Why not ?

why not ?

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jewish women

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jews are Not White. Jews are the Enemy of The White Race. if a White identifies with Jewish custom, we should make fun of that pathetic cuckold faggot "white man".

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Based and redpilled

Abraham was right about his first born

because anti-islamism is not the same as antisemitism, rabbi

Look at how Jow Forums kikes react and kvetch when they see they're losing the narrative to Islam

migrants are mostly islamic, not judaistic



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how is that relevant ? judaism has a very conservative view of women. jewish women are not allowed to have physical contact with anyone that isnt their husband\family and aren't allowed to go with their hair exposed when married.
anyone who opposes the idea that judaism is right about women is an antisemite.

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this has nothing to do with migrants. the point is to make people choose between being antisemites or accepting the Judaic view on women


Sheitel, for when you take God to be a fool.

you aint seen nothing yet senpai
pic related is a shabbat phone

jews have been bamboozling god for far longer,muslims think they can trick god because he dosnt have night vision and cant see them eat in the dark but jews bamboozle god with tech.

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Any gar ba aretz ve yodeya' kol hashtoyot halalo

Muslims can't hold a candle for you guys, you sure take your God for a ride

consider the following

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where are you from ? you work in israel or something how do you know hebrew ?

Sheitels are 100% אסור מן התורה

Shabat phones are ONLY for Hatzala workers so they can violate Shabbat less when they handle cases on Shabbat.

Also kosher switch is only allowed as a grama in hospitals

whatever man so they gotta cover their hair, still better then the modern situation.
i had shabbat phones at my work and they told us to use em when working on shabat (we just used the regular ones because those are a pain in the ass)

we had one of those on the gate at my army base when i was in gate guard duty. we didnt use em but they told us to only use them on shabat

>knowing הלכה
Pick one

wait sorry I’m pretty sure they are allowed in army bases

Nah, I live here, it is my first language, yet not my mother tongue

That is plain wrong, I've seen them all over the place, shabat water coolers, shabat elevators, you name it

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of course a fucking american knows everything about judaism and is super autistic about it.
my point is judaism is very conservative about women and putting the pic in OP as a poster would cause similar effects to the 'islam is right' one but better.
they're allowed im just pointing out its funny how jews think god is retarded and cant figure out that the gate opening and closing is somehow related to the guy pressing a button.
by jew logic i should be able to rig up this kosher switch to a gun trigger and freely murder people because it's not actually me shooting them.

Yea but Shabbat phones are not for everyone to use. I myself have a Shabbat water heater. But no shabbes elevator so to get to בית כנסת i have to go down 16 flights of stairs and walk a mile. I live in a manly black area in Brooklyn.

>it is my first language
>'palestine' IP (im assuming they give those to judea and samaria)
are you a settler or something ?, what's your mother tongue ?

Lehavdil, we are not tricking HaShem. We are just trying to not do melacha. Not sure why you see this as “tricking God”. Btw I’m not American, I’m Israeli. Moved here 10 years ago, when I was 8.

Kosher switch is only allowed in cases where melacha has to be done, like in a hospital or military base. The kosher switch reduces the amount of melacha being done.

Nevermind that, its a long story

The issue stands, on how can you make such a case, taking into consideration the bipolar schism in the Jewish mentality, even within 'religious' folks, not to mention all the other 'role-models'

You should first get to define what sect of Judaism you are taking about, cause you know, there is a lot of shit going on, most of it is just silly

tell us the story

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last time i checked מלאכה means work, pushing a button isnt fucking work, your rules are retarded.

>You should first get to define what sect of Judaism you are taking about, cause you know, there is a lot of shit going on, most of it is just silly
nah that's just over complicating things, i think saying 'judaism' instead of 'jews' already focuses the statement to the tradition\culture\religion instead of on people who identify as jews.
you could say 'the halacha is right on women' or 'the torah' or something.

Tora is right about non-jews


Cope harder

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Then that's not saying much. The same wide statement can be made about Islam, Mandaeism, and other faiths and systems of thought