Why Are You Here?

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Because fuck the jews

Because my life is full of misery and shitposting on here makes me feel better about my shitty life.

Because I don’t know any better boards.

Mainly for teh lulz

Both a fun place and paradoxically the only place speaking out against the madness in the world today apparently

i want to be in the screencap when the semitism purge begins

I come here for the data mining threads.

I used to come for the red pills.
Now it's just habit. The board is shit.

Because what doesn't kill you, simply makes you... stranger.

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Because there is nothing else.

>teh lulz

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Same reason I’m voting for Trump 2020... the lulz

evolutionary psychology and political research

Our kind and ideas are unwelcome anywhere else.

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Where else is there?


we know. are your handlers happy with the money they have spent?

I'm a racist edgelord. Fuck niggers. Fuck kikes. I don't really come here for politics, just to shitpost. Always find it funny when someone posts 'slidethread'.

I really hate niggers.

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Intelligence analysis

just to suffer

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To tell the truth.

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I’m here to save the white race. I’m here to burn all kikes and Jews. I’m here to do the job Hitler would of wanted me to do. I’m here to watch the system burn. I’m here to watch the kike, nigger like, troglodyte, low IQ TRUMPTARDS, all go and fall into a pit, I’m here to make the white race truly great again and instill National Socialism everywhere.

I watched the dark knight and really connected with the joker character, he's literally me

I’m checking for breaking news.

Discovered Jow Forums after being banned from Twitter.
Realized this was my family.
Fuck you Twitter. You set me free.
I really wish I was doing something more with my life. Did I leave one prison just to walk into another? No offense but I want the fuck out.
I comfort myself by thinking most people just watch tv and movies anyways.

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to call you a faggot

literally this.

Jow Forums is the heart and eye that sees ALL. There is nothing out of our reach over our span. Thousands of anons constantly ready and thousands of anons always watching for new happenings. Jow Forums is even faster than the government sometimes. This board is terrifyingly beautiful. What is there not to love?

I came here from cuckbook, being an OG shitposter there, and after seeing enough screencaps from here. Then nuked that shit after being here.

I've been stuck here for almost 5 years, you fucks won't let me leave.

I've always been here. I just come for news or comfy habbenings.

To spread the word of how millions die and contract Lyme Disease each year all covered up by the government that made it an epidemic. To tell others how the CDC uses tests that are proven to be accurate 20% of the time to diagnose the disease. To tell everyone that the CDC guidelines is that two weeks of antibiotics will cure you and if you manage to find a doctor that will prescribe you some for a longer time your health insurance will not pay for the visits or prescriptions.

My mother is a feminist who swallowed the career woman meme and waited until 35 to have children only to miscarry 3 times after me and then my father came out of the closet as a massive faggot which caused her to have a complete mental breakdown which she's never recovered from.

I have sworn to dedicate my entire life to fighting cultural Marxism and removing this degenerate cancer that has infected our society and threatens our great nation.

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No, not really, they are waiting for Jow Forums to collectively design a vacuum decay bomb or a home engineered racial virus. Then they are going to conscript the planet to fight as a conscript army across the galaxy. We're just a bit shit at exterminatus globally and they are hoping Jow Forums will be the ace in the hole to get us the galactic recognition my handlers feel we deserve and need to be accepted. It's not looking good though, so winding up people with various tests and challenges to tease out the genocidal nature of the most gifted race on the planet is the order of the day. We're glad you're onoard for the early stages :)

I'm under the watch of feds here (probably), I try to snitch everything I see (so you retards can't complain about me later) and I'm dumb enough to think that little chance of leaving this Shlomo's Inferno is real, but deep down I know I'm stuck here forever. My only chance of getting out of here is a bunch of demented anthropoids stopping giving money and protection to their own enemies, so it is nearly impossible.

>so winding up people with various tests and challenges to tease out the genocidal nature of the most gifted race on the planet is the order of the day
So you are a hippie kike falling for B.S. from a bigger kike, and you are so retarded you never figured out people explode in rage and purge their human trash when their bullshit threshold exceeds a certain level?
Also you are so self-righteous another kike convinced you to pick a random person and beat the crap out of him until you finally can prove he is "a violent anti-semite goy".

To laugh at you

>so winding up people with various tests and challenges to tease out the genocidal nature of the most gifted race on the planet is the order of the day
So you are a hippie kike falling for kikery from a bigger kike. And no, anybody who can survive this kosher theater won't fall for your bullshit.


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And I'm all out of ass.


Do you feel in charge?

Lots of juicy news breaks here. Also autists of Jow Forums follow shit I don't have time to and filter news here...

Bruh you just have to find a purpose in life. Find a skill that you want to master and keep at that. Else you default to spending your whole day on here, it's not good for you.

just simply seeking out hotheads and getting them out of here. you're a big guy.

District myself. I want to get off the Internet sooner rather than later.

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Distract* autocorrect!

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T-The commissioner, s-sir.

To spartan kick detainees from cliffs

"According to reporter Nick McKenzie, witnesses claim Ali Jan’s hands were bound before he was taken from the compound to the cliff.

The witness alleges that the man was then placed on his knees near the edge — before an Australian soldier “took a short run-up” and kicked him “like a scene from the movie 300”."


how can they just redefine words?

Because when I first found Jow Forums it was a hotbed of libertarian Ron Paul support. Then things like the Zimmerman trial and the 2016 election brought all kinds of cancer on the left and the right, and the average IQ of Jow Forums has plummeted.

For you

I really hate being alive and laughing at the misery of others on here with you bros makes me feel better

to counter you gay ops NSA

Surrogate activity

Take the sig pill, self improvement general. Hit the gym, take up martial arts, get a hobby like buying a gun, go for a certification in something just because it's what you want to do, get a job if you don't have one, read a damn book. Dude, I did this years ago and severly limited the TV I watch, just on the weekends, fucking set me the fuck free man and I'm loving life, it's not perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better, also I get a lot more women now, so that's nice.

Came here for Tarrant, stayed because it's a fucking hoot here.

I don't want to be. The news without leftist propaganda and lies throughout it has got me hooked like fentanyl. If I could find one news website minus poz that moved this fast and had as many intelligent commentators I would be there so fast you wouldn't see it. But none exists, so I, a pro-first and second amendment centrist who reads and can think and hates propaganda, am trapped here, I guess forever.
As probably designed.

>This board is terrifyingly beautiful. What is there not to love?

The body I lost...

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Vindication by men with their heads screwed on straight.

How based can one man be?

How do I achieve this natty?

To shitpost

>was oldfag, now newfag
>state of the world
>vices catch up

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Make me leave cunt

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For the nightly Tenshi thread.

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I have a feeling i've heard this story before

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to fight against racism and ableism

To kill the Batman.

for them Happeningz which are very sparse these days

if i pull that off, will you die?

Ize be her to tail fez crackaz to keep on working to pay my welfar

For the boys dressed as girls.

This was the only place I could talk about the Trayvon Martin shooting safely and I stayed ever since


I used to be addicted to the real redpills prior to all you new fags coming in 2016

now I stay because I can never leave



Because I'm banned from Jow Forums until Wednesday. Used to browse Jow Forums regularly between 2014 and 2016 but due to the reddit invasion I had to stop.

One of you might know why we are still humans.

I'm gathering photos of bacne and weak tricep growth despite exogenous steroid use.

Red pillz and lulz
Sometimes news, but meh

To learn the truth about the Jews.

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Interesting topics, and it's a good place for me to interact with people online given my low social skills.

Just lurking, mostly. Watching for happenings, getting involved in the /sig/ stuff but I saw that on Jow Forums ages before here. Occasionally take the piss out of shills, but more often than not I just tell people not to be retarded when it seems to be necessary. Mostly lurking

For the faggotry

Red pilled. Besides where else can you unironically talk openly about the truth about kikes and niggers without getting your life ruined for it?

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Because its, ironically still one of the last places on the surface web where you have some semblance of free speech, despite all the kikery.

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Imagine if /sig/ never came back.

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The reddit invasion is universal, you left for a placebo effect.

Why would I be here? Simple, wouldn't you wish to be on the only place to vent your fustration about the world?

>Why Are You Here?
this is where free speech is

You can still find people floating around the various decent boards who will speak up to guide the self-aware retards who ask for help. /sig/ was never gonna die forever, no matter who made up the janitor team.

Trying to find an intelligent counter to communist swill-talk that communism is the only remedy to society's ills.
Haven't found it tonight, but I know it's out there somewhere. I saw it here a while ago, but I forgot the main points.

Tenshi eating a corndog.

Communism is a result of the liberal system we've been subjected to for the past 600 years. Liberal Democracy, Communism, Fascism, and now the emerging 4th political theory of Duginism are all "different" ideologies with the same root issue. The only way to solve societies ills is to uproot liberalism.

>Why Are You Here?
Just to suffer. It's obvious we are all in hell or purgatory. Repent or resuffer this life again when you die.

To become chaos

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