NYPD announced an 82 percent uptick in anti-Semitic hate crimes reported


Whats going on?

Attached: knockout the jew.webm (288x288, 426K)

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saved lmao

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Animals looking to scapegoat a tiny minority for their own failures in life. Unhappy miserable people love hurting others to lift themselves up. I'm just glad Dov Hikind put Di Blasio in his place and I'm seeing more police officers in my Jewish community in Brooklyn.

how hard did he hit you? lol

>2 hats

Keep making your jokes. I've seen with my own eyes these thugs make lewd comments about our frum women and give hitler salutes as the men leave temple. It's disgusting and when you notify the NYPD they scoff at you. I'm just glad there are still a few Italian and Irish left that take this stuff seriously but the new wave of NYPD seems indifferent to it all which is alarming.

Were you wearing a hat on top of another hat?

>Animals looking to scapegoat a tiny minority for their own failures in life.

What happened to the muh oppressed people just reacting to slavery ?

Police are now arresting Jews AFTER they get punched by black people. WHAT IS GOING ON?


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>I'm seeing more police officers in my Jewish community in Brooklyn.

not helping see

When it comes to police Nigs are at the top of the victimhood totem pole

>3 days ago

Attached: knockout rob the jew.webm (720x720, 2.45M)

Blacks and jews in new York have hated each other for a long time. There were riots over this shit years ago. Just get some popcorn and enjoy thr show.

wait till Dov Hikind hears about this

And tell the Brooklyn officers about their religious practices while you are at it.

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whites dont live in nyc. so its obvious niggers who took the redpill

Gee I wonder why...

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A black guy, imagine that..
Its just you know, i cant believe it.

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lets be realistic here. the niggers probably have realized the jews always have their pockets full of sheckels

I fucking hate jews, but we need to increase the penalties for anti-jew hate crime.
We need to treat the jews as radioactive and send them to the Indian reservations.

These stories are always months old

Jesus, how'd you dig that up so fast.

>be jew
>get punched in the face

I couldn't agree more. The same way an assault on an MTA worker gets you 15 years should be applicable to the Jewish people. You so much as lay a finger on a Jew and you get the book thrown at you. That would deter this antisemitic shit INSTANTLY.

Attached: brick for jew.webm (1280x720, 1.52M)

Kikes imported diversity and now complain about it? Nope, fuck em'. Enjoy.

>sept 17

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and it's all committed by inner city blacks, mostly youth and jews themselves

Blacks claim, this is already the case.

Only 82?

And what do we do with all the Cryto Jews pretended to be white when its convenient? Perhaps all those records can be pursed out of the mass of data. The same way they persecute their competition.

You ever been....

Anyone who punches a jew should get a reward

Once again, the golem has turned on its master.

What the actual fuck? Niggers used to be absolute savages, the young ones are complete cucks now. Only two of them were being "aggressive," the other two were pussy footing around. They didn't ever knock him on the ground and kick his teeth in. I am thoroughly disappointed in the nigger community. You faggots have a reputation you MUST live up too. Seriously what the fuck, I got so excited, thinking I was going to watch a kike get brutalized by niggers. 2/10 video

How about they fix their culture... I think the book should be thrown at them for practicing this insanity!

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kike spotted

Hate is not a crime its a basic human right .

You have a Jew/Abo war over there?

rookie numbers

based and aussiepilled

People of color doing the work whites refuse too.

If they can't learn to COEXIST with everyone else living in NYC then they need to buy a plane ticket out of here. Plain and simple.

Pol>>PewDiePie>>ADL controversy
Nice knowing you guys. I've been saying for days it's a matter of time before they take is down. Wait for the articles. It was all a set up. You are now the breeding ground for radicalized youts

Hi Shlomo. Did the nigger punch you so hard that all the pennies flew out of your nose? Oy Vey...

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Calling African Americans ‘animals’ is not a good look, bro.

Get out of my country, Jew

WTF i LOVE black people now

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We see this coexistence in op pic. Now fuck off limo liberal.

I guess that's how the Jews view them since they are just cattle after all...

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Absolute enrichment.

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I wish Jews would exterminate all niggers after being fed up being attacked

need popcorn

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I don't know about all that but if the NYPD doesn't step up at least give the shomrim the ability to arrest these scumbags. I've been petitioning for the shomrim to be able to carry NON LETHAL taze guns since 2017 and every single time the NYPD has flat out refused. I bet they will consider it now due to all of these attacks.

Anti-goyimism is on the rise too:




>Burgers in this thread defending Jews

You hate to see it.

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Petition this dick nigga

Why? They were involved in getting them to America as slaves, so shouldn't they take responsibility in paying them reparations instead?

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fuck the shomrim, they bully people for being not being jewish. You orthodox types are scum worse than niggers. I hope you get bricked in the head by a nigger on your way home from temple.

That's a start.

Probably boomers...

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Oy vey!

holy shit man

But the NYPD ignores what the Jews do.

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>NYPD announced an 82 percent uptick in anti-Semitic hate crimes reported
If we work hard enough we can crank these rookie numbers up to a full maximum.

All that malice you keep in your heart will be the end of you. Instead of spreading negativity and bad vibes you should learn to respect thy neighbor and learn your place. Were all the same, were all brothers and sisters. No need for the violence.


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WTF I love the cops now?

Great. Now being antisemitic is the equivalent of being a nigger.

shitskin golems are turning against their masters. it's the future the Jew wanted for America.

My neighbor is some black lady certainly not a jew

This is honestly better than porn for me.
Pure ecstasy.
We need to subsidize this type of content.

Being White in the USA is a really laborious task for that reason and many more. This place is hell. Do not end up like us.

I cant tell if youre describing jews or niggers

It's beautiful.

multicultural societies don't work. the goyim are not fungible. Jews are just reaping what they sowed. fuck them I have zero sympathy for them


Would totally feel for you if it wasn't for the protocols and your collective behavior on this planet.

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Its honestly surprising the apes chimped first before the snowniggers did.

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oy vey

This is what your fucking people asked for by importing nogs and making police go hands off with then because muh racism.

I'm just glad your jewish tricks are coming back to bite you kikes.

Why does the left hate jews so much? They even pretend to be "national socialist" in order to hide their own jewry.

shit is weird. I can accept that Jewish nepotism is an issue in finance and entertainment, but you never here about Jewish dominance of the plumbing or roofing industry.

Oy fuckin vey. The elders were fools.

>you should learn to respect thy neighbor

>steals 500 acres of your land


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Fire Rising.

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Controlled opposition.
The left hates jews so they can subvert the sphere of influence in goy countries where they undermine different groups like LGBT and Mudslimes and niggers etc.
They need to pander to antisemitism and anti Israeli rhetoric in order to both funnel funding to Israel discretely and also gain insight into the independent operations and missions of the left.
Most Jews are comfortable lying, so criticizing themselves and their interests is not a problem if it means collecting more money, power, influence and intelligence.

I'm willing to bet they are just retarded. The International Clique isn't.

>jew said he was white

...and here's why that's a good thing.

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>NYPD announced an 82 percent uptick in anti-Semitic hate crimes reported
Of course they did.
>Whats going on?
Fake hate crimes.

Fucking niggers.

Thank fuck it was a black kid. Seriously, (we) need minorities to step it up. If whites do this, (((they))) will have an easier task to fight back with policies.

You're basically saying tomato and im saying tomato.

I'll try to reword it.

Jews control the left and the right.
The Jews on the left are the die hard globohomo agenda ulta libtards.
The Jews on the right are the muh trump muh Israel muh guns neocons.
Both of them undermine Whites and Non Whites.
Its harder for Left wing jews to be as blatantly pro semitic and have no shame because the left is filled with god haters and fags and muslims and tranny worshippers.
In order to maintain top down dominance for the left experiment the jews operate, they need to do a little self-harm on the mainstream media.
This usually equates to pretending to be atheist, adhering to various agendas (economic) which are counter Israel, and participating in organizations which the average normie would consider Israeli boycotting or borderline antisemitism (if theyre linked with Palestinian rights for example).

The right wing controlled opposition Jewish hegemony is far easier to maintain face for the jews, which they do remotely from Israel and AIPAC and their lobbies in DC.
You need to view the system as puppet theater.
The Jew fights himself with his hands, but only the puppets bleed.

It's not what they wanted, the Jews just wanted their slaves to work for them.

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