So much institutional racism. AmeriKKKa sickens me

So much institutional racism. AmeriKKKa sickens me.

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If it's true then wheres the proof

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politifact doesn't lie. clue's in the name.

13 percent and half are in jail but you wonder why there arent more black governers why dont you have kids

What's wrong with blackface?

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Its because white people are better than niggers at almost everything, including pretending to be niggers

We'd be closer without Ralph Northam. It's impossible to change the past, but we could at least fix the present.

Politifact is garbage

That is why I love this country user. You love it too and you can no longer lie to yourself.

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>politifact doesn't lie. clue's in the name.
Not all facts are true.

Facts and truth have a liberal bias.

No shit. Black people don't have to use shoe polish to be black. They privileged that way.

bluecheck kike says this like it is a bad thing.


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Politifact puts so much fluff between a statement and a conclusion that they end up debunking something unrelated. This means some idiot will post it and go "See, it's not true".

"Facts" are institutional racism. They are an integral part of white supremacy know as "objectivity" that diminishes the lived experience of people of color, bigot.

this is a dumb comparison because the black governors wear blackface 24/7

No, they just cherrypick what to check in order to further their agenda.

I bet you all the black american politicians have dressed up as whites at one point or another
I mean, I have never seen a real live black person wearing a loincloth, only white people clothes

Also, KKKanada.

Blackface used to be a thing back then. Being born that way I never understood the humor in it.

black people suck at leading

>Sub group of low IQ criminals is incapable of producing an electable competitor for office

What a shocker.

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America has more blacks who commit crime than other races.

Politofact:DATS RACIST


Race relations were improving for years until Obama came and fucked it all up.

Absolutely nothing. It’s a lighthearted impression of niggers. Nothing more.

Canada has more Prime Ministers who've worn blackface than black Prime Ministers.

right wing meme

bruh moment... lmao

America is a shithole.

I remember being an anti-racist.
I stopped when I realized how awesome it would be to live in Africa with not a nigger in sight.

I wonder if the Americans should just rape the shit out of Africa and take it and leave America for the niggers

canada has more prime ministers that have worn blackface than black prime ministers

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and Canada's Prime minister has worn blackface more than all American Governors combined...huh...what do you know

There's nothing racist about blackface.
When black comedians put on whiteface, nobody gives a shit.
When male comedians put on women's clothes, nobody gives a shit.
When straight male comedians act like faggots for comedic effect, nobody gives a shit.
But oh no, you impersonated a black or a brown SO RACIST.
As an actual racist let me tell you, you're wrong.

I was anti-racist until Africa was brought to my country.

Then leave nigger

It fetishizes antique farm equipment, it's a shame Stephen Foster wrote beautiful melodies for darkie imitators to perform them

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Children exhibit their best behavior when everything goes exactly the way they want. Calling The God Emperor names is equivalent to the I hate you, I hate you, I hate you tantrum of a child not getting their way.

I was always racist, because i grew up around niggers then moved to an entirely white area that recently had the "Aryan Brotherhood" removed from its power structure, niggers are moving in now 20 years later.

Mmmh... Who could be behind this post?
A fucking leaf!

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HAHAHAHAHA he deleted it

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Go to Liberia, nigger.

Just incidentally, the governors in black face probably did a far better job than those who were just, you know, black.

You guys realize that there are no black governors in the US, right?

Perpetuate the hate, keep our race divided while they've conquered. Seems par for the course for those elite shitbags whole rule earth.

niggers arent capable of thinking abstractly. they should never be put in charge of anything - ever.

Nothing, really. It's more laughable than anything, because it's just more proof that wh*te weaklings dream 24/7 of being the superior race.

Name literally one thing wh*te people have invented. Oh, right, you can't because they haven't.

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The wh*te man talks big game, but will never leave his house for so much as a rally.

Thats right nigger. Your all going back

Maybe more black people could run for governor if they didn't have to run the gauntlet of possible abortion and the leading cause of death for young black men.

Then renounce your citizenship and fuck off.

No white guilt for blackface. It's completely Jewish.

Can somebody send the whole "expelled from 109 countries" thing to these fact-checking (((people)))?

Want to talk about weakling faggots? Then lets consider a white/jew faggot from leddit who comes to a board he hates and stays there 24/7 to post black penis threads while larping as a black dude. Think about that and how uttery pathetic you are. Normal people wouldn't even be paid to do such a thing. Yet here you are as part of your group of about a dozen other faggots who coordiante in discord to spam these forums. And the only thing you can spam is nigger dick threads. You are that obsessed with niggers that you not only larp as a nigger, but your fantasize about their dicks night and day.

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Nigga WHAT?!

Cars, phones, airplane, jet airplane, watches, television, computers, the printing press, the assembly line, electricity(discovered), gravity(discovered), vaccines, submarines, and that’s just off the top of my head

I don't see any black dick here, so it's funny that you bring it up. Speaks volumes. 'Nuff said.

notice you see zero fats

pis or documentation or it isn't true

btw, big deal

A simple google search proves this to be entirely false.

You should leave then

Actual humans don't care nigger

Not only that, but could they have "invented" any of those things without their black slaves???

many of those such as electricity, the printing press and gravity were either invented by blacks (stolen achievements) or existed in ancient black societies such as Egypt long ago

This bait is so bad it’s good.
Also, most of the stuff I mentioned was invented after slavery was made illegal.....

Based and kekpilled.

>invented gravity

Stfu mate

Slavery was an impediment to innovation, retard.

>anything i don't like is bait and da jooz!!!
This is why America is the laughing stock of... Well, everywhere, really. People in mud huts get a kick out of you guys.

>(((politifact))) doesn't (((lie)))

Then fuckin go back

First off, slavery wasn't just "made illegal", sounds like you need to brush up on history.
Second, "wow bad bait" >proceeds to reply despite unironically thinking this becuase any opinion contrary to his own is literally unfathomable

Then why do I get my money for helping, wh*tey? I'd also accept a sloppy reparations blowjob.

and that's a good thing - who wants to be rulled by niggers? Even niggers have to realise that crackers are better at thinking than them.

You need a better hobby mate

Hahahahaha oh man, I fucking hope this is bait

That took you all of five minutes to type?

This almost sounds like an admission of defeat.

Sorry, was busy dicking down your mom

>i'm supposed to be surprised that all the wh*tey thinks about is black women

I brought you a little snack—your favorite! You can stuff it into your fanny pack before your next school shooting, wh*toid.

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It's because us brothers keep voting for Democraps.
It's the Dems wearing blackface. Become woke, vote Republican.

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Do know why whitey needed slaves?
Because they had no idea about farming or how to use crop rotation that was invented by the black man. In the slave days they would steal our inventions and use it for themselves like the demon crackers they are

What's up with blacks in america? they're entitled as shit.

THIS!!! The white man would be *nothing* without us.

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.t coke mule

>AmeriKKKa sickens me.

Go away then.

Your African homeland is calling to you...

Imagine if your peoples future was stolen?
We aint entitled we just want our future back
the devil demon cracka listens to our music and steals it look at all the white honkey hos stealing our rythem and blues
while most of the biggest tech companies hire our brothas so the can steal our technology like the devil ass honkeys they are
that is why they do all these diversity drives, to steal our talent nigga

thanks for all the (you)s

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Then go back to Africa asshole, this isn't your land you didn't build it or make it better all you have done here is fuck shit up and ruin what was once good, at the direction of your jewish masters.

if america is so racist, then why do you want to live there? because its nicer. we have hospitals, plumbing, roads, everything in the first world.

"racism" is just a word blacks use to get more "gibs". it means nothing. a white man cant be racist to a black whom he's already granted permission to live in his presence.

This isnt my land but i just tilled all the fields invented the equipment while whitey was sittin on his ass
Once we get our freedom you white devil demons poison our strong brothas against each other dehumanize us then force us on crack so you can stay in positions of power
truh is you afraid of us honkey we are more athletic and intelligent than you which is why you gotta put a nigga down n shit

Diversity drives s cos you need us nigga not the other way around

Entitled my ass

You didn't even till the fields, you just picked cotton motherfucker. That was us, that was my ancestors lie some more to make yourself feel better claim the invention of any machinery was yours I've seen the patents to disprove you ass and we didn't force you subhuman, generally retarded, motherfuckers to smoke crack that was a choice you idiots made all on your oddly enough at the direction of your Jewish masters, you fuckers are not and never have been and never will be like us, get the fuck over it and go the fuck back to your native land where you starve and die by the millions.

You’re not a human so why does it matter if the Aryan man doesn’t allow you in office? I know you’re probably an insect nigger with a meme flag, but the same question still applies.

>thinks Jews are white
Stupid nigger

Yeah but who are you going to vote for? Northam is probably racist but Republicans are literal Nazis, I know it's true because Rachel Maddow said so.

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Friendly reminder that all good niggers who worked their ass off and cared about their families were the ones who left the Africa and gradually evolved into whiteness.

So start working your lazy nigger ass now and in a couple hundred thousand years your descendants will be white and prosperous!

>Imagine if your peoples future was stolen?
My people would not have allowed that to happen, caveman.

We will take your music and make money off it.

We won't hire the "brothas" for tech jobs because you don't know shit about technology.

Conform, fight, or be cast out.

If you fight, we will beat your asses to a pulp, even with all the self-loathing whites out there.