These are the men and women who clean our offices, schools, houses; who landscape our lawns, build hospitals...

These are the men and women who clean our offices, schools, houses; who landscape our lawns, build hospitals, pick our fruits and vegetables, etc. This is the face of America

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I will support immigration, like actually go to protests and shit, if I can have a qt brown gf. I bet almost everyone on here would too. They could easily flip us if they tried.

>qt bron gf
They all look like the cleaning lady in OPs pic. Except fatter.

>oy vey goy don't you want a goblino underclass to serve you and do menial work
Those are jobs that our teenagers and retarded/disabled/drug addicted adults could be doing and if it weren't for all these people coming in illegally, they'd be paid a decent wage for it.

they do jobs you won't do.

Like: fucking.

That's why latinos will be majority soon.
Don't they have a big country already? In fact, don't they have entire South and Central America?

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Plenty of homeless americans that would have performed those jobs, had the gudgoys not undercut them.

They also breed like roaches and are uncivilized

its true

brown girls can be pretty qt

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Uh, whose family didn't start from dirt while being treated like trash?

No one was born rich, they had to do digusting shit about it and talking crawling through shit mine. Some did better than others tho.

How am I supposed to feel bad if my granpa started his plot of land by working in chemical factory that eventually blinded him in mid-age so he had to learn to buy/sell to provide for his family of property value.

I'd tell them work harder bud, everyone cleaned someone else's shit off the toilets in their bloodline.

She's ugly as fucking sin, get some fucking standards.

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That is a disgusting mongrel, you faggot shitskin

All spicks are ugly. The growing spick population in the US ia the reason there are so amny incels. They would rather remain virgins than be with a spick.

Post yourself, you neckbearded beta fag

more like shit and piss on our vegetables

which all used to be done by whites

I wish they'd fucking leave and stop undercutting all competition by being mindless golems so that I could have white people clean my stuff, tend to my garden, build shit, and touch my food.

They're invaders and need to get the fuck out.

Yeah, nobody managed to do those things before they hopped on over.

I don't live in California, so this is not true. I don't own slaves and don't willingly contribute to a caste system, be it social or labor oriented. Liberals are incomprehensibly evil to me.

so we should continue to exploit them rather than tightening immigration for their betterment and of our own workers?

Suck beaner dick you dirty whore.

have sex lol

throw them out and replace them all with Polish and other Slavic migrants. At least Slavs are white (kind of) despite all of the fetal alcohol Syndrome they're born with

kill them both with fire.
exterminate all shitskins.

How much for your sister?

Stfu nigger lover.

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It's a shame that these people are sought as tax donkeys, their children born into debt, cheap labor for big corporations and debt slaves, banks can throw loans at them and if they go bad the banks will get a bailout. I wouldn't wish this against my worst enemy. To have generational slaves to a monetary system setup for the elitist class.

>build hospitals
Know how I know you've never worked a day in your life? Hospitals are almost universally state or municipally funded capital projects. Those capital projects are only bid on by union labor. Illegal Mexicans are not, nor can ever be union employed.

Fuck them.

stfu, spic.
Mexican women love to fuck niggers way more than white women.

They're just so much easier to demonize than rich white Republican men

plenty of white people do them jobs too, and cant get jobs because immigrants are taking them.

Rich white Republican men do nothing wrong.

Except the whiteoids want way more money than the spiceroos

and drive down pay rate as they are more used to working for low pay

... which is why I proposed importing a shit ton of Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian immigrants instead to do the jobs spics currently do in the US right now. We should deport and exterminate all spics of course, but we should replace them all with Slavs because they are, at least, kind of white

usually pretty cheap desu

I don't actually care about paying more. But white workers are totally unavailable due to the mass invasion of spics.

Fuck spics. Remove them and we've fixed many of America's problems.

how about no? if a brown qt stares at me in a "i want your penis" sort of way, i will happily pretend i don't see her



Right, but without them teenagers would be doing that shit as a summer job to pay for college..
Labour would be less plentiful firms would be forced to offer better incentives and more opportunities to move up.

Muh dik.

Yet we're they come from everything is absolute shit. Nevermind that we had ALL these things, and much better, before the spics came.

I pick my own veggies. In fact I just picked a bushel of tomatoes in the garden earlier this afternoon. It's really not that hard.

Oh c'mon, you don't want this?

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Good idea, we'll probably see some WMLF love story films in the near future.

I like it because its a satire of a famous painting that i know the name of haha sorry uneducated replicucks

Our children could have done it as a part time job to learn the value of a wage and to learn the discipline of work. They are not the face of America they are the face of decline. They don't fight for their own people or their own countries, they just move to wherever they can get the biggest handout and our weak fallen brothers and sisters will gladly give it to them to spite each other.

>cheaper than slaves, amirite?

Life is more than sex. There are whores in every single kingdom and nation. They are still just whores. Seek a wife, not a whore.

You know what happens to traitors, right?

That is literally my job too, and I earn 25$ an hours because there is not enough spics around here to drive down my wage.

Seriously tho, most other franchise-holders are spic.

The people who do that stiff in my city are white because it's 99% white. You don't need mexicans to do menial jobs.
>but muh cheap labour!!
oink oink

Or, maybe, you could pay a right pay for those jobs allowing some of your country men to live with dignity with it, instead of expecting to being served as a little lord in change of peanuts

Spaniards already tried the race mixing meme.. they created these south american mongol races yet you still dont learn???
Can you not see the difference in quality between south america and the Anglo nations that simply killed the natives??


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I like my women well done thank you.

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Pedro looks salty af lol

Sa ge

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The spics and their allies won't allow you to speak this truth.

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Trips of truth
Spread the good word far and wide.

those are the men and women who are tax payer subsidized cheap labor
they lower the cost of labor hurting American workers making it difficult to raise families.
they cost American tax payers more than they contribute. they are a net drain on the people and only benefit the ultra rich. since mass migration started the wealth gap increased dramatically. export jobs and flood the country to suppress wages. their consumption (largely subsidized by US tax payers) only benefits the rich.
if you're rich sure they're great but if you aren't in the 1% they are burden. they destroy neighborhood, they burden already underfunded public services.

yeah no shit. there has been an on going measles outbreak in Central American. it doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you let people from an outbreak region come to your country they will naturally bring it with them.

all of these 3rd world diseases we're seeing in the US today is a direct result of mass migration. nobody will dare say because the racial purity brigade will destroy anybody for speaking out. nobody wants the FBI backed ADL on their asses. nobody wants mobs of liberals harassing them for simply speaking the truth.

>This is the face of America

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Rich culture

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S a g e

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>These are the men and women who clean our offices, schools, houses
Keeping things spic and span I see

S a g e

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Meanwhile there's about 2 million homeless people in the lands their forefathers conquered.

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99% of landscapers are white here

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