/CG/ - Crusader General

Greetings, fellow Christians! In this thread, we will be discussing the importance of crusading on our daily lives. I think we can all agree that its important to be on the lookout for heathens of all sorts. Here is a quick guide that will tell you how to identify the various kinds of heathen.

Islamic heathen: Nasty shitstained rag on his head. Easily identified by the smell of goat anus reeking from his crotch. If female, look for the trash-bag attire and the constant wailing as yet another son blows himself up for Allah. Crusade at every opportunity.

Pagan heathen: Fat homosexual with purple hair, lives with parents and fantasizes about valhalla. Doomed to die a virgin in spite of his religions degenerate views on sexuality. If female: Look for the pussy hat and the ritual cum drinking stains on her peasant costume. Crusade on sight.

Buddhist heathen: These are no threat. Never known to cause trouble for the faithful. Look for the shaved head and those orange robes. Spare them when found, as they are at least a peaceful bunch of heathens.

Satanist heathen: skinny little meth addict who sucked more cock in prison than marilyn chambers. Spends all his time trying to convince himself that he isnt going to hell. If female: Shamless heroin-addicted prostitute who gets gangbanged by fat hairy nerds at the "black mass." Crusade on sight.

Share your thoughts, fellow crusaders!

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>the holy land
There is nothing holy about jew shithole country. Backwards shithole is "holy" because Jews live there? Fuck you.
Go be a dirty race-traitor somewhere else

With this post I hereby bless this thread in the holy name of our Lord and Rabbi, Jesus Christ. May the blood of the lamb of God shield this thread from indigenous European religion, skeptics, and others who do the work of Satan. Amen.

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It is holy as the birthplace of our Lord and savior, so BOW DOWN and show respect, ye filthy heathen! And by the way, you fly the flag of a Christian nation!

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They want to gid rid of the Orthodox party. How can it be a Jewish state if it goes after the most devout and purest of Jews? It's a pogrom.

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Found the filthy pagan heathen. You see, brothers? They are easy to identify. I knew this one by the smell of his mothers basement, which is so strong that I can sense it through the internet. Smells like old socks and dried tears.

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