How do i choose between sunni vs shia

I giving up & surrendering to the muslims & convert Christianity will never be conservative again

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One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church

The schism in pisslam isnt even a 100 years old.

Try choosing Jesus

Shia are not Muslim. They are far beyond the fold of Islam

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Sunnis are the ones who constantly bomb us, truck us and shoot up public places.

>How do i choose between sunni vs shia
You don't, you just let them kill each other while you eat your popcorn

Shiites are the ones that infiltrate the upper tiers of our government.

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You don't choose. I can guarantee you this constant shia vs sunni propaganda bullshit is yet another divide and conquer strategy of the kikes to distract us from focusing on our common enemy. Don't fall for it.

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kill them both, duh

Persians are cucks therefore Shias are cucks


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sectarian violence is new, the schism is as old as shia but it was non-violent and mostly about taxes/tributary.
don't let the theology people fool you, it was about taxes as well as difference in ethnic groups between Iranic (Persians, Kurds, arguably Azeris, and other smaller groups) and Arabs.

>Obama is a muslim
Boomer-ism is truly a mental illness.

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the Hussein thing is correct...
spooky user, I never thought of this

It definitely is. A united Arab/Persian world means no Israel.

Why not Sufism?
Sufism is a better choice rather than Sunni or Shiite.

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>united Arab/Persian
I know it's the popular opinion to blame everything on the jews but this centuries old conflict has nothing to do them.

We could just move Israel to the United States and put them on the Hopi Reservation. That's the ticket!

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Who had had the most access to Obama and is considered one of his closest confidants? She just happened to be born in a Shiite majority country--Iran.
However, I have never been able to find out if she is actually Shiite or not, all I know is that she is connected to The Muslim Brotherhood and to anti-American communist movements.
It would not surprise me that she is indeed a Shiite though.

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The majority of "terrorist" in Islam take the path of action the Sufi takes the path of contemplation. While yes I do think you can unify the two paths with someone like Krishna it does not exactly produce someone who is not active in the world.
Generally you have very different people suited to the contemplative as compared to the active path.
This idea to co-op Sufism is not only stupid but insulting.

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Muslim brotherhood is Sunni, otherwise I agree with you
Sufi is very popular among whites who are into Islam
seems like the most common choice
also Baha'i but they're kinda a weird freemasonic thing like Mormons

also Sufi has a reputation (not sure about Baha'i) of being pedophiles/pederasts
as much as their poetry is world famous and they're cultural, they're like Kabbalists or Gnostics, considered Heretics but mainstream Islam.
not all of them but they have very obvious famous historical examples of this stuff. not sure how much it applies in the modern era but... they're basically, heretics/mystics to the mainstream and may do sketchy stuff.

this. also some sufism is infected with bizarre esoteric shit.

sectarian violence is only as new as the Iraq 2.0 war
before that it has always been nation state and ethnic groups before sunni vs shia
it is WAY more complicated than sunni vs shia and sometimes they cooperate like Taliban and Iran cooperate a little, Bin Laden might have gotten help from iran, its a grey area and there are dozens of examples of them working together, Iran helps a few Sunni groups now allegedly, like Hamas
I dunno if it is true but Sunni vs Shia violence is both new and not a 100% valid thing, there are strange alliances, like Kurds with Iranians, Turks with Iranians, etc

want to red-pill us on the esoteric shit? I imagine it is very similar to the gnostics, maybe some Tibetian Buddhism influences?

On the other hand, we can find examples of literary borrowings from Buddhism into Sufism. For instance, the Buddhist image of a group of blind men each describing an elephant differently, based on each touching a separate part of the animal, found its way into Sufism in the writings of the Persian scholar Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1058-1111 CE). Advocating philosophical skepticism, al-Ghazali used the image to illustrate how Islamic theologians possess only partial truth, while Buddha used it in The Sutta of the Non-Buddhist Sects (Pali: Tittha Sutta) to demonstrate the futility of the non-Buddhist philosophers debating their views with each other.

Other Buddhist influences on Sufism occurred in the sphere of ritual practice, particularly during the Mongol Ilkhanate rule of Iran (1256-1336 CE). Five of the first six Ilkhan rulers were followers of Tibetan Buddhism, the exception being Ahmad Teguder (r. 1282-1284 CE). The sixth Ilkhan, Ghazan (r. 1295-1304 CE), converted to Islam with the Shi’a Sufi master Sadr ad-din Ibrahim. The increasing emphasis, from this time onwards, on the veneration of the tombs of Sufi saints was perhaps influenced by the Buddhist veneration of stupa relic monuments.

Buddhist borrowings into Islam, however, were not limited to Sufism. In this regard, Manichaeism, another major Central Asian religion, often served as the bridge. One possible example is the account of previous lives of the Buddha as a bodhisattva, known in medieval Christian sources as Barlaam and Josaphat. It is well-known that Manichaean Sogdian versions of these accounts were written prior to their first appearance in an Arabic version as The Book of Bilawhar and Yudasaf, compiled by Aban al-Lahiki (750-815 CE) in Baghdad.

This Islamic rendition incorporated parts of the Arabic account of Buddha’s previous lives, The Book of the Buddha (Ar. Kitab al-Budd), also prepared at that time, based on translations into Arabic of two Sanskrit texts, A Rosary of Previous Life Accounts (Skt. Jatakamala) and Ashvaghosha’s Deeds of the Buddha (Skt. Buddhacarita). Since al-Lahiki’s text is no longer extant, it is unclear how much material he also incorporated in it from Manichaean sources. If some were, it would most likely have been through the influence of dialogue between Buddhist and Manichaean Muslim scholars present, at that time, in the Abbasid court.

>Abandon a sect for a another sect
>NPC cattle goy
>87 IQ


Iran is looking like the kingmaker in the middle east dude. 80+ million people and tons of proxy power unless Turkey/Egypt get their shit together. Go shia?

want to learn this up for us? I thought Indonesia was Sunni anyway..

friendly reminder boomers actually believe this shit

the photo is dumb
the middle name of Hussein is indisputably Shia

You fucking idiot

Shia, first because Ali and his sons are descendent to Muhammad and second Sunnies are a bunch of terrorists
Anyway, the only prophet and saviour is Jesus

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It depends on whether or not you think the lineage of Mohammad should rule as caliph or if the caliph should choose a successor

what the fuck is pic related?

Coming from a third person perspective I would say it is the person in charge who chooses its successor.
So which one have I chosen?

>saddam HUSSEIN was a shia
nigger pls

is orthodox monk's vestments

ho to your local air port and while waiting in line to be frisked tell a TSA agent "death to america" then follow that up with some jiberish then put one of your hands in your pants and play with your dick inside your pants

they will take you to a place with muslims and then you can pick which one you want to be

Islam always attracts the spergs of society. Just look at India only the untouchable caste became muslin

shiah mind their own business its the sunnis that are the problem


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How about Buddhism

Religion is for the weak minded.

pic related

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The Shia sect was literally started by a jew named Ali ibn Abi Talib, but today Iran is based whilst Saudis are kikes, so I'm going to go with the Shia.

Great input, dumb nigger. How are you even able to work the computer?