What do??

So I wanted to invest in gold for a while now and all these recent threads about muh economy and muh dolla possibly taking a dive soon, it all motivated me to get serious with it and actually purchase gold and silver.

That being said, in a total breakdown-scenario, what are metals worth until any economy recovers? So I have decided to check with the banks and try and get a loan to purchase some good, cheap farmland and have something to fall back on (will most likely keep doing farming either way, and make sure I have a "permanent" means of providing for my family). All this parallel to accumulating some metals.

What do you think, Jow Forums?
How worth it is it?
Should one focus on putting what ever money is there right now into tangible assets, like the farm?
What are the best ways to accumulate gold and silver?
If metals are the way, it looks like silver should be a good bet. Maybe better than gold?
What happens to my would-be bank loan in case of a total recession, or some economic breakdown? Isn't that ((good)) for me?

What are YOUR plans in the face of this increasingly advertized recession and troubles?

I'm a brainlet when it comes to economics and - like you - I wanna try to make ends meet some way in case shit hits the fan...

Attached: gold.jpg (600x337, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Silver is at the tip of the extra pyramid. The most undervalued asset on the world. Currently the most manipulated asset in the world. Natural flow of economic energy after the reset will mean that silver will be gaining the most as the gold-silver ratio collapses from 80-1 to 8-1 or lower. A must hold asset.

Attached: liquidity-pyramid-gold.png (900x552, 156K)

Ignore the typos. Phone fagging. *Exeter's pyramid.

>Silver is at the tip of the extra pyramid. The most undervalued asset on the world. Currently the most manipulated asset in the world.

So, basically, this means that the powers that be are manipulating silver into being "the underdog" whilst probably holding much of it themselves, so that they can possess even more value (of anything) after the reset?

I hate to sound like a brainlet, but fact is: in terms of economics I really am. Just trying to understand things...

>Ignore the typos. Phone fagging. *Exeter's pyramid.
That's fine. I only care about information, not typos...

T. Hanks


But how can either of you two predict this? What would be an inherent determining factor? Plain availability/ rarity? Use in technology??

Judas traded an ounce of gold (Jesus) fo 30 ounces of silver an he regretted it. I have 1500 ounces of silver ready to trade to gold when the ratio briefly drops to 20.

Attached: 8E1B98F3-4005-45DB-A182-E12464967402.jpg (1498x322, 256K)

That hardly answers my question...
How are these values and ratios predictable??

Silver will move more than gold in value.

BUT - think like this; gold and silver are not worth dollars or euros. 1oz of gold is worth 1oz of gold. In an economic collapse, 1oz of gold will be worth both zero dollars and infinity dollars simultaneously because fiat currency is worthless. As the economy collapses, the currency value of gold will skyrocket, but dont convert your gold into currency because it is worthless.

Gold is a way to protect value is not that much gold is being mined up so more or less it’s a protective store. It goes “up” when everyone else’s value “disappears”. It never truly increases in value. Gold at 1$ and at 2000$ still provide the same value. The only value changing is the $. People predicting the mother of all depressions believe the dollar may fail or stop being a reserve currency, rendering it (and any jobs that pay on $) useless.

For most of us little people, the job is the bigger problem. But of course depends on your personal situation.

Land also retains its value (but not price) the same house at 500k and 130k offers the same space, benefits and functionalities.

In general, user, focus on retaining things of VALUE to protect assets.

I personally believe the push for silver (seen on ZH and other alt investment hubs) is simply a way to get the little poor people out of gold. It is still a reasonably good value store, but there is no logical reason revealed to me for it to surpass gold wildly.