Let's talk about the Federal Reserve

>coomer thread gets deleted
>BBC/porndump threads stay up forever
We're onto you faggots.

Anyway, let's talk about the Federal Reserve. What's the best way to go about stopping it? A centralized bank isn't INHERENTLY dangerous, so long as it's nationalized - but the current version is clearly only there to remove any possibility for anything other than a small international cabal to control it.

Attached: End the Fed.png (259x194, 5K)

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Nationalize the bank. Return the power of printing money to the treasury and have the money be backed by precious metals. When the treasury prints the money we won't have debt to pay.

What did Thomas Jefferson have to say on this topic?

bump for actual discussion

>backed by precious metals
I disagree with this, actually. The problem then becomes a bunch of rich cunts who horde all the gold, and control the economy that way. A fiat currency WOULD be fine, if it were made based on something actually valuable like labor - but right now it's based off of an endless cycle of debt. Fuck quantative easing, fuck fractional reserve banking, fuck sub-prime lending, and every other practice of the federal reserve.

Relatedly, were there any Epstein ties to the fed? Given how many pies that faggot's fingers were in, I wouldn't be surprised, but it'd be nice to know.

Attached: 1566494850030.jpg (540x1110, 90K)

I voted for Trump because I was hoping he was going to be a literal Hitler and disband the federal reserve and issue Trumpbucks. Had I known his presidency was going to be like it is I would have written in Mickey Mouse.

Hold up I thought the main material thing propping up the dollar was the price of oil.

Attached: Boomer_Zoomer_Doomer_Battle_Rifles.png (800x800, 301K)

It's a shitty, terrible meme and every discord tranny faggot pushing it should be ashamed of how low quality it is.

It's still more politically relevant than half the fucking board right now.

Do you some edumacatin'

No, it's the entire country's GDP

In theory? Nationalizing it and returning the power of coining money to congress. In practice? No way. Any who attempt it get JFK'd.