History repeats itself. This times it's the 4th Reich EU, just as evil and corrupted as the 3rd...

History repeats itself. This times it's the 4th Reich EU, just as evil and corrupted as the 3rd. Socialists just never learn do they? Round 3 anyone?

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Satire doesn't work when Dinesh D'Souza already beat you to this.

Ecofascism is based and redpilled, too bad Greta is an OPEC kike tasked by her fame hungry parents to push white countries to end domestic energy production

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>left is the real fascists
Can cuckservatives drop this bullshit already.

>These are the same
Why are you all so retarded?

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I was always told by the mainstream right and Alex Jones that Fascism is a form of Marxism. Are you saying they're wrong? They're out there speaking the truth while you're here circlejerking over "MUH JEWS". Have sex tranny. Hitler was a puppet of the Rothschilds.


the socialism in national socialism has nothing to do with modern socialism

Socialism is socialism, it fails to deliver and ruins societies on the individual level.

Desusa used this meme and is getting hell for it

>This times it's the 4th Reich EU, just as evil and corrupted as the 3rd
You stupid stupid mother fucker. Do you even know WHY the Nazi's did what they did?

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every fucking picture of here makes me think... 'dude weed lol'

Laughing my ass off hope this is bait


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Now look here you dumb shit little bitch.
Nazi's were just doing what every other European country had done to the Jews.
Only Hitler was worried about exile once more and pawning the problem off on someone else again. So he camped them. With plans to relocate them later.
With DAMN good reason.

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>I was always told by the mainstream right and Alex Jones that Fascism is a form of Marxism
You can't clean up pic related with freedom. Or a constitutional Republic. Oh I'm all for those things too. Really I am. But we no longer can afford it because we no longer deserve it.
We've let things get THIS FAR.
So in order to clean it up, fascism is the only way. We can't do it with freedom. Freedom allowed it. We allowed far too much freedom.
It's not just the left that fucked up. It was us too.
Now you can have fascism commie style or you can have fascism national socialist style but freedom is going because we didn't keep it.

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Nope. Alex Jones says he was an agent of the powers that be. He was put out there by American businessmen or whatever the fuck. Alex Jones is never wrong. Also Fascists like Hitler claim to be against Marxism but FASCISM IS MARXISM. Alex Jones also told me that. Also stop obsessing over jews. They're God's chosen people and are just reclaiming land that was stolen from them. That is their land plain and simple.

>They're God's chosen people
God chose them to spread the word of Christ to the world. He came to the Jews in the New Testament and told them how to be and behave.
The Jews killed Him. And rebuked His name. And denied His teachings.
The Christians obey the Jew King and follow His teachings. They are the real Jews.
The thing the Jews were CHOSEN for they did not fulfill.
They were chosen to undertake the task of being the spiritual leaders and guides to humanity. They have done entirely the contrary.
They are hellbound.

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How have they done the contrary? By wanting the right to exist and have their own state? How evil! I see this board constantly shitting on "Zionists". You realize Zionists are Jewish Nationalists? Kinda like us minus the Jew part. They're practically on our side. Also I see people shitting on Netyanyahu. Why? Alex Jones says the evil deep state wants to get rid of him. He's also on our side stop trying to get rid of the good guys you're going along with what the satanic deep state wants! Unless you're a shill!

>How have they done the contrary?
Read the meme.
Every ounce of detritus you see in our society, every ounce of liberalism, homosexuality, transexualism, all of it, comes from Jews.
They control the media, and the education systems.

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Fucking awful larp or just a fucking retard

Antifa is fascist.

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>someone make a thread I can't
kinda related


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She'll turn hard when she learns how they're manipulating her.

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Shut up dumb brit. Go pretend to be white elsewhere.

But why would the Jews do all this? What's the motivation? Here you go.
Now lurk more before posting next time you have A LOT TO LEARN.

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fuck off fucking LOLsperg boomer nigger lover

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I guess she is trying to tell us something when she talks about the climate.

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Long-haired pregnant Jewish girls are best desu

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That street shitting pajeet has a lot of fucking gall

Michelle from StarSessions

>They're God's chosen people
Show me in which part it says that Jews are god's choosen.

This is why Yuri Bezmenov said the leaders of the Progressives would be liquidated.
When they learned the truth, they became very disillusioned and actually joined any resistance movement against the Left...
Give it time...

She's being sexually abused by her handlers, and her Commie parents keep her brain so full of all kinds of propaganda and medication that there's no breaking out of their control.

Poor girl is right out of the MK Ultra playbook.

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"are you illeterate? it says ANTI fascist. that means shes against being a fascist. learn how to read" - their actual replies every time. we should just call ourselfs anti-nazis while doing exactly what nazis would do and then we are in the clear

Marjoe turned the same way when he woke up to how he was being used. Jow Forums, look up Marjoe. He was the Greta of the Boomer era, but used by fundamentalist Christcucks the way Gaia cult globohomolists are using Greta today. Exact same precise same way. You bet she'll turn hard. Then she'll write a tell all book, move away and quietly marry, the left will discredit and disavow her and move on to another child to use for the next wave.

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>a fascist
fascism doesn't mean anything.
fascism can be applied to anyone

Proove it faggot.

They weren't even socialist tho. They just called themselves socialist to bring leftists into their cause. They didn't care about wealth inequality or worker's rights.