Why are boomers so scared of her

why are boomers so scared of her

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Because she's hot.

Islam is right about women.

Well she is a Kike jew by her racial dna.

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Because they watch Fox News and they cover her 24/7

Just like how they were taught to hate *insert Dem politician Obama / Pelosi / Reid / Hillary *

She's terrifyingly stupid. And brown. The boomer has figured these things out. He read newspapers. He had kids and a job.

Afraid she bites my balls off

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She wants to let hordes of unskilled 3rd world labor into the country to feed off our welfare state as long as they keep voting for her and until the country is sucked dry of its productive capacity and is a husk of its former self. Why isn't everyone afraid of her?

One should always be wary of a fool in a position of power.

Bitch is so dumb she emits deadly rays of stupidity.

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She has a really smooth body

Her district is mostly foreigners/non-whites.This dumb spic is the canary in a coal mine for what type of politicians we can expect when whites become increasingly less white. It's terrifying.

She is symptomatic of the stupidity and ignorance of her entire generation and there were enough stupid and ignorant people that voted for her to get her elected.

depends. who is tha t again.

boomers arent scared of her, they think she's a dumb bitch who happens to be attractive.

she's stupid and has power

Scared? We love that she's now the face of your party!

Because she shows that politics is a publicity contest, and bring an idiot is celebrated as long as the idiot comes in a shade of brown, especially with a vagina

Fox news told them to be while the jews they worship continue on as always

Because AOC is working for Trump, and boomers don’t understand psychological warfare.

Why would boomers be afraid of Trump's number one campaigner?

Because she is a stupid cunt who shouldn't even be elected to the post of dog catcher. That's why.

Oh yeah I’m sure it was Fox News, and not her being a mental midget.

>why are boomers so scared of her

We aren't AFRAID

We HATE her because she is a nigger commie moron dimwitted kunt.


She is the DEATH of America
We want to Save America!

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Because stupidity + power = disaster.

How is she stupid? She is incredibly cute.

The script writers have taken her character in too many embarrassing directions. They never expected the memes that ensued. They are failing.

Because she's blatantly antiwhite but they're either too stupid or too cowardly to say it, including Trump

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I wanna lick those teeth clean

>Implying boomers aren't stupid and ignorant

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>investigate Trump for years
>cant find a single thing
>accuse him of lying

ok there snowflake

Why don't the FBI investigate the democrats just as much as see if they come out as clean

They secretly agree with her. All their beliefs share the same principals and data that here do (not that they are right). They reach different conclusions because she applies them more consistently. She will out boomer the boomers.

The left can’t meme

It's not her per se, it's the idea that deep state Democrats are putting actors in government positions that read the script they give them, and the script is always pushing subversive, degenerate, and destructive bullshit

she got big sharp pointy fangs!

Because the system is supposed to filter out the very stupid from holding the keys to power. The system failed.

the Boomers grew up in the Cold War era and saw first hand what (((communism/Marxism/socialism))) leads to. What happens to dissenters when (((they))) are in charge.

We get it, you hate whites

because they know under her lady suit there's a super tight brown pussy between her legs and she squirms and moans loudly.

Every white boomer dreams of feeling that tight wet brown hole pulsate and squeeze their cocks drawing hot cum in that fertile latin womb.

It's irresistible.


Because she's retarded.

This, they should watch CNN instead and contribute towards slavery reparations

With each stupid thought that comes out of her mouth, it makes me want to fuck her even more. I need help.

I think because of her teeth. Yup, that's it.

Would bleach.

Gen X checking in. I'm not afraid of her, I think she's a fool who doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about, on any subject she addresses. The worrisome things is that she's a harbinger, that kids today are like her, marinated in college and university and think they know everything but don't.

She has about as much sex appeal as a road accident. Get your eyes checked user

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No one is scared of her. Conservatives give her so much attention because they want to make her the face of the democratic party so that democrats because all but unelectable in all but the most stalwart of stalwart democratic districts.

Honestly I can't imagine a more punchable face if I tried

Literally no.

She's making their white grandsons love brown women

Nobody is scared of her. Her policies are just bad for the US.

Because she looks like a horror creature

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Shes engineered to be divisive, to make the rest of the "progressive" left seem sane in comparison. She makes the slap to the face seem acceptable when she represents a kick to the balls.

Because we were actually talk to observe, read, think, question, and draw our own conclusions. Plus we know "narrative" belongs in fiction, not news.

Ever had your cock sucked dry with a vacuum-like force?

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Why does Jow Forums hate strong women?

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There are plenty of people on the left that hate Obama / Pelosi / Reid / Hillary for being neo-liberal porky scum.

Theres hot ashkenazim chicks, and then theres whatever she is supposed to be

AOC is a boomer, you retard

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Those thin lips make those awful horse teeth/gums look so much worse than they are. I’m not saying go full out DSL (although that would secure the coomer vote) but just plump them shits up a little, for fucks sake. If you’re going to be this stupid and this angry, at least look pretty.

How are you so fucking stupid you can't see she's a complete fucking retard?

Mainly because they're stupid kikes. The fact that many of them believed that viral video about her being a puppet just because she ran after Justice Democrats were looking for people who would run against corporate Dems and refuse to take corporate/billionaire donations says more than I can post here.
The modern-day boomer cuckservative can't attack someone based on policies. They just smear and make up fake news because Jews love people who can't think for themselves.

>15000 people voted for her in a retarded-blue district
her biggest victory was winning the beauty contest the (((masters))) had to see who their new puppet was going to be.

I would appreciate any lewds you have of her.

Why do you idiots insist on framing everything in such idiotic emotional hyperbole.
That dumb bitch is an idiot, and no one cares. Her incongruent logic is consuming itself already for the world to witness.
Fuck her. Fuck you. Fuck your slide thread.

MANY good threads right now. Seek them out, lads.

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She is the lefts Sarah Palin. She is an absolute gift to the Republicans. Pelosi is getting up there and a new mascot for the left is needed. She s perfect in every regard.
In a safe seat.
Attention whore who will never get tired of being "feared" by the right and a hero to the left.

When the TEA party had their run the left plucked all the low hanging fruit ( I think Gomert is the only nutjob the left couldn't run off). The Republicans will cultivate the progressives low hanging fruit to be harvested ad infinitum.

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Why does she look like a psychopath in all of her pictures? Holy shit. Her eyes legit make me feel uneasy. Not intimidated mind you, but just an instinctual "Avoid this person" kind of feeling.

I'm scared she won't do facefucking porn.

Read this, and then everything makes a lot more cents.

Do people reply to her asinine tweets with drink orders?

>eyyy lemme get a vodka and diet double

If you fear nuclear war then Washington DC is the place to be. People like AOC are a cancer and no foreign power will ever give us free radiation therapy to cure this collection of malignant colon polyps.

I love her

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She's a symptom of the rot they created. That the society Boomers shaped is so disgusting and depressing, people would rather vote for literally anything that isn't a corporate neoliberal. I've explained this to Carter and Regan worshipping boomers that think this mess is all Trump's fault when the tipping point stems back to Wilson.

Yeah, but pic related is fake

sexually attractive brown women scares old men

Because she's living proof of how badly they've fucked up the country and how inevitable violence in the near future has become. They look at her and they see the failure of their attempt to gentrify shitskins into "respectable citizenry." She is living proof that Neocohens like Rush Limbaugh and Shaun Hannity are wrong. They can't cope with it.

She's a CIA plant, I learned that on 4chinz.
I know that the CIA is working inside the US and not outside the US like they tell you. They are doing this to trick you. They would like you to not know this while you go about your day not doing anything.

What do you mean wiped my server of 30,000 emails of classified information with BleachBit? Like with a cloth?

lol. only 15,000 people showed up to vote for her. what does that tell you?
moron, she was just lucky her hispanic district is full of lazy people who dont give a shit about america.

So am I, but unironically. If it wasn't for Fox Jews the average Boomer wouldn't even know who she was. The average Boomer has zero fucking clue who their Congressmen are, let alone what they look like or believe in. Without the media giving her a platform and a special snowflake title like "The Gang," she'd be as much of an unknown nobody as every other Congressman and House member.

Boomers are scared of everything. They're the duck and cover generation. Everyday, they lived in fear of nuclear war.

Their brains ARE broken.

Socialism is not scary to you?

>Fat dumb boomer detected
>"I had kids, I know everything now"

Nobody's afraid of her. They just think she's a retard.
