Change my mind

Pornography should be completely outlawed and everyone producing and/or practicing it should be harshly persecuted

Attached: 9746.jpg (922x1200, 179K)

Why are you anti-Semitic?

Attached: Jews behind porn.jpg (791x1080, 258K)

Because of all the egregious semitism.

Porn is a Jewish value. dont be antisemitic.

Attached: Jews run big porn.jpg (1024x735, 71K)

but then what i would fap to?

>oy vey this is antisemitic!

It's not like Colombian Goyim children had souls. Moloch put these filthy goyim here for Moloch's chosen to use!

Attached: Israel Colombians violent child pornography pedo.png (662x1027, 125K)

But is just want to coom

Attached: 1568903853089.png (680x213, 108K)

I agree.
Pornographers are the lowest form of human life. They deserve to be gassed in concentration camps. Literally untermenschen.


But wait....

That would be antisemitic.

Attached: jews-in-porn.jpg (650x897, 150K)

Porn helps potential rapists keep ther libido under control.

But I dont have strong arguments so feel free to ramble about it.

What about JAV industry?