I am running for Senate in California!!!
I don't know your policies but I already despise you less than feinstien good luck
Black suit, black tie and blue shirt? Yikes!
who cares
How do you plan to address the Jewish problem?
How do we corporate scum to pay the same property taxes as home owners? Corporations are paying taxes based on 1979 land values and using fire and police services at 2019 rates. The greedy fucks sell stocks so the land changes ownership but the scum never get their land values updated. How do you intend to fix this glaring injustice without reforming prp 13, stupid?
Are you the fashy gay jew or the guy who wants to gas him?
You need to putty the pock marks. People will rightly assume meth.
I'm the guy on the right in the white shirt and red tie. The guy on the left is my former running mate Augustus Sol Invictus.
The little short guy with the earlobe stretchers and hair plugs?