High School

How to survive school as a Jow Forumsack ? I'm surrounded by normies and non-whites.

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I was homeschooled.
So I avoided all that foolishness.

Kick your kurwa parents ass and MOVE!

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this website is 18+

fuck off

How's home schooling ? I urge my parents to Home school me.

>How to survive school as a Jow Forumsack ? I'm surrounded by normies and non-whites.
Suck it up, buttercup. It's good practice at hiding your power level.


I found a picture of you and your high school friend group OP (you're on the far right)

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What power level non sense are you talking about ?

>How's home schooling ?
It really depends on your parents.
I did this curriculum called Calvert, which at the time was supposed to be very difficult.
So basically I'm fairly intelligent, but I have no idea what the point of homeroom is.

you just need to say it how you see it if people are being kikes or niggers you need to point that out it doesn't matter if faggots cry

expose your fellow class mates to the JQ before it's too late user

Start lifting if you don't already. Buy a flat weight bench, two adjustable 100 lb dumbbells, and a 45lb kettle plate - Body Solid looks the best because there's 4 handles on it. Look up the exercises you can do with a sole olympic plate. You want olympic plates - they're 2" holes or something. You can rope it around your back while you do pushups, I just lay my regular one across my back though when I do them. When you get working, you can buy a weight cage, mine cost a bit. But research High Intensity Training - HIT, it'll save you a lot of time, reduces risk of injury and you'll get the best results the fastest. It doesn't feel the greatest though. It requires mental discipline the most, keep repeating "mighty" and "strong" in your head while your lift, and think about how good you'll feel and look afterwards. With a flat weight bench and those dumbbells, you can do quite a bit in your room if you don't have a garage. My mother bought me a bench press when I was just getting into high school. Wasn't much, but it made my life a lot easier, best thing she ever bought me. I plan on buying these for all of my male cousins and family members when they're 13 or so.

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You'll find your group. If you don't then you're a faggot.

>keep repeating "mighty" and "strong" in your head while your lift
great, another autistic person with tardstrength and tardrage on the loose...

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i threw up in my mouth

>high schooler
get off Jow Forums
if you have spare time cultivate a useful hobby like lifting, reading or extracurricular learning like programming or languages
make friends
time spent here or playing shitty video games or watching TV is wasted and you don't even know what a selfish crime that is yet

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You threaten your teachers who are all probably pedophile s for wanting that job with blackmail if they don't mark you down for attendance and give you straight A's


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Don't go. Dorp out and go to community college for a few credits then transfer to a real University. Most schools don't require a HS diploma.

If the thought of going to extended high School (community college) scares you then do ACT/SAT prep courses on your own. Ace the test and apply to the places you what to go.

Don't suffer the indignity of high school if you don't have to.

redpills normies.

Made me laugh, but if you don't lift - I highly recommend it. It'll help make your mind sharper too, which will help with studying.


So why don't you start red pilling people?

Every time you have a history assignment or something of the sort is a chance to go to alt hype's website and come up with a refutation of their horse shit, and much of the time, its an opportunity to have a captive audience while you present and wow people with your knowledge.
Some personal goals should be the following:
-Lift and get fit
-get a decent haircut and try to look good
-Google orthrotropics and start mewing
-Heavily refrain from talking shit about anybody for any reason, even if you don't get negative feedback people will think "what will he say about me"
-Try to talk to and be kind to everybody you can without acting like a fucking bitch in the process.
-Learn to dance, it'll help with women for evolutionary reasons: youtube.com/watch?v=bY94eFCNv4g
-Go to school events and join clubs n stuff

basically try to become top dog then once people like you start redpilling them both in person and abusing every opportunity you can to redpill the class. Rather than seducing specific girls, try to seduce the entire school.

Fuck off you underage faggot.

We're Saiyan's from planet Vegeta newfag

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* Hide your power level.
* Find an older buddy to help you learn how to lift.
* Do normal high school things like chase girls and hang with friends. You'll never be in position to be hanging around a large group of attractive young people again in your life.
* Take academics seriously, but consider your options for trades.
* Be friendly with the niggers and spics. Hell, try and infiltrate their circles and learn how they tick. Make a game of it. You're in no position to do anything else right now.
* Focus on improving yourself. If I discovered Jow Forums when I was under 30. I'd be a god right now. Yes, a literal god man.

holy jej

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My advice is as follows
Pay attention in class when you aren't familiar with the material (90% of highschool is review of itself though). If you're good with that do homework or study during other classes. Once you're done with that read or banter with friends. Ignore petty fucking gossip (guys are just as bad as girls with it) and arguments with the teachers (Even if the textbook proves them wrong they will still try to act infallible)
I followed this and came out of high school with good understanding of what was taught, a few good friends, good grades, an appreciation for literature, and Basic programming knowledge

>inb4 ban
Your mind is still developing OP, it's malleable and easily influenced. This board is made for discussion and debating ideas. You're too young to benefit from it and will only be brainwashed by the most radical viewpoints. Lurk more before posting

>thinks the most radical viewpoints are incorrect
they're only radical because a certain (((someone))) made them radical user

>tfw fourteen when I came here for the election and barely eighteen now
How time passes.

Dissociation, also known as "nigger-proof and make yourself normie resistant, for free!"

>Anything named after MLK

Wew lad.

In the words of Chris rock: “Now what’s Martin Luther King? A street. And I don’t give a fuck where you are in America, if you on Martin Luther King Boulevard, there’s some violence going down.”


>keeps you busy
>keeps you in shape
>don't have to socialize too much just be present and active
>easy way to get some pussy just by being on the team

excel at sports

You have no idea, Newfag. You're here forever.

Used to be all you needed to survive school was bullet-proof jacket or a good hiding spot

the fact that you already identify as a Jow Forumsack is the larger problem. Judging and disdaining your peers for not being redpilled isn't going to make your high school experience any better.

Either join a sports team or start lifting. Sports team is much better since it will allow you to develop a core group of friends on said team. Since you post here you are probably some fat fuck with no coordination so do yourself a favor and get fit. For the love of god don't do SS+GOMAD.

Make sure you don't fuck around too much and get decent grades. It's not that difficult providing you actually try.

I'm sure you already feel like an outcast but browsing Jow Forums everyday isn't going to make things any better.

Maybe join a club that actually seems interesting so you can meet some people that share similar interests.


I went to college instead of high school.

The Right Club. If your school doesn’t have a Republican club then it’s truly fucking lost. My right club was just one of our based as fuck history/law teachers who was actually an Arab, not what you fuckers think is Arab, in his room complaining about (((them))) without actually saying jews. Honestly it’s without a doubt the most eye opening thing to see blacks, whites, a few hispanics and one Arab in one room talking about how the Jew really did fuck us all.

Do what I did. Pay attention in class and pass tests. Stay silent and answer people back with as a little words as possible. You'll unlearn 95% of what you learn because it's irrelevant to your life unless you have a plan and intend on taking courses related to your plan.

If someone says something untrue or something that triggers you, don't throw yourself into their cross hairs. I learned very quickly that these pussies summon friends to gang up on one if one speaks up. There is no dishonor in avoiding fights you know you'll lose and remember, all the hype and puffing up kids do in school is forgotten a decade later when 95% of them are stuck in life and burdened with their personal stresses.

Avoid fights at all costs unless you don't have a choice. And if you don't have a choice, don't wait for them to initiate.

He could start off with exposing them to the ideologies the Jew is against without naming the Jew and convincing them of the pros of said ideologies. This way if some are convinced and later on down the road if they're like, "how come my country doesn't do this?" They'll do their own research and begin to notice things.

Get your GED when you turn 16 and leave. It's pointless. I mean, unless you have really good friendships and love being told how bad the holocaust was, you have a choice

Also, while you're young, get fit and eat healthy. Surprisingly, in first fights, that will give you an edge over most these people should you find yourself in a fight. Don't over train yourself and find the best food/training/rest regiment now and your future self will look back with pride.

Redpill your entire friend group. You can't redpill the whole school but you can at least bring your friends to the truth.

Say you're Hispanic but your mother never taught you Spanish



I wish I was redpilled in high school, young user. You can navigate with great advantage the others won’t have. It’s lonely but hang with your normie friends for fun and companionship. Don’t try to redpill them. They will seek it if they want it. Keep redpilling yourself though.




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Right here OP. This could not be more spot on.

Get your GED. Seriously, if you can even read a little bit, get your GED and start a trade school.
Work for these years instead of wasting your time with this state sponsored brain washing and wearhousing.
Get a real life skill, save your money, and then pay for your own college when you hit 20.
Don't even stay in public school, just get your GED and get on with life.

I know spreading ur arsehole for ur parents to put ur dick in can be quite difficult

The mind is programmable and what he is claiming is true. Just don't tell others about it otherwise their words will be heard by the subconscious mind and then their words will fight the ones you give to yourself.

get the fuck off Jow Forums retard, honestly go and enjoy being a fucking kid you got the rest of your damn life to be jaded and constantly worrying about who's jewing who.

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13 is too young, you'll fuck up their bodies if they start doing large weights too young.
You can get them 5 and 10 pounds, that's enough to build some tone muscle until they get larger frames.

drop out or get expelled.

You can literally learn more by not being in a public school.

keep your head down, be successful, tell people what they want to hear, improve yourself physically and mentally, get a good job and wife. there are many, many crypto-fascists and we're all just waiting for The Man to arrive on the scene.

This is true as well. Body weight exercises are preferable at that age.

You Must be 18 Years old to Be On This Website Goy!

Go on Left-Wing Sites instead Goy!

12-17 Year Old Goyim should not Be Allowed on This Site

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I used to live across the street from that high school.

stop coming here. I know, I know. But honest to god it's the only shot you have at normality,

No Under 18 Goyim Allowed!

make friends with people who dont have many friends and otherwise stick with yourself

Get diagnosed for PTSD and ADHD. You'll get so many pills you won't care where you are anymore.

you can thrive anywhere and in any situation its in your blood.

I recommend doing extra curricular activities. I did judo and jujitsu. It gets boring being stuck at home a lot. Practice your ninjitsu nigger.
I don’t regret it. Maybe take a few duel credit classes at your local college tho