My 13 year old cousin got expelled from school for antisemitic remarks. gee, i wonder where he got that from?

my 13 year old cousin got expelled from school for antisemitic remarks. gee, i wonder where he got that from?
say youre fucking sorry right now

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13 year olds aren't allowed on Jow Forums

He was probably watching Hollywood movies. KYS

> 13 year old cousin wants to use my computer
> my computer is in my room
> mom tells me to "keep the door open"
what did she mean by this?


we good boi dindo a fukkin thang

so you dont rape him

im seeing a whole lot of bullshit and no apologizing.
he also got in trouble for telling some black teacher to fuck off because he's a welfare recipient
what the FUCK

I can’t wait. This new generation, especially the zoomers are primed for national socialism. Get ready fellow pol members, the reich will rise again!


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Niggers, Jews, bad news.
If I had a gun don't expect me to choose.

the memes went too far lads

Checked for truth. Jow Forums is a board of peace, and we wuz kangz n sheeit.

Tell the school to grow up

>your school expels people for antisemitic remarks
Say you're fucking sorry right now, jude.

fuck frogposters

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Shut the fuck up, shitskin. Go pick some cotton, boy.

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>cutting off a child's education because he said mean words about jews

Only in ZOGmerica

holy fuck lol

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Sounds based and redpilled.
You just sound like a faggot.

Check stats by race.
Blacks are evil.
So are the Jews.

Your boy is a good boy and is concerned for the welfare of his people.
Which so happens to be under attack from blacks and Jews.

So bitch away you fucking normie, take the Jow Forums pill
1488. Hitler wasn't anti other races he was pro his race. He even supported every nation to have their own culture and wellbeing.


I'm sorry that a school would FUCKING EXPEL a kid for saying something the school doesn't like. If they want people to not hate jews, this is the worst possible thing they could do.

Too bad he didn't make anti-white remarks, they would've given him straight A's instead.

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>my 13 year old cuz is no longer welcome in his daily brainwashing sessions, is based and redpilled for life.
You're welcome

He probably learned from Pewdiepie and Jow Forums, we need to stop them!

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Tell him he's fucking based and give him a hug, shout him a beer to show him he's a man now

well, we're italian american, so apparently we aren't even white. one of my family members also did one of those dna tests and we have some black dna too
so..... according to pol we're not even white. i demand reparations for this slight.

you’re sorry, OP

You're white. You're just not American.

Sorry you have to live life as a nigger

Ah, wait, I thought you were just a wop and missed where you said you have monkey bloood. You're an eggplant.

Oh cry me a fucking river
That kids going to end up with every slut in the school on his dick in 3 years for being a "rebel"
we did him a fucking favor

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Gas yourself nigger kike. Trying to slide threads. SAGE. GAS KIKES N HANG NIGGERS. DOXX AND KILL MODS N JANNIES

so im a moolie? i want my fucking welfare bucks

An EU coward memeflaggot being a kike? IMAGINE MY SHOCK

This proves that I'm right, only thing worthwhile in America are the 2A amendment. The rest of the country and everything in it, is a fucking joke that takes the Jewish Sandniggers cock up it's ass while donating billions of dollars to them. And then exporting it's own shitty culture that further corrupts the world.

Literally everything that is wrong with the world can be traced to these three countries: UK, USA and Israel. If those 3 were nuked off the face of the earth the degeneracy would have no leader and everything would be right with the world. After that we can simply kill the ones who are far to gone into degeneracy.

USA is never going to get rid of their kike masters on their own and are never going to stop giving them billions. Look at how quickly trump caved in and started sucking jewcock. Muh based timetravelling hero.

UK is the genesis of the Kikes rise to power and are very primed to be punished for that. They also let kikes steer them into war with Hitler when it was completely unnecessary. Still no brexit LOL.

Israel is a den of vipers and needs to be nuked. Primary source of evil in the world.
Illegal occupation.

How does it feel to be less of a man then your 13 year old cousin?

based zoomers are all going to be nazis. I'm glad I'll be dead for the 'rebellion' that follows that, heh.

this mother fucker 1v1 me in cod and beat my ass too
i am ashamed of myself

Out of curiosity, how much nigger blood did the 23andme test say you have?

did he teach niggerology?

1.488% north african