Does anyone else notice that Trump supporters on here are much ANGRIER than in 2016? In 2016...

Does anyone else notice that Trump supporters on here are much ANGRIER than in 2016? In 2016, the pro-Trump movement was fun and full of memes. Now, it's flooded with outraged Boomers screaming buzzwords about trannies and dilation. What went wrong? Where is the fun spirit of '16? Why did it vanish?

Attached: 1553039995275[1].jpg (1152x720, 136K)

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I have no idea.

>Why did it vanish?
Trump refusing to talk about white people

because trump betrayed us and its easier to be mad at the people pointing that out than be mad at Trump

Nah, I find that both sides are angrier, but specially democrats because all they do against President Trump fails.


This memes were pushed by cia mossad child rapists.

The left went bananas because alot of their "progress" was getting shit on or dialed back. So, the right has reached the event horizon and understands that their (left) agenda isnt about equality and cohabitation. It is about supression and dominance. So, things are much darker and more serious this go around.

Because instead of letting the memes grow into something new, STUPID FROGPOSTERS won't stop living in the past and keep spamming Pepe.

Attached: byestupidfrogposter.jpg (249x249, 82K)

>boomers get involved in something
>it gets ruined