What am I?

Alright Jow Forums, I'm struggling here. I'm currently 18 years old. I have been a social democrat and an anarcho-capitalist but now I am in this weird fucking limbo where I don't know what is my political ideology anymore.

>Democracy has failed. It doesn't work. Only autocracies or similar based forms of government can ensure the prosperous development of a nation.
>I'm an ethnonationalist. I live in Brazil. This shithole is cursed to never progress because it lacks population homogeneity (for those wondering, my ancestry is mostly european based, with germans, italians and portuguese, but I have some native american blood as well within myself).
>I fucking hate marxism. Marx is a cunt. Communism is a toxic ideology, enforcing conflict within society and plunging nations into economic doom.

And those are all stuff I have in common with national socialism and fascism: dictatorships, nationalism and anti marxist. As of now, I completely sympathize with them, if it weren't for some things...

>I am all for free markets. Capitalism is the most efficient system of production and it has full capability to regulate itself. State intervention is damaging to the economy and development of technology.
>I do not support imperialism in any way. Fascism says to conciliate the rich and the poor, not create conflict among them, as marxist ideology does. Then why conquer other nations? Why create conflict? The Roman Empire is a clear example that empires do not sustain themselves (in Rome's case, a multi-ethnic empire, which is even worse).
>I have my doubts on historical revisionism and conspiracy theories. I mean, I know what the jews are involved with. Yeah, they are globalists and are involved with the press, movies and all that stuff, but do you really think they have an agenda? Is the Holocaust truly false? I'm very skeptical about it, even though it makes some sense.

Thoughts? Questions? Answers? Please discuss. I want to hear your opinions.

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I too am a Fellow White.

I just can't take it anymore, fellow whites.

It may seem like this post is not intended to demoralize, separate, disenchant, victim-tire, motivation-exhaust, shame-and-blame, and weaken white people, but really it isn't.


What, you calling me a shill?

Look, cut yourself a break, and stop thinking so much about political philosophy.

Former anarchist here. i was like you at your age.

There is nothing wrong with anarchism as a philosophy, it's actually something i personally agree with on an intellectual plane. But it won't work as a social design. In fact most politcal designs to make society better won't work. Why? because most humans on this planet mentally incapable of higher level consciousness where such designs could work. They are mentally traumatized either from birth or socialization, likely both. They will pass their trauma to their kids, and the mental damage will continue for generations.

It took me a long time to figure it out. Started when i began questioning why governments even exist, and i learned that governments began forming after a mass extinction level event (younger dryas period). Mass worldwide trauma. Humans are different now, they are all fucked up. No amount of political or social design is going to fix it. Time might, but i doubt we have much time left.

You're still just a child. Thoughts discoordinated like a child.

Learn and all will become clear.


Getting your Politics from Jow Forums is a risky proposition, child. You might as well be spending your time hanging out with criminals who are planning their next job.

Your brain is an instrument of near infinite value, this place is a Den of Satan. Don't form yourself around it. Unless a life of crime is your thing.

yeah... I used to like democracy too and liberalism, libertarianism to a certain extent. But people are people, this is a fallen world and you will never get the best from everyone. Only a few are fit to lead the rest and that's basically it.

I already contemplated suicide this week. Thank you for reinforcing the idea that we have no fucking hope of leading better lifes.

It's not like I'm getting my politics from Jow Forums. I read a lot of philosofy to come into those conclusions. Yet, this is the only place where I can openly ask this sort of shit.

Don't do that, live your life. The reason you are here is to have an experience, that's pretty much it. Make it a positive one as possible. You do that by not absorbing every fucked up thing in the world, which constantly thinking about political social philosophy will do just that. Stop thinking about it and start thinking about things that make you happy. Like i said, give yourself a break

Also, you tell me to learn. Learn what? Guide me.

Sounds like you're beginning to realize the left is full of shit. I was there ten years ago, user. Now I'm a White Nationalist and the world makes a lot more fucking sense.

Understand that the world isn't what it seems to be.

The thorn you feel in your head is a good one, keep picking at it and it'll be the foundation of your brain that carries you from age 25 to 35, and again 35 to 45.


Your brain is working. Everything people here tell you is wrong until you can convince yourself it's right using filters that only you define for truth.

World war 3 may go down on your watch and you'll have to position yourself to profit by it and not be destroyed by it.

How can I be happy and have an experience if the future is doomed? Why live in the first place? I have some objectives in life, but the most important ones lay in the future: I want to have children. Populate, reproduce, as all that is alive should. And I want to make a difference. I want my name, my work or my actions to not be forgotten.

Why live if there will be no future for my descendants and no people to remember my name?

You're 18, faggot. Go get some pussy and shut the fuck up.

Might sound silly to you, but there is alawys hope. Just look at the recent trend in the growing right.

Because you are here now and can still make a positive difference in your own way, and can still even accomplish some things you want to, but you can't do that by being a sponge to world problems. So what if things end tomorrow, dinosaur extinction meteor can hit the world tomorrow even we had none of these current problems. Uncertainty of future is not a reason to end your life, that uncertainty is actually part of the experience you are supposed to have.

Cool, now I just sound like a pathetic doomer.

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That... Is a good point. Thank you.

Start with a family that you build up. Once you have done that, you an move on to politics. All politics originates from the family or lack of one.

And thank you for your words as well. Makes me think. The anxiety of not being certain just makes me wish I didn't think so much.

Start by working on earning enough money to get out of Brazil

I'm either doing that or moving to a "german colony" in Santa Catarina. To the south of the country they have those ethnic cells they call colonies, where they are pretty much self sustainable.

Freedom within boarders not across them, and maybe rearrange the current boarders a little. This is what I'm currently thinking for my ideals. True freedom means living with a group of people similar enough to you that you don't feel like you are being oppressed. One world government would be the ultimate slavery since almost everyone would be forced to live contrary to their ideals. Like a giant iron flattening everything out to make everything one size fits all. There need to be more nations, and nationalism, not less, so everyone can find someplace they belong.


>I'm currently 18 years old.
Just grow up and take the redpill while you do.

Did you even read the fucking thing?

Yea I read it all user. I was essentially an anarchist at 18 and as I grew up I saw the value in an ethno-centric, constitutional nationalist form of political ideology, the kind of ideology and system the Founders of the USA had and implemented (before it was subverted and corrupted).
Your views will change and be refined as you grow up.

Hear! Hear!

You're Brazilian user. Accept that people are dumb and not capable of taking care of themselves and will always want the government to be their daddy. Hop on a Concurso público that will get you safe and learn to laugh and make things that get you happy.

Our country has always had periods of fat cows and slims cows. The best thing we can do here is get safe.

Go get comfy.

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perdi tudo com a foto

You just want a system that works, in order to maintain the real diversity of human nature (ethnicity), to reduce the suffering and to advance technology. right?
Of course there isn't a perfect solution, you shouldn't go that hard for these answers.
Being patient try to think practically in which societies you consider more close for what you consider the "ideal", know how they works, what really are the differences with us, for instance.

Hey, still digesting red pill. A lot older than your stated age, wish I could have been there when I was 18 dude. Have fun with this life. Black pills come with a silver lin

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That's pretty much it I guess. It just bothers me that the answer is "be patient". I want to do something about it, I just don't know what.

Be here now

Yes user it will always be cliche. But you are always here, and its always now.just be

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just don't be a "conservative"

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Chaotic neutral is the master alignment.

I'd say you are sort of like Pinochet

Argument? Sincere.

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I really like Pinochet, but he wasn't a ethnonationalist.

How to ethnonationalis?

I'll give my father as an example. He's a "conservative", yet is a slave to the modern world. A slave to money. A slave to politicians. He hates homossexuals yet does not know why he hates them, he's just a bigot. He is "anti socialist" yet believes in workers rights, free healthcare and retirement money from the goverment. He is mindless, he is just afraid. He hates things he doesn't know and loves what he thinks he knows. He thinks of himself as being wise, but he only surrounded himself in illusion, unable to perceive the truth.

Are you me?

How to be ethnonationalist?

You must believe the nation is the people that live within it. Their language, their costumes, their very genes. Do not mix, do not allow immigrants. Pass down what you value to your children, try to change what you don't.

This gives every nation an ethnic identity and sense of community, You could say this is tribalism, but so what? This makes it less likely for ethnic conflict to emerge, as we see in mixed countries.

No, we are just the children of boomers.

>Brazil lacks population homogeneity
Everyone is brown tho

Unironically agree here

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I'm an anarchofascist.
I long for an anarchist utopia, but clearly fascism is all that really works.

You wanna get a pizza man, I'm starving?an I need a fren

Based brazillian

> I have been a social democrat and an anarcho-capitalist

I'm an ancap that likes socialism

You're fucking retarded.

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>and i learned that governments began forming after a mass extinction level event (younger dryas period).
where can I read more about this?

Buddy, 47% of Brazil is white. Of course, not pure european blood, but white. 43% is brown, 8% blacks and 2% others (mostly eastern asians, but some pure natives as well).

It do be like that.

>not pure european blood, but white
Keep telling yourself that

Holy shit I do want a pizza, fuck.

I like 48 Laws. I refer to it all the time.
But, when you think about it, it's really just a handbook of Jewish trickery.

I was a social democrat before knowing anything at all about politics. I was just "lol why are people bigots? lol just let's all be equal and share money"

Well, they are white. They have most european heritage, some of them all of it. Why the sarcasm?

I don't know why I remember this but
when I was little, like 4 or 5, I remember asking my parents things like "why don't they just give everything away at the store instead of charging money?" and "why don't they have all the commercials on a separate channel so we don't have to watch them?"
There are 40-year-olds who still think like this.

Well fuck this 4chin biz. Let's eat fren
Political discussion can rest for an evening

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It is indeed a childish way of thinking.
Proof that Marx is fucking reatarded.

This pic made me hungry af
I'm actually fat as fuck rn, 2 years ago I was exercising daily and was very fit (I miss my beautiful jawline)
Want to return to my past old self but depression and pizzas keep me from it.

Honestly dojt mean to derail thred. Jus hungry is all, I'll see myself out now

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You know the difference between the jew and the pizza?

>What am I?
A fake and gay huemonkey

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An hey Brazil user, keep exercising we can make it! No homo

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Wait ?

It's ok to burn a jew?

The pizza doesn't scream when entering the oven.

Thank you, it does help.

Jow Forums never change

S-sorry US-kun! I'll go back to my filthy jungle now... :^(

"War, war never changes. But men do, through the roads they walk."

Live prosperous Brazil fren, you are loved