Who else lives around blacks?

I am so fucking SICK of leftists disregarding the fact that they are a plight on our safety. I live in midwestern nigger city. There are carjackings all around me everyday. Gangbangers all over the city. And I live in a "safe" neighborhood.I wish I could have a gun to protect myself, but the city has made it illegal. It doesnt stop the niggers though! I cant wait to get out of here. It really is fucking terrifying. I dont want to be the next victim. Can any other anons relate?

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I can confirm. Live in Lansing.
Blacks and Whites are segregated but an occasional black will come to the white part of the area dressing in a suit but in reality he is looking for a high or doing a crime like robbing or stealing. Once their was a reported bar fight where the black ganged up on this lone white guy and beat him to death.

Lol my g-d dude you sound pretty racist. If someone is gonna go through all the trouble to do something super illegal just to steal your car then maybe they need it a little more than you do.

Ah. Here in Chicago, they come into the white areas all the time. You cant stop them. I live in a kind of intersection of the two. So far this year, the niggers have killed several KIDS

The white girls on my campus complain about how unsafe the negroe neighborhoods are and how they are (rightfully) afraid of being the victim of a crime when they have to volunteer there, but will turn around and defend the negro to death and listen to nigger music.

Someone explain this to me.

Anybody that has ever lived around them will come out as a racist. I know you kid, but I am sick of the california faggots telling me they are the same. I live around them, disarmed, and regularly fearing for my life

Same. They always come into white areas either for the drugs and cars or rarely the jobs. One time I was on my daily night walks due to my insomnia and these black dudes in their bass shuttle threw a bottle of piss at me for no reason. I couldn't see the license plate number to report. The other day I was cycling on my bike and this little black kid tried pushing me off my bike. He ran away like a typical coward black he is.

Christ dude. I get called slurs a lot by them or they try to harass me. I see drug deals all the time. But I have never had something like that happen to me.

Black music is jew invented since the Jews control hip hop now. Jews are really good at mind control and tell girls that blacks are safe and civilized but in reality they have never been to a black dominated town where occasional white people get robbed due to them being clueless or relaxing too much. I know white people that were attacked for no reason by blacks.

I live around black people, and I see no problem with them. I think they're no different than most whites and Hispanics I have had to be around. Asians, Armenians, and Arabs are the ones you really have to worry about.

i Don't have a purple ID like all of you

The slurs are a regular when I'm daily cycling thru town. I used to avoid going to the black area but I said fuck it because the bike lanes here are too short and doesn't give me the exercise high. The occasional old drunk black guy will spit on me or call me a devil for no reason. If I ride thru a bunch of black guys standing in an area for no reason they get angry and say that I'm going to crash into them then get called cracker, honky, white devil, etc.

Cognitive dissonance. They have been told two things their whole lives, and consider them both to be absolutely true, even though they’re conflicting. To realize one or the other is false would be to destroy their entire concept of reality

>Someone explain this to me.

>Cognitive dissonance.

Its shit like this that makes me have no sympathy when the cops put them down. Chances are its one of the niggers that would have called us names and shot our friends and family members

I used to be a normie until I got to know what black people are really like. They don't like us in their areas. Fine I will stay away but these fuckers always got to annoy me when I'm minding my own buissness. Black kids will always chase me down when I'm cycling thru their hood or a angry black woman will honk at me for no reason just because I was waiting for the red light. I don't know what's their deal ? I don't care either way if they get shot because they would rather kill than be civilized.

Then tell your shitty government to fund their exit.

You are a complete cucked and bluepilled faggot. KYS now

im from milwaukee. they try to sell weed to you from their cars when your stopped at red lights.

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I wish. This city belongs to leftists and nigs now. I am attempting to save and white flight to pic related

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That happens a lot to me when I'm cycling. One time this black guy who smelled like piss kept annoying me offering me drugs like weed. I kept saying no but he kept following me to the point where I had to threaten him. He then proceeded to curse me out and told me to go shoot up heroin.

Can relate. Greatest red pill will always be the reality of multiculturalism. Sad.

Yes. But nowhere near as bad as America because we don't have guns. Worse case you get beat up

Completely and laughably false.

In those situations, it is a matter of taking ones safety into our hands. Do as you must to protect yourself. Get fit and train. Don't look like a onions boy or a fag. I live in relative safety, but it gets dangerous around some parts.

How are blacks in Dominican Republic ?

They poison your drinks and air supply whilst you are sleeping. Don't you follow drudge report?

u r going to die around blacks riding that bike. you relax too much

Look into the history of Dominican Republic!

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Well I lived in this area since I was a child. I might move when I make enough money but it will take time. I find it funny my bikes were stolen many times like 7 times. They won't be touching my Schwin anytime soon.

this is why the "It's Okay To Be White" and "Islam Is Right About Women" campaigns are so so so successful.
They directly attack the cognitive dissonance that Jews have created in the brains of whites.

I live in the Midwest, had a gang of them try to pull me out of my car and murder me just for driving while white. Bunch of them tore up a mall recently and also invaded our waterfront and went on a looting rampage and riot, pulled a lady out of her car and beat her nearly to death in front of her kids.


you are basically retarded if you live around blacks.

No blacks here lol

minnesota fag here.
Arm yourselves and seek redpilled whites.
It's the only way forward.
Niggers and Jews and their assorted brown pets have taken over all the cities and there is full anarcho-tyranny happening if you are a white male.

He's from the tribe dumbass

Enjoy that because a lot of it is in your defenseless future faggot.

Well, the results are yet to be seen on an actual scale. I hope the campaigns are effective.

This is why I avoid going to the mall now. Blacks ruined the mall expierence for me. Always a fight or it smells like weed 24/7


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Oh you wont be immune for much longer. The shitskins will come flowing in soon enough

Bike cuck plus go

I will help you out user. Here's the explanation. Are you ready?


Congrats fella


Made a wrong turn in downtown Los Angeles once. Shit-ton of one-ways. It turns from modern and civilized to Fallout-tier in two blocks. Accidentally ended up on one of the shitty streets and there were nothing but niggers. They threw rocks at my car and I almost ended up hitting a crackhead who was tweaking in the middle of the street. All I did was be white. Fuck niggers.



Why would you follow that law? Who cares if its illegal. Better arm yourself because when the economy collapses, ebt will stop and they will riot. Guess where they are coming first? If you are not armed you are going to get cut from the gene pool. Simple as that. Government may come to take your gun but remember, when they leave the niggers will come right behind them with weapons

Nola here, why wouldn’t you just carry a gun. If you ever need it, then why worry. Just keep a small one and get a comfortable carry position. I live around a bunch of nonsense, but it’s usually black in black crime. A ton of it. Over 15 shot this weekend few dead. Just carry fuck the law.

I have been thinking about getting a small 380 and putting it in a wallet holster. But I just dont think its worth the risk. If I ever got pulled over or stopped and they saw that I would be fucked

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Which is the easiest gun to shoot. I'm planning to buy a gun because blacks here are mentally ill.

I have one of those guns in your pic. It’s really worthless, unless you just want to scare someone. If you ever had to shoot anyone over 25’ your fucked.

But it is a perfect pocket carry.