like going out and all that, have a few friends but think im missing out on a lot of things,
and yea id like a girl but im not half bothered.
i just cant tell whos the degenerates or not
i just dont like the idea of going near people who would have had * with other men and wouldnt tell you that they did which is lying and scummy behaviour from women, so i can kind of understand some of the points that the "incels" make
would rather if i lived with some based lads in the same house, have a telly going 24 hours a day and lads coming and going all day and night, going to work and doing different things.
Living with my boomer ma and da is alright but sometimes they are just dopes.

ive seen porn but ive never fapped though and seeing the degeneracy from those cancerous videos has me hardwired and set on never doing it.
dont know how some people watch people sucking peoples peens and all that
what a load of bullshite its

The best feeling i ever get is when i have a nice dinner, piss or shite or eat good food and have a full belly after it

high iq and autism is a mad combination for myself but the side effects can be fucking shitty but i have good morals and good way of thinking even though my head mightnt be right sometimes the logos is still there and i keep going

and fuck jannies and storyfaggots

they add something new to that pic everytime
can barely see his eyes now