Who else is voting PPC?
Who else is voting PPC?
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anyone with a brain
Everybody on pol so about 3% of the country. Really looking forward to the debates though, they should be a beautiful train wreck.
Let's be real here, I'd love to see the PPC in power. But won't my vote for them just be a vote for Trudeau? Be real here.
>pol spends the last few years shitting on trudeau
>blackface pics arrive
>omg he is literally our guy
can't believe anyone takes this place seriously
>thinking Scheer is any different from Trudeau.
You and me both
I'm voting for based Justin "Blackface Nigga" Trudeau to guarantee the balkanization of the nation and see the quick secession of Alberta from Canada desu
Voting for PPC will split the conservative vote. and because it's neck and neck between the conservatives and liberals this will just hand the election to the liberals
come on now lad, we all know sheer is an improvement from trudeau. not by much but still an improvement
fake news. he actually said " I am hoping niggers still see me as an ally."
Also anybody up for a good time just get a sharpie and black out the face of some liberal candidates, somebody did it up in Kelowna and every media outlet lost their minds and ran a story. It's a twofer we get to keep the blackface scandal in the news and the media loses their collective shit.cbc.ca
fuck of CPCnigger
Fuck Andrew. He's a corporate stooge globo homo just like Cameron
Trudeau should just show up in blackface to the next debate.
PPCs are pretty cool, but Gauss rifles are where it's at.
Scheer (learn to spell) is such a corporate bootlicker the country will just flip back to Labour first chance they get.
Bernier is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY holy shit would I be jealous of Canada if you elected him!
this. there is no one size fits all solution here boys. you need to look into the polling for your specific riding, and previous election data. If your riding is full blown lib/dip/gre alliance, then you might as well vote for PPC, if the PPC have a good chance of winning, you should definitely turn out and vote PPC. However, if your riding is neck-in-neck PC - LIB, then you should consider voting for PC.
Use your ballot strategically.
They fucked over mad mad in nominations. Pc needs to reform or have its vote split, pc are liberals going the speed limit.
I'd endorse him if he did, but he won't
Democracy is Jewish capeshit. Fuck voting.
>Sneer is pro Canada Post
>Maxime Bernier will privatize Canada Post
the choice is obvious boys
Well put.
Seriously, how could you say no to that strong chin? Looks like Dudley Do-Right
>yfw your political opposition grills you 19 years ago
You're fucked either way with Schreer or Trudeau.
Trudeau is done, anyway. Has more bones in his closet than Norman Bates
Fuck you Jow Forums post my image of the most handsome man's man in Canada
Being this much of a cuck.
>I'm tired of things being the same! I want change!
>Nah, he won't win cause people like me "cucks" won't vote out of fear, so I'll vote for the same coin different side, Scheer it is.
You cucks are unbearable.
Have you seen the price of CanPost?
If your family is conservative just try to have a 5 or 10 minute conversation about Bernier and why so many people are scared of him, both libs and cons. Just dont be annoying about it or you'll turn them off. Try to bring it up closer to the election.
So the question is then, who will Trump be able to manipulate the least? Trudeau or Scheer?
>getting boomers to vote for a new party
[mission impossible theme]
I'm pulling for you, user. Keep your stick on the ice
....I'm going to vote PPC. or maybe even nationalist since they'll be in my riding. and what do you mean learn to spell? its a fucking name, not a word. if you weren't a fucking retard maybe you would take that as a hint of how much I care about voting for the cpc
Will he warmly embrace transsexuals on the streets of Toronto?
Canada can stand up on its own feet if they elect someone who is actually pro-Canada and not Pro-GE (Schreer) or pro-China (Le Poof)
He probably fucks them with your dick when you're not looking
>Local retard fails to identify shitposting
There's nobody else. You either vote for the Hindu commie, the blackface commie, or the commie pretending to not be a commie. You may as well throw the vote on PPC and hope for the best. Even if PPC doesn't win, the cons might notice that they're sucking up their base which might make them step back from cuckery to try and reclaim it. Tactical voting is AIDS.
Nah, he just dresses up as a woman on the weekends. I mean Scheer just reeks of being a crossdresser.
have you seen our fucking country? corrupt down to the last. the media and the government runs everything quietly, and the people hear nothing about it ever. we are full of SJW leftists who are winning the war up here.
I'm not against tactical voting. For example I'd vote Tulsi in just to move the discussion in the right direction (already fucked over Harris that way), but if I was Canadian I can actually vote for someone who isn't an insufferable anti-Canadian corrupt faggot. It's the easiest decision I'd ever make.
Yeah, why do you thin Bernier left the cons? They can't be reformed!
The problem with tactical voting is the established parties use it to scare people away from voting for new parties, anybody that suggest tactical voting is for the status quo.
With all these blackface videos coming out, I'm starting to believe Trudeau is actually black and just does whiteface instead.
By tactical voting I don't mean not voting for someone who 'can't win' since I can't win voting against my interests anyway. In this country it's best, for example, to join the opposition party since you can have influence in the primary. Tactical doesn't mean short-term stop-loss thinking. Got to play the LONG GAME to win instead of lose by a thousand cuts
More likely Chinese-Cuban
>They can't be reformed!
No no no. It's
>They can't be refoooooooooormed!
Looks like Amin Yashed
Canada needs to utilize the grabbler mask asap.
>bear sheik
voting NDP, wealth tax for millionaires and higher taxes for corporations, more gibs for canadians.
Ask a femoid voting for PPC despite her entire surrounding area being liberal cucks anything
Vote with your conscience you dink.
Conservatives will probably win a minority government, with the Liberals being the official opposition, but the PPC can make a big showing and become the third party. It would send a message to all Canadians and the world.
how ill they win a minority if most of the other parties (save bloq) would rather work with trudeau?
when is the next one?
A fucking LEAF.
Jk but really gas the kikes.
With love, U.S.A
I was going to do this to my local liberal candidate's sign but he is already brown.
I shook hands with Mad Max. He gets my vote.
I bet it was one hell of a handshake